. Tsering Shakya’s discerning analysis of China’s new Tibet offensive delves into his own childhood memories of such propaganda rituals in sixties Lhasa. Hence we have an authoritative yet entertaining and personal narrative of China’s colonial vision and policies “that denies Tibetan voice and agency.” Tsering Shakya is research chair in religion and contemporary society …


. This Orwellian commemoration appears to be the opening gun in Communist China’s new multi-pronged attack on the resurgence of Tibetan nationalism. To kick of a discussion on this critical development in China’s Tibet strategy I am posting this insightful statement by Dr. Warren Smith (author of Tibetan Nation and China’s Tibet? ) a leading …

Samdong Rinpoche Says Tibet Issue Internal Affair of PRC

Dharamsala, March 13 (ANI): Prime Minister of the Tibetan government in exile, Samdhong Rinpoche, has welcomed Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s offer of holding more talks with envoys for the Dalai Lama. Earlier Wen Jiabao accused Western countries of exploiting the Dalai Lama, who is described as a political exile rather than a religious figure. Samdhong …

March Winds

Three years ago I wrote an article which in large part was a commemoration of this year’s 50th anniversary of the March 10th Uprising. Some might feel I jumped the commemoration gun here, but I have, for a long time now, viewed the Khampa Uprising of 1956 as the opening conflict of the Tibetan revolution that culminated in the Lhasa Uprising of 1959.

The China (Proliferation) Syndrome

The recent news of the release from house arrest of Pakistan’s rogue nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan had, as usual, leaders and commentators in the free world blowing hot and cold. The release was universally condemned as “a blow to international security” but as always the behind-the-scenes role of China as the leading proliferator of nuclear weapons and delivery technology to rogue states, was studiously ignored.

Middle Way Metamorphosis

In the final analysis I think the proponents of the Middle Way are looking at developments in a glass half-empty and not in a glass half-full sort of way. They are making a big mistake by emphasizing only the “negotiation” and the “autonomy” component…