Tibet’s First War Photographer

A column of Chuzhigangdruk fighters riding before the Lhaygyari Palace in E-Yul, Lhoga. Somewhere around late '58 to early '59. Photograph – Jhanjup Jinpa.


A couple of weeks ago someone posted on Facebook a photograph of a Tibetan man holding a camera. I wrote a comment that he was Tsongkha Jhanjup Jinpa, Tibet’s first war photographer and gave a brief description. Some old friends:  Michael Buckley, Ajay Singh and Neil Cooper (a photographer who worked for the DIIR) wrote in asking for more details.

Jinpa’s family members gave me some facts and figures, but since nearly all his work was clandestine it was hard to get more verifiable information. Lhamo Tsering in his eight-volume history of the Resistance (published by Amnye Machen Institute) mentions Jinpa on a couple of occasions. To fill in the rest a little detective work and some “judicious” speculation has had to suffice. This is far from a full biographical account of this unique Tibetan and remarkable photographer. So all corrections, new information, and lost photographs are really welcome. Please be assured that whatever you send me will be credited to you. As I’ve mentioned before, most of Jhanjup Jinpa’s photographs, though widely used, have never been properly  acknowledged as his work.

Jhanjup Jinpa was born in the Fire-Mouse year (1936) in Tsongkha, Amdo. As a youth he became a monk at Zoegye Labrang in Kumbum monastery. In 1955 he went into exile in India to serve Zoegye Rimpoche, who had already escaped from Amdo. In Kalimpong he was recruited by the “Tibet Welfare Society” (bhod dedon tsokpa), which had been set up a year earlier by Gyalo Thondup, Tsepon Shakabpa and Khenchung Lobsang Gyaltsen ostensibly to provide aid to the victims of the great Gyangtse flood, but actually to undermine Chinese military occupation of Tibet.

"Tibet Welfare Society" meeting in Kalimpong. Right to left: Kungo Gyalo Thondup, Khenchung Lobsang Gyaltsen (Tibet Trade Agent), Tsepon W.D. Shakabpa (historian), Tethong Sonam Tomjor (Asst. Trade Agent). Photo: High Asia.

Jhanjup Jinpa’s uncle, Lhamo Tsering, was head-of-operations for this organization and he sent his nephew back to Lhasa to make a clandestine study of Chinese military activities and installations in the capital city, and also observe the socio-economic and psychological impact of the occupation on Tibetan society.

This was the period before CIA involvement and the “Welfare Society” had no radios (or any other fancy spy tech). So Jinpa had to travel back and forth from Lhasa to Kalimpong and Darjeeling to deliver his reports. During one of his stay-overs in India he was trained in photography. I was told by someone in the organization that the Das Studio in Darjeeling helped to train him. This is certainly possible as the owners of Das Studio then (and even now) were friendly with Mr. Gyalo Thondup and his family.

In late 1958 Jinpa was sent to the Lhoga area to observe and photograph the activities of the Chuzhigangdruk (Four River Six Ranges) resistance force which was then conducting the siege of the all important Chinese garrison at Tsethang. There are a number of photographs of the events there, that are almost certainly by Jinpa, including a wonderful scenic shot of the great Lhagyari palace at E-Yul in Lhoga with a column of fighters riding before it. Check the beginning of the post. Here are a few more photographs that are almost certainly by him:

Resistance fighters gathering at Tsethang. Photograph – Jhanjup Jinpa


Fighters posing with captured Chinese weapons. In the center (with fancy helmet) is the famous Chatring warrrior, Kowa Tenpa Gyaltsen. Photograph - Jhanjup Jinpa


Resistance fighters in foxholes at Tsethang. Photograph – Jhanjup Jinpa


In the center is the warrior Ratu Ngawang, one of Gonpo Tashi Andrugtsang's principal commanders. Jhanjup Jinpa is to his right. Jinpa only has a lens case around his neck. He probably let another person have his camera to take this picture.

