Lhasa, Eternal City (1)

PLA bombardment of Potala Palace. Sketch by Tibetan trainee at Camp Hale. Roger E. McCarthy collection.


Tsering Woeser-la’s recent clarion call ““Our Lhasa is on the Verge of Destruction! Please, Save Lhasa!”, stirred me to undertake this modest history project.  I thought it would be worthwhile to provide, as aide mémoire, brief overviews of the different periods in the destruction of the Holy City, which began when the Red Army first marched into Lhasa on the 9th of September, 1950. What is happening right now, no matter how devastating and tragic, is merely the latest in a series of phases in Communist China’s long-term national endeavor to turn the Holy City of Lhasa into a fully Chinese metropolis and drive its native citizenry, and the Tibetan people as a whole, into a kind of functional extinction. The “Eternal” in the title of this three-part essay is not meant to be ironic. The seeds of Communist China’s downfall are being sown in the very foundations and walls of the hideous shopping malls and plazas being erected in Lhasa right now. Full explanation in Part 3.


I was child of nine in Darjeeling when the Great Lhasa Uprising took place. All the fearful grown-up talk I overheard then, of the street-fighting and the bombardment of the Norbulingka and the Potala by Chinese artillery, scared and confused me. One strange line from those adult conversations has stayed in my mind: “Sidung chenmo tambe tangsha (the great mausoleum has been pierced). Years later I came to learn that an artillery shell had had gone right through the mausoleum of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama in the Potala without exploding.” But at the time when my mother explained to me that the mausoleum was where the Fifth Dalai Lama’s body was entombed, it seemed a deliberate and terrible act of desecration, like the Roman soldier piercing Christ’s body with his lance. My religious concepts and imagery were, at that time, a little mixed, because of my education at St. Joseph’s College.

The devastation that Lhasa suffered in ’59 was extensive. The exile government had a program to collect eye-witness reports from refugees, but the city’s destruction was never properly documented. I am not going to try and fill in this lacunae here. I just want to share some anecdotes with the reader to give them a feel for the scale and severity of the devastation. At least half-a-dozen independent eyewitnesses told me that the Potala and the Zhol village below it received numerous direct hits from the incessant barrages of Chinese artillery fire. According to the late Chinese Colonel, Jiang He-ting (Lobsang Tashi) who joined the resistance, PLA field artillery batteries were located at Pithing, Northoe-lingka, Dhip (across the river), Drapchi (Drawothang), Dzongkar,  and Silingpu (PLA headquarters). Another informant claimed that the PLA had additional artillery units at Rangkyongjong (the TAR compound) and Lingka Sarpa.

Fighters on the roof of the Jokhang got a clear view of the shelling of the Potala. One former Lhasa policeman told me that after every artillery barrage the great palace would disappear in a cloud of smoke and dust. But then some minutes later it would miraculously reappear, to great joy of the distraught Tibetan observers. The immense walls managed to absorb the impact of the shelling but the Shachenjok and Deyang Shar sections of the Potala were badly damaged. The Chinese did not shell the Jokhang as Chinese positions were very close to the Tibetan ones within the Bharkor area, but mortars appear to have been used by both sides along with rifles and machine guns.

The smaller buildings of the Norbulingka were were extensively damaged by artillery fire, but were also more easily repaired or rebuilt after the uprising was put down. Practically the entire Tibetan population of the city was forced to join in the cleaning-up operations. By 1962, when  two English left-wing journalists Stuart and Roma Gelder  were invited to Lhasa they declared that nothing had been damaged in the “brief” rebellion. What nails the lie in their whitewashing assignment is their account of the fighting on the Iron Hill (Chokpori). “It took only three hours and one company of infantry, supported by machine-gunners, to take Iron Hill.”

Actually the old Medical School on the Iron Hill, founded by the 5th Dalai Lama and completed by Desi Sangye Gyatso, was destroyed by artillery fire. About 77 soldiers of the Drapchi regiment, and some monks from the Medical School, led by Shengo (sergeant) Tashi Tsewang, son of famous Rupon (major) Anan Dawa*, defended the Iron Hill. PLA infantry attempted two mass charges up the hill but suffered heavy losses and were pushed back. These Chinese attackers also took heavy fire from Tibetans fighters in the Potala Palace. Tibetans on the Iron Hill had a couple of mortars that they used effectively. Finally the PLA directed nonstop artillery fire on the Iron Hill destroying the principal building and some temples. Tashi Tsewang and most of his men died at their post.

One Chinese shell overshot the Iron Hill and hit the large arsenal, