Last year, when putting together the March 10th Memorial website, a major problem I encountered was obtaining photographs and film footages for this critical period in our modern history. Three black-&-white photographs were all there was of the public demonstration on the morning of March 10th.
Possibly the most reproduced of these three photos is that of the enormous crowd gathered before the eastern gate of the Norbulingka palace. A snow lion statue is in the right foreground with the scene extending back to somewhere near the Chango bridge on the Norbulingka–Lhasa road.
The second photo gives us an even further view of the crowd and shows people from Lhasa streaming to joining the gathering. You also get a glimpse of the Chakpori in the distance. The third photo is disturbing. We have a partial view of the mutilated body of Phakpala Khenchung Sonam Gyaltsen behind one of the two snowlion statues in front of the main gate, surrounded by people brandishing daggers, swords and even a hatchet.
A few of the people are looking up at the photographer who evidently took his picture from one of the two squarish turrets on either side of the main gate, most likely the one on the right as the head of the snow-lion is turned to the left. All three photographs have most likely been taken by the same photographer as the vantage point of all three images appear to be the same.
My guess is that the photographer was probably Jigme Taring. The people knew him as the Dalai Lama’s official photographer and perhaps that’s why don’t appear particularly hostile to him. We know the public was otherwise very angry, even violent that day. Of course we cannot be certain that Taring took these photographs, but so far I have not come across any mention of another official in the Norbulingka that day who might have taken these photographs.
It is further possible that Jigme Taring also took the two photographs we have of the women’s demonstrations before the Potala Palace at the Dribu Yukhai Thang (where government barley was threshed).

Jigme Taring was in and out of Norbulingka in the subsequent days, but during the night of the artillery barrage and the next day of the PLA attack he was definitely inside the Summer Palace. It is therefore more than possible that the color images below of armed Tibetan volunteer fighters inside and outside the Norbulingka walls were taken by Jigme Taring. These scenes were shot on color film, most probably on the “official” cine-camera that Jigme Taring had earlier used to film the Dalai Lama’s geshe examinations.
He had probably used what was left of his color film stock to record the scenes at the Norbulingka. We now know that in the chaos Taring left the cine-camera behind in Norbulingka with a young official, and it is almost certain that the Chinese later obtained the camera and film. Some of the footages taken by Taring later appeared (in black& white) in the Chinese propaganda film Putting Down the Rebellion in Tibet. The Chinese Propaganda Department was then using black and white film, and only a few years later used color film for their documentary, By The Lhasa River. The color footages of the Taring film have also appeared in other documentaries and are probably now available somewhere in Beijing.
The following images are screenshots taken off a video made from the color film. In the first image the person sitting in the foreground, right, looks very much like a young Juchen Thupten Namgyal of Derge, who in his 22 volume (!) autobiography mentions that he was a volunteer defender at the Norbulingka.
We cannot be sure but the next three images are possibly scenes inside and outside the Norbulingka. The neat walls in the second and third image could be the outer wall of the Norbulingka and the yellow wall in the fourth image could be that of the interior compound, which was traditionally painted yellow.
The Chinese also shot some black & white footage of Tibetan volunteers outside the Norbulingka though it was understandably taken from a distance. A Chinese journalist Shan Chao [1] accompanied some PLA officers in a convoy of three armored cars on Monday the 16th to survey the trenches and fortifications the “rebels” were building at the northern end of the Norbu Lingka. A cameraman from the propaganda department recorded the scene on film.
In conclusion I would like to dedicate this post to the memory of Jigme Taring – photographer and man of courage. In March 1959 he went to the Norbulingka to serve and protect the Dalai Lama and remained there through the period of the Dalai Lama’s escape, and during the subsequent fighting.
In his autobiography the monk official (tsedrung) Tenpa Soepa[2] mentions meeting Jigme Taring during an intense artillery bombardment. “I came across Taring Dzasak who asked me for help, and we went inside the Phodrang Sarpa (New Palace). All the windowpanes were broken and the floor was filled with shards of glass. Taring Dzasak took out a (cine?) camera and a few rolls of film from a room below the Phodrang and said, pointing his gun to his head said, ‘Lets get going, If worse comes to worst, this is the way’. He clearly meant that if nothing worked, we would have to take our own lives. As we came out of the Phodrang, a shell landed near us and exploded; when the smoke cleared, Taring Dzasak was nowhere to be seen.”