The siege of the Chinese garrisons at the major crossroad town of Tsethang was crucial to the Dalai Lama’s escape to India. In Tsethang the Chinese had two formidable garrisons at Gangbuk and Tse Tsokpa. The Chinese had dug tunnels deep into into the mountains and had surrounded their fortifications with bunkers and barbed wire. The Tibetans conducted a number of major assaults on the Chinese positions, but with little success and great loss of life. But the fact that the main Chinese force was bottled up at Tsethang and ineffective, allowed other resistance forces in Lhoga to clear the surrounding areas and roads of all Chinese troops.  This allowed His Holiness and other escapees from Lhasa to pass through Lhoga and travel south to India without encountering any Chinese.

Jhanjup Jinpa outside a thatched bamboo hut, probably prepared for the Dalai Lama, at Tawang or Bomdila, .


The above photograph recently posted on Facebook of Jinpa at Tawang or Bomdila, outside a thatched bamboo hut probably prepared for His Holiness, judging by the Indian military guards and officials outside, confirmed to me that Jinpa had accompanied His Holiness on his escape. Jinpa is also almost certainly wearing the same jacket that he did in the photograph at Tsetang, and not surprisingly appears to have lost some weight since then. He probably received instructions from Kalimpong to accompany His Holiness’s party, along with radio-operators Athar Norbu and Lotse Gatsetsang.

Most of the photographs and film footage of the Dalai Lama’s escape we have seen in many documentary films, were probably taken by Jinpa. I learned that the Dalai Lama’s brother-in-law, Phuntsok Tashi Takla, also had a camera with him. Since nearly all the photographs of the Dalai Lama’s escape have appeared in My Land & My People and many other books and documentaries on Tibet, they do not need to be reproduced here.

There is one magical photograph of His Holiness arriving at Tawang (or Bomdila) for which an exception must be made. I am almost certain it was taken by Jinpa, as a partial view of the other photographer (Mr. Takla) is in the frame. I also cannot resist His Holiness’s tired yet happy smile and the dramatic chiaroscuro that endows the photograph with an allusive symbolism of someone emerging from darkness into light.

The Dalai Lama crossing into India. From extreme left Kungo Takla (partial), Kungo Sopon Khempo (chief servitor), Kungo Ta Lama, His Holiness, and Kungo Phala (Lord Chamberlain). Photograph– Jhanjup Jinpa


When the resistance base was reconstituted at Mustang in 1960. Jhanjup Jinpa was sent in the first preparatory team led by commander Gyen Yeshi Kalsang of Batang, Chamdo Kunchok Dorje and members of radio team “K”: Jedrung Jampel Lekmon and Namgyal (both from Gyangtse) and Trinlay of Lithang.

Some staff members of first administrative office in Mustang. From left: Commander Yeshi Kalsang, Lithang Garnag Yeshi Sangpo, Chakbhuk, Tsongkha Jhanjup Jinpa, Kongrag Ngawang Norbu, Ponru Drakpa Norbu, and Sonam Dhondup.

It should be mentioned that all the fighters suffered tremendous hardships that first year. There was an acute food shortage and the men were forced to cut up the leather from saddlebags, harnesses and even boots, and boil them for some minimal sustenance. Some men froze to death that winter.

Although Jinpa was sent as an instructor and administrator he was also tasked with keeping a photographic record. He has left a large collection of photographs of the early period of Mustang which is now with the Amnye Machen Institue archives and Lhamo Tsering’s son, Tenzing Sonam. Lhamo Tsering writes that Jinpa took over 1000 clear photographs of the organization, and the drilling and training of fighters using sticks and branches. These were forwarded to a foot-dragging CIA to persuade it to send arms and ammunition to a fledgling force becoming increasingly desperate.

