Glad all of you find what I write interesting. Let me know if there are topics you might think would be important to tackle. I will try and write at least two blogs a week. I still find it impossible to just post something quick and short. But I guess in time it will happen.
Tenzin Wangyal la, please go ahead and use the piece you want for your paper. By the way, thanks for asking. Tibetans don’t usually bother to do anything of the kind.
Write so other’s understand clearly how to keep the momentum of this ball grabber going in the context of their daily lives! The fight for Tibet is the same fight for which Native America was defeated.
China has taken more than one page from USA history by using the Native American Solution as the model for how they are handling the “minority question” in general.
The death of the Tibetan mind_nation_culture, if successful, will be the last nail_by symbol and actuality_in the coffin of human spiritual freedom.
The internet,which is bigger than Guttenburg, has left open a possibility for success like none before and by a leap which he himself could not have imagined.
Thank you so much for starting the blog first of all. I’d heard a lot about you from my folks and was glad to listen to your speeches on M10 in NYC last year. Like a lot of the others, I would like to see you write measures and not just the problems. I know it’s rather childish of me to ask that of you, but we’d like to hear your views on where you think our movement is going, and to many people of my generation who are still studying and want to work for the Tibetan Freedom Movement, we’d like to hear your experiences and outcomes of your actions.
Blogging is taking over the world today and I hope you’ll continue blogging. With two posts, there’s a lot you can write. I’d like to hear about the ‘Mandala of Sherlock Holmes’.. I grew up reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie (though I prefer Poirot to Holmes), and your book was a treat.There was a time when there were only a few like you and Gen Lhasang La, now people are gradually realizing the importance of Rangzen and that itself, should be a feat, and encourage you to keep fighting. Please continue the good work and I’d like to see you lead our movement soon.
Best wishes.
Jamyang-la, I’m so glad that you’ve started this blog. Many years ago you were the fifth (if I count correctly) Tibetan I ever met and the first from whom I heard strong political arguments. Over the years I’ve been inspired to see your political writing style develop – from the beginning you always had a sharp critical eye for what’s wrong, but in recent years you’ve met that with a positive vision for action and for reconciling the apparent rift between Tibetans’ passion for Rangzen and devotion to Gyalwa Rinpoche. Engagement with your readers online will surely take that to the next level.
Bhoe gyal lo!
Dear Jamyang la,
Thanks for launching your own blog. I just wanted to mention for the benefit of your readers – supporters and critics alike – that Tibetan people have full access to your views and ideas for the nation state of Tibet through your regular program as part of Radio Free Asia Asia’s weekly “Sunday Chat” show which I conduct. Those interested are encouraged to visit
Karma Zurkhang
Jamyang la, your writings are well appreciated by all, esp the youths, allow me to one of them.
I wonder if you could tackle something on the links between Tibetans inside Tibet and in the exile, and the futility of coming out of Tibet, rather than reclaim and relaunch our movement inside Tibet gradually, I have also read in a magazine which sort of inspired me, it talks about all the exiles, equipped with modern education to go back to Tibet and join and lead the struggle.
Often you come out with criticisms on TGIE, which is most welcome but I also do appreciate new ideas more and I am sure most people do.
Tashi Delek and thank you.
How about something on the dancing monks?
Hi, JN. Pemalaa reports that you asked her mom for my contact info. Here it is.
Dear Jamyang la,
Tashi delek, Jamyang. The President of the Tibetan Association of Northern California and I are giving a presentation at Santa Rosa Junior College in the Newman Auditorium on September 29th from 12:15-1:15 entitled:
Tibet: A Cry for Freedom. I am looking for a good powerpoint presentation that clearly discusses these topics with a clear map of Tibetan place names:
History of the Chinese invasion and oppression
The spiritual leader of Tibet and the Tibetan people of all nations
Tibet environment
Tibetan cultural and natural resources
Han migration and its impact on Tibetan people and the sacred Tibetan landscape and waters
What is in it for China
What can we do to help
Please direct me to resources for a good powerpoint if you can.
To ti jee
Bhod Gyalo! Rangzen
Ka su shu
May Tibet be free
My name is Dennis Holmgreen, and I’m the leadsinger, and thus representing, the Danish band: Shire.
We’ve been following the Free Tibet Campaign closely and came to the point where we felt that we had to contribute the best way we can. We write songs – so that was what we did. We are convinced that music can be a powerful tool to spread a message, and the Internet to spread that message worldwide. So we made a video to the song we wrote: “The Identity Beneath Every Tyranny”, and uploaded it to YouTube. The song and video are given away for free to everyone, so you may use it as you please.
Thank you for everything you do in the struggle for a Free Tibet.