According to Mrs. Taring [1] her husband told her (in exile) that he had taken the official cine-camera from the Dalai Lama’s palace and shot scenes of the fighting and artillery bombardments. He then gave the camera to a junior official to look after, but never met him again. He then took a rifle from an official who did not know how to handle it and joined in the fighting. Finally he and a soldier, Pasang Thondup, attempted to escape. “To avoid being tortured by the Chinese they made a pact that if either of them was hit by a shell, then the injured one should be shot dead by the other.” But both of them managed to escape. “His only possessions when he fled was a camera, some film, a pair of binoculars and a revolver.”
On his way south he was stopped by Chushigangdruk fighters but convinced them that he was Taring Dzasak and that the photographs in his camera were invaluable and should reach the Dalai Lama. They let him go. This camera was most likely his still camera with which he took the three black-&-white photographs (and the women’s rally photos) discussed at the beginning of this article – which have immeasurably benefited our history and struggle.
[1] Tenpa Soepa, 20 Years of My Life in China’s Death Camp, AuthorHouse, Bloomington IN, 2008, p.30
[2] Shan Chao, “Sunshine After Rain: From a Lhasa Diary”, Peking Review May 5, 1959 No:18, Special Tibet Number.
[3] Rinchen Dolma Taring, Daughter of Tibet, John Murray, London, 1970. p.297-298
People are giving you different name but you are a great scholar in our Tibetan society who come up with different facts and figures to shape our history to lead us all better in our freedom struggle. I take pleasure reading your articles. Great story of a photographer who captured our history through his camera and gave our story a greater voice and meaning.
Our Lukar Jam is in trouble again. Now a case of once bitten twice shy. Ejected from Sikyong race then, now chastised for outspokenness. What the heck is going on? Lukar is not safe in effing Dharamsala, and smart tibetans aint doing a dot to help him. I reckon a lone wolf is gonna attack him ‘cos he said Prof. Sperling should live for 113 years, and DL wants to live that age. This is crazy. It is not like only one person can stretch it to 113 at any given time. loads of people can live that age, including Mexicans across the border.
Lukar is not safe in Dhasa anymore, friends. let’s get him some bodyguards.
The iconic are 1959 b/w pictures conjures up the human spirit for freedom against any the alien invasion from the East… Hardly I had glanced through JN’s description of the rare pictures, when my attention was drawn by the posting about Lukhar’s free speech once again…..
This forced me sample the current proceedings of the Tibetan exile parliament. Can you believe that the first 2-3 or more days are being solely devoted to purging Lukhar Jam?
Is this any Democracy? Is this any Freedom of Speech? It is shocking that one after another, the deputies, including those from the civilized West joined the bandwagon of ageing religious and secular deputies in castigating Lukhar as if he is the sole enemy of the Dalai Lama.
Have have forgotten the real enemy behind the Himalayas?
Is that what they are elected for? Believe me they don’t represent the genuine unexpressed views of the general voters, but they cater to some green-head zealots making sure their angst is vomited at the floor of the parliament. I am sure these deputies will only survive one term…. If they think the really represent the majority of the voters, they are dead wrong. They should seriously consider resigning at the end of the session or face the wrath of the voters back home in free societies….
And, unlike the past chairpersons , the free for all. Samdhong would not have allowed such rambling and grumbling..
It is pathetic that Sikyong should join and lead the personal onslaught against one Tibetan who has dared to speak out his mind against all the odds, including angering the Dalai Lama.
Likhar know Free Speech is Not Free. But the whole parliament to go after a single person is unthinkable. The brave speak their mind at the risk of live, but the week join hollow minds to defend their skin.
It is time the Dalai Lama and Gaden Phodang pay close attention to what going on at Gangen Kyishong unless He wishes to take back the limited democracy he has unilaterally forced upon his blind followers……
Did anyone see this? If anyone feel that Lukar is being ostracized for his literary expression, you should write your word of support for Lukar.
In their misguided attempts to, partly, prove their relevance for short of any real and progressive parliamentary works, these semi literate parliamentarians and some exmonks in the West, are whipping up a mass hysteria over “113”. They are making our leader, a very wise, HHHDL, into A Dalai Tallahassee, Ayptolla lite.