Mustang volunteers training with rifles made of twigs and branches. Photograph Jhanjup Jinpa (1966)


Finally the Americans made their first arms drop. For the sake of deniability a drop zone was selected inside Tibet, about a day’s march from the Kore-la pass, the border between Tibet and Mustang. On the 15th of March 1961, late at night, three transport planes dropped arms and ammunition, enough to equip four companies of soldiers. Three more arms drops were made in the following months.

Jhanjup Jinpa inspecting American rifles from the first arms drop


According to Lhamo Tsering,  Jinpa also went on two separate missions inside Tibet, almost certainly on raids of Chinese convoys and outposts.

Jhanjup Jinpa on raiding mission inside Tibet. To his right could be commander Chamdo Tsering Dorje and to his left probably commander Karze Sonam Wangyal.

He served in Mustang till 1968. He retired from the force some years later and in 1974 opened the Tso-ngon (Kokonor or Blue Sea) restaurant in Kathmandu, which became very popular with travelers and back-backers. It served not only the usual Tibetan and Chinese cuisine of most Tibetan restaurants but also the Amdo/Sining specialties from his homeland (phayul) by the verdant green pasturelands and the deep blue waters of the iridescent inland sea – that he had left nearly thirty years ago.

He died on March 8th, 1986. He is survived by his wife Dawa Lama, his daughters Dechen Dolkar, Diki Tsomo, and son Tenzing Wangyal Jinpa, all living in New York City.


Photographic equipment: We cannot be certain but it appears that he used a 35 mm Leica, probably the IIIf model from 1950, which could take a (screw mount) telephoto lens. We see one on Jinpa’s camera in the last photograph. Leicas were not uncommon in Tibet and the Darjeeling area in the 40s and 50s.


38 Replies to “Tibet’s First War Photographer”

  1. Jamyang La

    I thank you for informing the younger generations about the history of tibet.

    As a amatuer photographer myself, this article is specially very interesting.

    History of Tibet narrated through a story about a War Photographer.

    After H.H you are the first tibetan who inspires me.

    Hats off to you for your work and the commitment for the tibetan cause.

    Thank you

  2. Thanks Jamyang la. As said my Urgen there is always a lot to learn from your writing. I hope Tibetan parents see the value expose their children to it. Knowledge is power.

  3. very inquisitive and interesting article. very good to remember our fighter and their facilities back then. we can see how developed we are right now!!

  4. Thank you Jamyang la. I have never seen that E-yul picture before, it is magnificent. I see armed fighters mounted in column with banners outstretched in the breeze, a dzong and gompa beyond surmounted by snow peaks. So evocative of the SPIRIT OF INDEPENDENCE.

    It is so sad that the Chushigangdruk veterans are now largely ignored. Those remaining rot away, aged and forgotten in camps, with the CTA embarrassed by the fact they ever existed. No memorial, no annual remembrance march … no medals. Nothing. These days the CTA never mention these magnificent patriots or their armed resistance. Instead they openly praise the traitors, like Baba Phuntsog and Ngabo, and they make pronouncements trading off democracy and accepting CCP rule, citing the “realities on the ground”.

    Rise up young Tibetans. Your ancestors were brave men and women. Your first duty to Tibet is to get real exile leaders. I see some amongst you. Make the change soon.

  5. I was one of those who ate at Jinpa’s Tso Ngon restuarant in Kathmandu in the 70s, though I was not familiar with his history. It was one of the first Tibetan restuarants and the owner was famous as the inventor of the first local “pizza,” which was just cheese and tomato toasted on a chipati (but delicious!). Thank you, Jamyang, for enriching my memories by researching his colorful and important life story.

  6. Jamyang la, thoroughly enjoyed reading this much deserved article of a man whose contribution has been so significant – from both the Political and academic perspective. Its unfortunate that there has been no mention on his merits all these years from TGIE’s quarter – it is very sad and sends a wrong signal to all those who are tirelessly bidding their heart and soul for the cause of Tibet- especially to his family. I speak equally for those many unsung heros that have suffered the same misfortune. Jamyang la, thank u again for setting the record straight.