Best Regards
/Dennis Holmgreen
Interview request to Mr. Jamyang Norbu
Editors of the Hungarian site, would like to make an interview with Mr. Jamyang Norbu.
Is there a direct email address to Mr. Jamyang Norbu to contact him?
Thank you for your help!
Robert Izing
you came to toronto but i didn’t get to ask questions to you. i’ve several questions for you.
1) you are for rangzen while kundun is for culture. so tell me, if our culture is eliminated, then what will tibet do with its rangzen? what use is rangzen if there is no culture?
2) what leverage do we have to negotiate with china and demand for rangzen? i know tibet is our country but today it is under china and for negotiations to succeed, both sides have to benefit.
3) we talk about boycotting chinese goods, but majority of tibetans are from middle class family, so boycotting is not feasible for us. as a middle class persons, we have limited budget and just like any other consumers, we’ll look for goods which are cheap and ok quality and which we can afford within the budget. to boycott chinese goods, there should be a alternate goods with similar price and quality so that we tibetans then have a choice to choose between those two goods.
there is one more thing but that is a suggestion rather than a question. since you are a popular and respected public figure in tibetan community, i want to send my opinion through you to tibetan community. i hear a lot about tibetans from tibetan school not being good in english. i think the reason is their callous attiude towards it. had english not been taught in tibetan school then the case is different. but english is taught there. they just don’t want to learn english. they already decide beforehand that “i’m tibetan and either can’t learn english or don’t want to learn english” and these people then tease the students who are sincerely trying to learn english by remarking that they are being “inji”, so they feel embarrassed and stop learning. i’ve myself seen it. i recently moved to toronto from nepal and hear the same thing and this time its the middle aged and older. they goto english classes and snides at those learning english. a guy i know studies there and told me that there was one asian lady and she was serious about learning english and used to ask lot of questions in beginning but has now stopped after constant bad remarks by other fellows. they are doing the exact opposite. they goto learn english but don’t want to learn english and don’t let others learn also. one reason for it could be their insecurity. it is all a mental game. i’m not happy with it. maybe i’ll join the class to teach those bad fish a lesson. sometimes i dream of becoming a teacher so that i can correct the mindset of tibetan school students.
Dear Tenzin Tsering,
1. Rangzen and culture are not mutually exclusive. And in my humble opinion, Tibetan culture is not in serious danger. It’s not that China is not trying their best to destroy it, just that Tibetans are strong and unwilling to succumb to China. This is the impression I got from visiting places all over Tibet. It’s not Tibetans for whom time is running out. Time is on Tibetans’ side. Time will bring an end to the appeasement policies from which China benefits so much, and ultimately a collapse to the unsustainable Chinese empire. When that happens, Tibetans will be ready to seize the opportunity.
2. If you don’t demand independence, you have no leverage for negotiation at all. You’ve already given China what they want: your silent consent to occupation. China does not negotiate. China lies and manipulates. It’s been their strategy for thousands of years and it will continue to be their strategy as long as China exists.
Hope this answers your questions.
what do you mean by time? do we just wait for china’s collapse or carry on with our usual protest or do something whatever to bring china’s downfall? your reply was quick. thanks. but you must be a busy man. so take your time in replying. how about your email? i hope my questions are not stupid.
Personally, I believe just waiting for things is always a very negative course of (in)action. I do believe time is on Tibetans’ side, but for that to be true requires active engagement. Tibetan culture and identity is not alive from sitting and waiting for China to negotiation with HHDL, but from the hard work of many people in many capacities.
In a way all of the methods I’m talking about are acts of dissent and resistence, but some of them more direct than others. For people like us who have a fairly high degree of choice and freedom about what we do and where we live, who don’t have to fear for our lives and safety all the time, it’s often vigorous protest. This sort of action denies China the legitimacy they desperately seek and prevents them from gaining even more clout and economic power in the world stage, by which they might be able to avert their collapse. It also nurtures a fighting spirit and counteracts the work of propagandists who claim to be on our side while painting China in a positive light and urging Tibetans to continually try to befriend them.
This year, after keeping everything bottled up for so long, countless people in Tibet were also able to take such outward acts of resistence. Far from being futile or “all for nothing”, the uprising was a direct seizure of the rights so long denied to Tibetans, even if it came at great cost. Moreover, the most radical acts of a few of Tibet’s bravest martyrs severely deradicalized the behavior of the masses – for the first time ever, protesting for prisoner releases or refusing to participate in propaganda exercises became things ordinary people could do without being singled out for severe treatment behind closed doors, simply because it was so much less radical than what the pathblazers had already done.
