Maps of Crisis Areas in Tibet

. To all activists and supporters. Check out this very useful resource on, created and regularly updated by our Rangzen chowkidar.  It is a series of professional quality maps which provide accurate and thorough information on self-immolations, protests and other crucial events. If you are a teacher developing an assignment for your classroom on …

I Will Burn Myself Again And Again

Quite a few of us have written on these tragic events in Tibet and have tried to explain, or at least guess at the underlying motives of those men and women who gave up their lives in such a totally courageous and compassionate fashion. But I think this one poem does a better job of providing the deeper emotional and cultural meaning of the protests than the writings of experts…

Report From Lhasa

Someone I know who has just returned from Lhasa sent this to me. It is deeply troubling. . Report from Lhasa: February 18, 2012 I have just returned from Lhasa. Tibetans are disappearing; everyone is terrified about the bloodshed which seems inevitable. Lhasa consists of approximately 1.2 million Chinese and approximately 200,000 Tibetans. The majority …

Resistance Not Despair

This piece by our trusty web-chowkidar provides a whole new and illuminating perspective on the 17 self-immolations in Tibet. Check it out on this link:

Dr. Pemba la – In Memoriam

For a traumatized and disoriented refugee community, just having a role model like Dr. Pemba la, who scored first in the Royal College of Surgeons exams in London, was a comforting reassurance that we would be able to cope with and even succeed in an alien and modern world.

Self-Immolation and Buddhism

The deed of the thirteen self-immolators is not only Buddhist in an unquestionably absolute sense, but furthermore comes from a within a heroic and action-oriented tradition of Buddhism. Some scholars have viewed this approach as truer to the original teachings of the historical Buddha…