Vicious campaign to eliminate Lukar Jam society in full glory here.
What is happening in Dharamsala is frightening to say the least!!
Lukar Jam car had it windows smashed by stones
Police arrives to investigate the crime scene
Saw this great piece on Tibetan Journal. We need more youngsters like him.
Lukar Jam Atsok, The ‘People-Elected’ Opponent of The Dalai Lama
March 24, 2017 Jigme Wangchuk
More than six decades of refuge in a foreign country should’ve precipitated for an intense and violent longing for freedom. However, comfort and the new age materialistic struggle has effaced prominent ideas and has left, in its place, a shallow outlook on the concept of freedom and the disturbing habit of expressing gratitude. Non-violence has always been the fulcrum of the idea of Tibetan independence; but except for peaceful marches in New Delhi, there is little proof regarding the accepted nature of the Tibetan freedom struggle and those who carry it.
Lukar Jam Atsok, a fierce proponent of complete independence for Tibet and a critique of the Dalai Lama, has been the face of condemnation for many Tibetans. His poem for the late Elliot Sperling where he expressed that the historian should’ve lived for 113 years drew immediately censure from people online and which eventually resulted in the vandalization of his vehicle outside his residence in Dharamsala. The outrage is understandable, but the fanaticism is not.
Even though the Dalai Lama has made it explicitly clear that he is not perturbed by his critiques, it is the Tibetan people who have decided to carry the mantle of righteousness and in turn decide what will be allowed to be said about the Dalai Lama and what will not be allowed. Many Tibetans view the inherent luxury of comfortable refuge as a gift from His Holiness and in a bid to express their gratitude and service, they have taken to fiercely defending the 14th Dalai Lama in his dotage.
This shallow outlook on the perception of Tibetan freedom struggle, that Tibet means about the Dalai Lama and his people, that Dalai Lama’s survival holds true the existence of Tibet and that views and opinions about how Tibetans should proceed ahead is only a chess game restricted to the boundaries of the Tibetan parliament in Dharamsala, have undeniably corrupted the essence of being a Tibetan refugee. Direct criticisms from the Tibetan Prime Minister’s office have not made it easier for critiques and writers to voice their concerns about the movement. And in the farrago of uncertain times where bodies immolate next to each other, the vision has been blurred and narrowed.
Violence is not disagreement, it is violence. The 14th Dalai Lama previously held both the position of being the political leader and the religious leader. His policies towards China which have largely been about mutual benefit and not detrimental to one party has undeniably impended for China practicing more laxity in occupied Tibet (the focus being). When a writer like Lukar Jam criticizes the Middle Way policy, he has all the rights and sensibilities to share his own opinion on the matter no matter how disagreeable his views are. Criticising the Tibet policy is not anti-Dalai Lama, as is wishing that Sperling had gone on to live 113 years.
Attack on writers and critiques are akin to Chinese troops subjecting ‘separatists’ to imprisonment. If not for the law of the land which seemingly holds justice against people deprived of identity, how volatile will be the situation then; how unabashed will be the naysayers?
Jigme Wangchuk
Minimal journalist with a disciplined relationship with writing. Tibetan and many other things.
In the light of recent events and the change in the political arena in both the global platforms and in the Tibetan community itself, it appears perhaps a right time to revise the policy of the Central Tibetan Administration. From repudiating of the 17-point agreement by the Tibetan exile government in 1959 in Tezpu, India till the Five Point Proposal in l 1989 in Straousberg, the formal policy by the exile government was Independence from China. This policy carried on for 40 years. The success part of this policy was invitation by Deng Xioping to “ come and talk about Tibet issue” in exchange for giving up seeking of Independence from China.
Middle-way policy was adapted in 1989 by a referendum with a majority of more than 60% in favour. This policy (1989-2017) is currently running on the 27th year in service. Considering the advancing age of His Holiness, perhaps it is time for a new referendum. If Beijing refuses to talk to our representatives by the end of Sikyong Lobsang Sangay’s term, exile Tibetans can go for a referendum in 2020. At least by doing that, we strengthen our negotiating position, put a broke on incremental dilution of our sovereinity until – if we continue to follow Umaylam- we would be, say in the year 2034, seeking only right to learn Tibetan language. The claims of current genuine autonomy would then feel so distant, so unrealistic, and so high and lofty a goal, that those who are apostles current Middle-Path policy ( I call this ½ of Independence claim) will appear in 2034 as controversial figures. By then, most Tibetans, led by HH Karmapa, would be followers of Karmapa’s brand of policy, which is Semi-Middle-way path. Or ¼ of Independence claim.
