A Cup of Tea And a Slice of Art, Please

Sweet Tea House artists in 1985. Gonkar Gyatso is fourth from left. Emerging from the aftershocks, debris and trauma of the Cultural Revolution a loose-knit group of young Lhasa artists in the early and mid-eighties decided to come together to better utilize their individual creativity and to promote their own works. They joking called themselves …

The Political Vision of Andrugtsang Gompo Tashi

Download, print and mount poster and offer a prayer or chomay lamp in rememberance. The condescending Lhasa-centric view of Khampas is that they are brave, warlike, forthright and plain speaking, but (ahem!) not too bright when it comes to politics. Hence Gonpo Tashi Andrugtsang’s creation of the Four Rivers Six Ranges, the paramount resistance force …

Tibetan Scientist in Team Discovering Final Genetic Proof of Tibetan High Altitude Exceptionalism

Aug 17 2014. A study led by University of Utah researchers has identified for the first time the genetic reason Tibetans can survive on the Tibetan Plateau, which has an average elevation of 14,800 feet. The results of the study, led by Josef Prchal, internist Donald McLain and hematologist and researcher Tsewang Tashi, were published …