  7. Thank you Jamyang la for yet another excellent and informative article about our fighting men.

    As a side note, I would like to recall a movie that was made about a one of Chu-shi-gand-druk raid into Tibet, by a Norwegian Tibetan film maker. I forgot his real name but his nick-name was “nga-sha”. I remember hauling his camera parts all the way to Zong Sharpa in the middle of the night and then acted in the movie as a Chinese soldier at Dezen chupa (Camp 10?) around the year 1973/1974, just before the fall of Mustang. Wondering if you have seen the movie or not and if it’s available?

    – thanks

  8. I am concerned about the white washing of Tibetan history by Buddhist Lamas to paint a picture of pre Buddhist Tibet as vile, beastly and violent.

  9. Gyalpo(t)-la, glad you enjoyed the piece. The Tibetan from Norway who came to Mustang to shoot a film was called Thubten Tenzin,aka Nyasha, or”fish-meat”a Dharamsala nickname for Scandanavians because they ate raw fish. He has written a book published by the Library at Dharamshala,”Thong Thos Myong Tsor Lo Gyus”. I have not seen the movie but I was told that the unedited film rolls were taken by Gyalo Thondup and is kept by his son Khedrup. I just have one photograph of you and Lhasang la at Mustang. The quality is not great but I will send it to you via email. Take care and keep up the struggle! Your old buddy JN.

  10. It is not only the movie rolls you have said. You know that Gyalo Dundup’s son is keeping all the photos belong to janjup Jinpa and is making lots of money with it. He and Pema Gyalpo (brother of Lodi Gyari) used those photos to make a book TRUMOIL IN TIBET. Gyalo donup’s son is charging many hundreds of dollars just for one picture to people who want to use it in books. These pictures belong to Jinpa and Tibetan people. Not Yabshi, who are just kuma. Fuck them.

  11. @ 15
    wow, seems like Brahma Chellany has been duped by the Drukpa Kagyu’s and other groups( religious and Individuals) resentful of Karmapa Orgyen Thinley’s status and and sway. I have respect for Gyalwang Drukpa for the work he is doing for social and environmental issues but more and more I find many of these lamas though may have advanced on their spiritual path given that they started their journey as little babies, They are not all knowing and they certainly haven’t conquered their emotions of jealousy, greed and hunger for power, name and fame. some even have personality disorders and issues.
    all i want to say is that we need to avoid any extremes- their deification and their demonization. Tibetans uphold the “guru devotion” part to the extreme. but know that these instructions are for the more advanced practitioners who already have attained certain level of spirituality. it’s not meant for the average disciple.
    sorry, this may be off topic but i just want to share.

  12. @Pasang – Sadly; I have to say I truly agree with most of what you have written.

    It seems Gyalwang Drukpa chose to speak to the papers about this issue knowing fully well that it would spark some ‘fire’ with some Indians. Sure enough Brahma Chellany ‘fell’ for it.

    I don’t know why such a senior Lama like Gyalwang Drukpa does not discuss this issue face to face with young HK 17 . He can then check out his ‘suspicions’ whether HK 17 micro manages all this from Gyuto monastery in D’sala.
    So with no face to face dialogue – the Karmapa Kagyu website immediately posted His eminent Gyalwang Drukpa’s message .

    You’d be surprised most monasteries are pretty autonomous even within traditions.

    Supposedly most of these ‘forced conversions’ are taking place in Nangchen
    Kham-Tibet where it’s mostly Kagyu of all ‘orders’. Also this is where the Brave Khenpo has been under CCP Attack & Custody. Why is emininent Gyalwang Drukpa insinuating CCP affiliation?

    The bit about the chinese team’s visit to Dhasa; well that perks Indian interest. Its been written about before insinuating something – but Iam sure CTA as the Principle will be aware of it all – and anything to be leaked has been done so because hmmmmm there was nothing?