In defense of Tibetan independence policy, the beauty of it is that- while situation might remain as it does now( China is admittedly very powerful now), we at least have something concrete to hold on to. Otherwise, Tibetan parliament will start singing Chinese national emthem in 2025.
So, my fellow Tibetans, shall we have a REFERENDUM to change the CTA’s policy?
I am 100% with Tenzin Tsering.
It is time people should petition Chitues to raise the referendum issue without delay which is the logical democratic way. If not only open protest and demonstration in Gangchen Kysihong will suffice.
Standing against your own people, your own government, your own culture and religion, your own beloved leader is not a Rangzen fight. Lukar Jam is entitled to have his own opinion, his own political believe and his own life but he has no right to harass His Holiness the Dalai Lama. People are not stupid, OK. If Lukar has majority support, he can even win the government. Nobody can stop. But reality is he has meager support. You can blame this to anybody else.
In light of the Lukar controversy, what Voltaire, the great French Enlightenment figure said came to my mind: I disapprove what you say, but will defend to death your right to say it.
White, if you really think (take a deep breath and cleanse your indoctrinated mindset) that to fight for Rangzen is fight against your government and people, you don’t have any sense of civics. The fight for Rangzen is not a fight against your people and government. This fight is for Tibet as a nation and Tibetan people as a race who owns Tibet. In democracy not one is indispensable – be it a person/leader or an institution.
If however, if you think the government owns the people, sorry, then such a society is not democratic, the hence the rule of law doesn’t apply. Period!
People attacked Lukar Jam when he mildly “criticized” His Holiness. But there is a ” threat ” to His Holiness from Assam. And no one is giving a response. Now we have a real enemy to His Holiness, to our own interest. But where are chithues who wanted to ban Lukar Jam? Where are the seven NGOs who made a lots of noise about free speech? They should direct their anger against the real enemies, real threats rather than our own people.
read these :
The letter even included bold phrases such as ” The statement cautioned the Dalai Lama against speaking out against China “in private or public” from “the soil of Assam.”
Speak up against people who belittle His Holiness, people. Now is the time. Leave Lukar Jam alone. He is one of us.
Assam can take a number. I am still waiting for an official reaction from our Kundun loving Parliamentarians to what that ivory tower celeb, faggot Elton John said about His Holiness back in 2001 when the twin towers fell.
“Forget the f—ing Dalai Lama. It’s a f—ing joke,” the British singer/songwriter tells Us Weekly, when asked about the current world crisis. “The Dalai Lama is all about, supposedly, peace. Now, I love the idea of that. We all would love to have peace. I have contributed to things that the Dalai Lama has been involved with, like there’s Trudie Styler, my friend, Sting’s wife, who does this Tibetan Peace Garden in London, which is a great idea.
“But you know, in times of war and times of aggravation, where is this peacemaking man when you need him? F—ing nowhere to be seen. And that says it all: F—ing asshole,” he says, laughing uproariously.
In case anyone is interested in signing a petition to protect freedom of speech and expression.
If anyone is afraid of their names appearing on the site, they need not worry. Your names appears on the site only if you write a comment or share on FB/twitter. Simply signing doesn’t show your names.
While I wholeheartedly support the petition not so much because of Lukar Jam but for all Tibetan people to have the right of freedom of speech in our exile democratic community (being cognizant that freedom of speech works both ways). However, to state that “Lukar Jam is not opposing His Holiness, nor is he disrespecting His Holiness”. Well, this can’t be true. If it were true, why would anyone feel the need to create a “give Freedom of Speech to Lukar Jam” petition?
@What dreams may come true,
While Lukar Jam stood up against DL with his own policy for Tibetan movement, he was not opposing DL’s right to be the spiritual leader of the tibetan people. He simply is ” criticising” DL’s policy. This is not different from opposition party leader holding the government party in account in multi-party system. This therefore isn’t really about opposing his holiness as such, or even his number one place in the heart of the people. Lukar jam was trying to start a culture of open debate in tibetan society where nothing is off-limits, where our government policies are thoroughly scrutinized.
