On November 1st 1728, in a meadow on the banks of the Bamari canal, a short distance south-west of the Potala, seventeen Tibetans were put to death by executioners of the Manchu expeditionary force.
Elliot Sperling on “Serf Emancipation Day”
I think I could not do better than round off the discussion on “Serf Emancipation Day” with the insightful yet refreshingly matter-of-fact observations of Elliot Sperling on the subject. Professor Sperling studied under the late Taktser Rimpoche and is now the director of the Tibetan Studies program at Indiana University’s department of Central Eurasian Studies …
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. Tsering Shakya’s discerning analysis of China’s new Tibet offensive delves into his own childhood memories of such propaganda rituals in sixties Lhasa. Hence we have an authoritative yet entertaining and personal narrative of China’s colonial vision and policies “that denies Tibetan voice and agency.” Tsering Shakya is research chair in religion and contemporary society …
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. This Orwellian commemoration appears to be the opening gun in Communist China’s new multi-pronged attack on the resurgence of Tibetan nationalism. To kick of a discussion on this critical development in China’s Tibet strategy I am posting this insightful statement by Dr. Warren Smith (author of Tibetan Nation and China’s Tibet? ) a leading …