    But thank Buddha in this madness for creating & taking sides some other Drukpa Kagyu monasteries in N.India – are out of this.
    Just around that time Inji Gelongma – Tenzing Palmo invited HK17 to her Lovely Nunnery for teachings to the Student Nuns. Her guru is Gyalwang Drukpa -having received her ‘gelongma’ title from guru.
    Tashi Jong and surrounding Drukpa Kagyus -have great relationship with HK17. They seem to act so ‘independently’. Wondor if they consider H.E. Gyalwang Drukpa their guru head – just my thought BTW.

  13. Trivia:
    It s/b ‘One f the main PRINCIPALS’; not principle – Correct me on this.
    Something looked odd on a second reading.

  14. Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is deeply involved in this Drukpa and Karma Kargyue power struggle.

    Many insiders, including people in Gaden Prodrang know that.

    Is Kalon for Religious Affairs involved in this? .So far, his hands are not showing.
    But many of us won’t be surprised if he is involved in some way. One of the most divisive living politician in Tibetan world.

    We say this from many years of observation. His power base or MO is manipulating patriotic but simple minded young sarjor Khampas to think Khampa first and Tibet second.

    From apolitical and non-sectarian Tibetan who hold Buddha’s teaching as guidance and none of Lama BS, young Karmpa will do well to stay away from Situ .

    By the way young Karmapa should read all the Shakespearean plays, specially Hamlet and Macbeth. We will say this, that Sikyong is not on his side.

    I won’t be posting any more. I did this to provide some background to lay, young patriots who read on this much respected and highly appreciated blog. If I post more it would contribute to same stirring of pot, which our straw man, sorry, I mean Sikyong is doing enough.

  15. I was in Ladakh this July after a decade or so, and one thing that surprised me most was the sway of Gyalwa Dukpa in the region as a whole, and particularly at his main monastery – Hamis – where monk-clerks were having a hard time amassing donations from the unsuspecting pilgrims (mostly from the Himalayan region itself though). To manage the crowd and money, the monks have jute bags with appropriate amount of different denominations. In most cases, they try to give donors receipt (for the tens and thousands of rupees received during the peak of the summer) which is rare in some smaller monasteries across the region.

    Apart from the politics of it, the Dukchen and his followers take issue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s rebuke about Dukchen’s funny-looking hat (I am sure it has it sown reason to exist!)

    With the Nyingmas pas and Sakyapas lying low, it will be the Kagyupas who will jump to vie for con control of the Tibetan community after His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

    Unless the Gaden Phodrang mends fends with the Kagyupas in some fashion, the Chinese infiltration is a sure thing, not only in Tibet, but in the divided exile community.

    The apparent separation of CTA and Gaden Phodrang, time honored inter-religious rivalry will flourish without any CTA’s influence or control. Think about this. It is serious. It is no joke.Check the people who are in charge or not in charge within the Thekchen Cheoling who are the few known, and the unknown faces, including self-fish surrogates around the globe, now in charge of the managing or manipulating Gaden Phodrang’s activities.

    In India, there is mounting fear that His Holiness is being sold out to the Hindu zealots which is become easier with Modi, himself a devout Hindu extremist, at the helm. In the USA, the federal government is now learning how white extremists and far-right groups have locked up with the Dalai Lama. And now with the Republicans in charge of both houses come January, self-fish people like RFA’s Libby with her Gaden Phodrang anointed surrogate Kalden Lodo are working day-in-and-day-out to with far-right ideology entities like the American Enterprise (notorious known for his suspicious dealing.

    The Tibetan people and their cause is being sacrificed without consequences. No wonder Tibetans have apparent given up giving their lives at the later of freedom and independence.

  16. Thank Goodness you won’t be posting any more of your BShit – Dorje shigden- I mean Rinchen.

    If You have your ‘BEEF’ over Sikyong & his Kalon of Religious affairs and those who may have voted for them – this is NOT the topic to show your grudge.