But he’s facing insurmountable obstacles in achieving that cherished political goal. Self-appointed evangelists like sikyong and a number of ultra-Middleway zealots in the parliament, are subtly encouraging the public to ostracize Lukar Jam. That ostricization effort is the retaliation for expressing his views. And such actions are obviously intended to make Lukar Jam shut up. So this is how this petition come into the picture, I reckon.
now 23 more needed
sivas1221Influencer Wordsmith Member sivas-Chennai-8 mins ago
As I had mentioned before, Dalai Lama is at odds with the new generation of Tibetans. This new generation of Tibetans want full freedom and not any half baked idea of an autonomy. He has betrayed his lot and has been an absolute failure. Politics and religion do not mix and it is time some firebrand leader takes up the cudgel and push for the freedom of Tibet. As for India, it would be in our interest to extend all support to the cause of the Tibetans. The one China policy can go to hell.
Like · Reply · 22 mins ·
Haridas Panicker5009Influencer Wordsmith News King Haridas Panicker-12 mins ago -Follow
China has no locus standi on India allowing the Dalai Lama to visit any place here,including Arunachal Pradesh. China is acting like a bully. They are sucking up to Pakistan for being allowed to built a port in Gawadar and permitted to make Baltistan into a colony. They have illegally built a strategic road into Xinjiang usurping our land. India must never allow China’s gross interference in our internal affairs. Tibet must be declared to be a free nation. The Dalai Lama himself has no rights to hand Tibet over to the PRC! He is a purely spiritual leader and respected for his Buddhist learning and compassion. The Chinese Foreign Ministry are making a big mistake in rubbing India the wrong way. We have something they do not have, is, a vibrant democracy! A despotic nation rattling it’s sword,is all that we consider China. Who do they think they can frighten?
Like · Reply · 21 mins
Sanaa Balti124News King Frequent Flyer Member Sanaa Balti-3 mins ago
No, Tibet should not be satisfied with “autonomy”. Tibet should go all the way for FULL INDEPENDENCE. We Indians don’t want China to be our neighbour. An autonomous Tibet means that we will have to continue to deal with China, which we dont want to do…See more
Like · Reply · 16 mins
Rajeev SInfluencer Wordsmith Networker Rajeev S-Jhumri Talaiyya-41 mins ago -Follow
Dalai Lama should demand total freedom. Autonomy under terrorist commie China is worse than slavery….See more
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Hareendran Ramapurath8Member Hareendran Ramapurath-31 mins ago -Follow
why only autonomy? china snatched your country and now try for taiwan. Be offensive to the rogue state like communist china….See more
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Hitesh RughaniInfluencer Wordsmith Member Hitesh-38 mins ago -Follow
There are two options, first spread Bhudhism in entire China and see the magic, else wait for end of era of Shri Dalai Lama, Tiberian youth will take arms in their hands for their freedom. Former is good for entire world….See more
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Manoj PillaiWordsmith Member Manoj Pillai-6 hours ago -Follow
Tibet was a free nation to begin with, when the Chinese invaded it. If the Dalai Lama isn’t seeking independence, that is due to His Goodness,His Holiness.
The Tibetan political groups will decide what to do….See more
Like · Reply · 8 mins
Ballabh YadavWordsmith News King Frequent Flyer Ballabh Yadav-2 hours ago
Tibet shouls ask for freedom. Chinese threats do not scare us. Go bully someone else. You think you can do things, try!…See more
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Erudition1613Influencer Wordsmith News King Erudition-2 hours ago -Follow
independent Tibet in the east and Balouch in the west is best solution for India. But china cannot survive without water from Tibet…See more
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ulhasdkInfluencer Wordsmith News King ulhasdk-Navi Mumbai-2 hours ago -Follow
The lamb wants autonomy FREEDOM from the clutches of the WOLF. If wishes were horses ……See more
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Ved Ohlan558Influencer Wordsmith Member Ved-2 hours ago -Follow
why not complete freedom and only autonomy…See more
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Here are some more comments from the Times of India regarding the article:
Warior Princess-3 hours ago-Follow
Dalai lama dont take a step back, this might b your only chance to ask for free nation tibet…dont back dwn
5 0 ReplyFlag
Ramani Krishnamurthy-Chennai-4 hours ago-Follow
IT looks as if Dilai lama has surrendered Tibet to China for ever.