Aside from direct outward expressions of protest, dissent takes countless other forms behind the scenes, whether it’s Tibetan government-workers’ secret sympathies with their people, business men and women overcoming Chinese obstacles to employ and empower their own people, or education and health care initiatives which prove that Tibetans, and not Chinese, are the ones who will provide their own people a future. All of these elements, while not directly subversive, maintain an unbreakable sense of Tibetan identity and loyalty to one’s own people and prevent China from being able to win Tibetans’ submission through economic incentives, miseducation, or even violent coercion.
In this struggle each person has their own roles to play. No one is to say that protest is the one right path, or that service work or business or reporting or diplomacy is the one right path. But what’s true among all the people in this struggle whom I respect is that, at their core, is a sense of overcoming the Chinese by working more sincerely for Tibetan interests than any Chinese could ever do, and a commitment to the belief that Tibet must again be independent, however long it takes.
fisrt of all i would like to say tashi delek and i would like to appreciate all the works that you have ben doing for our common cause.
i really like your writings. i would like to know if i can get your e-mail id to contact you.
tashi delek and bod gyal lo
I’ve read my fair share of blogs that revolve around the Tibet issue, whether pro-China or pro-Tibet. Comments get ugly and nonsensical at times. One thing I’ve noticed throughout many postings is that supporters of China constantly bring up the issue about Native Americans, whether North or South American, as a counterargument against “Westerners”. Essentially, the point they’re trying to get across is: “Well you did it too so you have no moral high ground”. Fair enough but what of Native peoples who support Tibet because it mirrors the policies and actions taken against the aboriginal people here? What possible counterattack can supporters of China use then? A white westerner makes an easy target; an Indian does not. Therefore I support Tibet.
Tibetan friends told me recently of the Tibetan national soccer team that was been organized in 2001 and has played some games. This activity should be advanced vigorously as sports is a universal medium for enunciating national identity, advancing national causes and ultimately resolving national conflicts.
Unfortunately the demands of survival in exile may have been so great as to cause this avenue of expression to remain unexploited by the Tibetan people until recently.
Clearly people around the world could not so easily ignore the plight of the Tibetan people if there were an international sports presence. Equally clearly, the PRC would attempt to thwart all such attempts.
However, there are many international sports events that that place on a local level without official national sponsorship. At these events the PRC could not prohibit Tibetans from participation. Some events that come to mind are international triathlons (especially the Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon) and international marathons such as the Boston, London and Berlin marathons. Other competitions that come to mind are various international martial arts competitions, surfing competitions, snowboarding and skiing competitions of various kinds. Additionally, there could be no legitimate objection to the visible presence of Tibetans in American or Canadian football or basketball teams (and in the past twenty years American football and basketball is being played on a regional/national level in Germany and I believe also France and Russia).
Additionally, the PRC can object to Tibetan participation in organized international sports arenas organized by national identity. However in the past 10-15 years certain teams participating under a territorial flag rather than on their national teams have been accepted at these competitions. I am thinking specifically about the inclusion of Puerto Rico and American Samoa in the Olympics. However Hong Kong has participated in the Summer Olympics since 1952 and continue to do so after their reunification with China. They entered Winter Olympics competition in 2002. Likewise Chinese Taipei participate in the Olympics independent of
China. Tibet must organize an Olympics committee and advance their demand for participation in the summer and winter games and it must do so until this is permitted.
The Vancouver Olympics starts in about 30 days. I have asked Tibetan friends why there is no Tibetan team present for the last several games, probably since at least 2000. I never get a satisfactory response, which is usually that the PRC will not permit it. Certainly so, but I cannot recall ever reading about the IOC actually denying a Tibetan team request for participation and I follow most Olympics news pretty well.
I hope you will consider this proposal and may Tibet soon once again be free.
Dear Jamyang,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your article entitled ‘KYEGU, ON MY MIND in the World Tibet News. I too felt the feeling of helplessness that you mention. I am a disaster responder for the Red Cross (UK and Geneva) as well being a long-time Tibet supporter. We seem to be surrounded by immense disasters in recent years, and no country seems to be prepared. Very close to me is Haiti which was so devastated only a few months ago. My dear friend Gumbar Rimpoche of Ling Khamtsen was from Kham, I do believe.
With Kind Regards,
Nick Robson AKA Thupten Nyima (Friend of Thupten Chopel / Gebhardt Mild)
Dear Jamyang la,
We want your email address for our record. Would it be possible to drop a mail on my address .. Thanks in advance.
Tashi Wangchuk
Sr. Reporter
VOT, Dharamsala
I just finished reading The Mandala and thoroughly enjoyed your take on Sherlock Holmes. Keep writing great books!