    BTW they are just FINE – I mean Sikyong & Pema Chinjorla – regarding this – don’t bring them in. Iwill say this again , They are just FINE!!!

    Pema Khadag La introduced ‘this’ – a topic changer; or whatever – Thought it need to be addressed.

    And enough of your condescending attitude to any young Khampa.

  17. Lekyi Tsho,

    You forgot to mention the SHUGDENPAS!
    This Gyalwang Drukpa topic is a great distraction away from the mother of all bewares – SHUGDENPAS.

    Recent airings on VOA – touching more on the PRINCIPALS of this issue is making things more clear to all..

    An issue NOT between personalities – that some would like to make people believe. But an issue touching basic Tibetan Buddhism. An issue that affected Tibetans for the last couple of centuries – with SECTARIANISM – Due to a false widom Buddha . How terribly sad is that. And now some top dog followers are praising life under CCP .

  18. Dorjee Rinchen,

    I wonder based on what you came to such conclusions and opinion of Situ Rimpoche. Do you even know him? Belieiving in shallow conspiracy theories propagated by groups with muscle and money power colluding, each one with their own agenda, leading to ever degeneration of the whole religious system. Its lamentable and find it very toxic to say the least.
    If anything,I would say Situ Rimpoche would have been better off had he not had to carry out the responsibility of finding HH Karmapa 17th. He was just trying to do the right thing and doing his duty.

  19. Bhod_Rangzen,

    I wouldn’t give my time of day to Dorje Rinchen. He is NOT the least bit genuine – not an inch.

    He leads people nto his made up ‘controversies’ . Dishonest & deceptive.

    Another Pied Piper – or the same old one…..had readers lapping it up.

  20. Shooting the messenger is a long practicise art of CTA .

    There is no use in cursing Brahma Challeney nor for one who posted the link to the article or who commented on it.

    In fact, for any Tibet watcher, the issue is all there for anyone to see long before proverbial shit hit the fan.

    Just google it or search on YouTube Drukchen Rinpoche’ s interview on the issue making all sorts of allegation. Fact or not, I don’t know. I am not into Dharma business and I know Dorjee Rinchen la well, he is not into it too.

    It is a fact that our politicians know the issue all too well. It is brought before them to manage it. Many of the stalwarts who used to manage these issues internally have long passed away and for new breed called Sikyong, first thing is always, what is in it for me?

    Tsondrue is absolutely right. 100 % that both Sikyong and minister of religious affairs are both doing fine.

    It seems that Tsondru above is a Khampa and his shallow mentality immediately rages out. But if you are an educated Khampas , you can easily decern that most of the players in this unnecessary conflict is amongst Khampa lama. From our persecpective , Sikyong is not helping anyone. We think not even his own self interest.

    He thinks people are naive and can be fooled. But people are not that stupid and can’t be fooled at the time. End.

  21. One of the main drawbacks of Tibetan Buddhism is extreme guru devotion which lead to sectarianism. Chinese, Mongols, Nepalese and neighbours exploited this weakness and nibbled Tibetan land over the centuries.

    Finally in 1950 China gobbled up the remaining Tibetan territory what is called Tibet or Tibet Autonomous Region in Chinese parlance.

  22. Fo six million –

    You Condescendingly write that you & Rinchen Dorje are not in the ‘dharma business’ – then why what makes you think what I – a ‘raging Khampa’ who will own up & say I know something about ‘dharma business’ and those involded in it have written some thing to FOOL the naive?

    Did I bring in Dhasa politics & Sikyong ? – saying that he manipulates young khampas to think khampas first – you need to read you ‘friend’ Rinchen’s message first. Completely off the topic and manipulated for some grudge that you two have to deal with on another topic.

    I am educated enough – that I can read clearly & concentrate on the topic and stay on the topic and read in between the lines.
    And no, I do not intend to fool the naive; check your friend Rinchen Dorje ‘s comment – you might want to re-read it again very thoroughly.