2 0 ReplyFlag
Sanaa Balti-4 hours ago
Autonomy within China is meaningless as China can do as it wants. Dalai Lama should go back to Tibet and live under China if he wants only “autonomy”. Only an Independent Tibet can provide everlasting solution to India’s north and north eastern border issue. “Autonomous” Tibet means the same status quo as now. Useless!
2 0 ReplyFlag
Santu Datta-4 hours ago-Follow
The illegal occupation of Tibet by invader CHINA must come to an end. The Dalai Lama must demand total freedom and nothing less than that. It’s nice to see how the-not so great China- is trembling with fear because of this Buddhist monk (DALAI LAMA)
1 0 ReplyFlag
LOV GANDHI NT OS MAOInfluencer Wordsmith Networker Rik G-3 hours ago -Follow
3 0 ReplyFlag
Narayan-1 hour ago-Follow
Why apologetic , why can’t Dalai Lama demand for full freedom ? It’s Chinese who are in Occupation of Tibet . So always demand for Full Freedom .
0 0 ReplyFlag
Ram Gaur-Lucknow-2 hours ago-Follow
India must raise its voice for the Independence of Tibbat and recognise the the it’s Government in exile headed by his holiness Dalai Lama!In another fifty years Tibbat would be of great strategic importance as all the major Rivers of India originate in Tibbat!
1 1 ReplyFlag
Kandappan-29 mins ago
0 0 ReplyFlag
Hello Rangzenwallas,
Why don’t we start a petition in and request Indian Prime Minister to ‘ recognize Tibet as an INDEPENDENT nation’?
Hi Jamyang lags,
I am writing about Tibetan nationalism for my exam paper at Copenhagen University, and was wondering if you have or know of any blogs concerning the topic written in Tibetan? Or any blogs in Tibetan concerning returning to Tibet, and how the Tibetan youth deals with living in exile.
I hope you can help me!
Tashi delek,
I never thought I’d live to see the day when a Rangzen Champion of Lukar Jam’s stature become so impotent that he can’t even secure 100 measly signatures. What is a 100 sig. petition suppose to achieve anyway?
100 or 100.000 Tibetans petitioning the Indian government will not change their stance on Tibet if its not in India’s interest to do so.
Plus, it will piss off the Tibetan government in Dharsa – which, I would think, would be the last thing a group, who’s leader cant even get 100 paltry citizens on their fucking side, want to do.
Dear JN,
could you promote this petition to Shri Narendra Modi? We are Friends of Lukar Jam. We have started a petition to catch the positive Indian public reaction to the Tibetan Independence movement.
Two indian parliamentarians recently have raised the temperature by declaring Tibet a sovereign state. So we expect significant section of Indian public will support our just cause.
Please find the said link here
Friends of Lukar Jam
I always enjoy reading Choenyi Woser la. It’s nice to see that this petty little controversy gave China the ability to take free pot shots at us; preamble to dialogue? 🙂
There’s a petition started to urge Indian prime minister to recognize Tibet as an independent country. There’s a substantial support amongst Indian public supporting a free Tibet.
President Lobsang Sangay? First, Kalon Tripa. Then, Sikyong. And, now – President. I see where this is going, Emperor Lobsang Sangay la.
I wonder what this is all about what with Democracy playing no part in the decision. I suppose it’s the right thing to do, after all, a company should have a president.
“President of CTA” be like…
A high-level meeting aimed at strengthening the Indo-Tibetan friendship was held in Dharamsala on 25th of April. The meeting was attended by the President of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), President of Dharamsala Taxi Union Association (DTUA), President of Dhari Wrestling Group (DWG), Chairman of Tibetan Shopkeeper Union (TSU), Chairman of Travel Forest Ganj Travel Agents (TFGTA), and President of Dharamsala Sabzi-Meat Vendors Union (DSMVU). The historic meeting, which is the first ever in the 3000-year history of Tibet, was a fantabulous, ground-breaking success!
The meeting triumphantly ended with the President of CTA exchanging scarves with President of DTUA and both dancing wildly to the tune of thumping Gaddi drums. For info, please visit For more info on the greatness of President of CTA and his cuteness, visit Facebook page of the personal spokesperson of the CTA President, Sharling Dhadon.