    Yes I am a Khampa – is that a problem?
    The persons in the controversy are khampas – is that a problem?.
    Someone introduced that topic – I addressed it – am I wrong in doing so ?
    Why curse & shoot the messenger??????

  23. Six Million’s second last paragraph is ‘CLASSIC’

    His main grouse revolves around that 2nd last para.

    So Sad!!!! and yet strangely funny!

    Again led on by the Pied Piper – ha, haa….

  24. Tsundrue wrote :

    “BTW they are just FINE – I mean Sikyong & Pema Chinjorla – regarding this – don’t bring them in. Iwill say this again , They are just FINE!!!”

    Yes , true both of them are doing rather too well.
    Sikyong is on his annual paid vacation. Unheard of in CTA history. Has a house paid off by a still mysterious benefactor.

    Religious Kalon busy making long distance calls . May be on public fund. Who knows?

  25. Some here talk about how young Khampas are being manipualated by Sikyong or whoever., I would ask the same question to some people here who profess to be atheists and who are goading on the Shugden worshippers many of whom are young Khampas. mind you, the Shugden worshippers themselves have stated in their video how they have recieved support from some such people. I think that is extremely misguided. It would be one thing if you trying to bring the two sides together but exploiting and using such situation to get back at CTA/authority is very irresponsible and ill intentioned.

  26. I think Dhasa knows about it too.

    We’re touching sensitive stuff now…….

    However I think some ‘youth’ leaders are also quite clear on this. They mite disagree on our strategy with dealing with struggle for Homeland & whatever their ‘spiritual affiliations’ I think they support the stance against dhogyal protester troublemakers…..but not too much in the loop…..thats just my assessment btw.

  27. @16: Gwalwang Drugpa is straight talker. He doesn’t waste time for salutation and honorific which the Tibetans are accustomed to while talking. As for the allegations I don’t know.

    But Karmapa has received Jet Li at his residence – Gutoe monastery, Dharamsala if the news reports are true.

    Jet Li and Jacki Chan shares the same views of Chinese government on Tibet issue.

  28. All these religious fanatics should be subjected to cultural revolution style struggle session for using religion allegiance to justify one’s treacherous deeds.


  29. @ 33
    Whether Gyalwang Drukpa is a straight talker or not that’s not the point.
    You can be angry and put off with someone because you think that you are losing your monasteries and pupil to the person and you can express your displeasure i get that. but it’s a very cheap tactic to insinuate that Karmapa 17th is somehow colluding with the enemy. didn’t expect from Gyalwang DRukpa nor for Brahma Chellany to fall for it like that. regarding Jet Li and Jackie Chan, suffice to say that there is a big difference between Jet Li and Jackie Chan. I too dont know much and dont want to go beyond that.
    As for the Chinese officials who visited Dhasa, I just heard about one official who met with Karmapa and how Karmapa stomped out of the meeting half way because he was getting irritated with the guy’s questioning/lies. I thought that was good. that’s how you set your boundaries. enough is enough no more bullshit.

  30. #35 Pasangla,

    Very well expressed.
    That Action almost sounds like Passive Agressive Buddhist style or worse – with all due apologies.

    I think there are plenty of ‘personalities’ and entities of all kinds- visiting our exile capital as so called friends, disciples, writers, politicians, Sponsors, who probably hold the same views as Chenn & Li.
    The latter are not such big shakes.

  31. # 30 – Tso-Ngongpola,

    I guess u will understand what I meant was leave them out the referenced topic.

    How do u know Sikyong is on a paid vacation?
    It’s more like an offical visit to touch base with the Tibetan Communities & their host leaders & others.

    About his house & some mysterious donor – well you & others can bring that forward during 2016 elections….No one has had a face to face dialogue with him about this – “Straight talking and all that (unless I am mistaken); it’s mostly round about talk.

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