Note: The title of President is under experimentation. If the President and the board members (=Kalons) were to find the title unsatisfactory, the title “Emperor” will then be adopted. [I hear Tibetans are worried that the honorable President may be eyeing at the title of “His Holiness”]
@34, I’m afraid you are wrong. Morphing into a “President” from Prime Minister isn’t a promotion,aggrandizement, or enlargement of CTA head-boy’s stature. Now, our CTA is completely devoid of political shade. “President” tag is used now to show that CTA is just an NGO or a Charitable Trust with lobsang sangay being equivalent of a CEO.
It is just like the president of tibetan youth congress, or the Tim Cook of Apple.
In effect, our boy Lobsang Sangay is nothing but CEO of CTA.
My bakthi to His Holiness is unshakable, mainly being as a Buddhist aspiring nirvana on some or other day. In addition, its undeniable that HH’s contribution for Tibetan cause is immeasurably awesome and unparalleled. However, one thing that strikes me questioning often is why His Holiness is much silence on self-emulation movement of more than 150 cases so far, adopting somewhat indifferent – distancing himself away from this. Wondering what answer he would offer in response to a question, if someone ask him why it is so that he takes a somewhat silence approach in this movement.
Self-emulating heroes can easily kill few Chinese at least before emulating themselves if they want. Why not. When they end their lives; why not Chinese’s, at least few. But this they are not doing.
Question is will HH break the silence and condemn if Tibetan start resorting to violence and start killing Chinese before emulating themselves…??
Should this self-emulating movement change a bits in its approach – first killing few Chinese military officials and police and then self-emulate the martyr himself – may prove more effective. I don’t know.?? But….
@kunchok, doesn’t matter whether dalai lama condemns it or not. Tibetans gotta do what they gotta do. Dalai lama has around 5 effective years left only now. He will pass. But the issue must go on. Try other approaches than MWP
Violence or non violence is a matter of semantics or interpretation . Hence a same act can be construed violent by some and non violent by others. This is similar to issues of whether homosexuality is morally right or wrong.
Further buddhist Canon itself seems ambigous in relation to voilence. A man kills a potential murderer to save 500 innocents. That was thought right when considered in terms of greater good. Then a man kills himself to serve his own flesh for a starving tigress. Also thought right.
So if a martyrs kills 5 corrupt police before alighting himself, he serves – one can conclude – the greater good of 6 million Tibetans. So kill 5 to save 6,000,000. Buddha has set the example himself
Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo is dead and China became even shittier. Norway’s Nobel Committee spokesperson, Reiss-Andersen said in a statement that in the committee’s view, “he had not committed any criminal act … his trial and imprisonment were unjust.”
She said, “It is a sad and disturbing fact that the representatives of the free world, who themselves hold democracy and human rights in high regard, are less willing to stand up for those rights for the benefit of others.”
The Guardian editorial wrote of the selfish and cynical West, “Silence only encourages him(Xi) to lock up yet more activists.”
Is this site down???
Guys i need help
I recently did my dna test from and I’m quite disappointed with the results.
I am almost half Mongolian, little bit of Chinese/Vietnamese, little bit of Nepalese, tinnie bit of Papuan and a little tinier bit of Native American. What i don’t understand is that when you can identify Nepalese and even Papauan, why cant they have any markers for Tibetan DNA? I’m sure its because they don’t enough data. Please guys if you interested in doing the test and get the same result let them know about it. We should have Tibetan included separately. what do you think?
I don’t see Jamyang Norbu la at the Fourth International Rangzen Conference held in Paris, what happened?
It is gratifying to see few parliamentarians represented at the Rangzen conference, and I can only hope that they will be free of any backlash from the MW community for hanging around, you know who.
Ok, I just discovered a video, “Message to Rangzen Conference, Paris, from Jamyang Norbu.”
Jamyang Norbu la made a cogent point about the next pro-Rangzen Sikyong candidate (assuming there is one). I like that strategy; pick the candidate early, and campaign early too. That way, not only is your name recognition well established, but that you get your message out there that much earlier; plus, more time to convince the skeptics, and woo the fence sitters.
Curious if JN owns the biggest personal library in the Tibetan exile community? Those bookshelves look awesome and I am truly jealous.
No more articles???How sad!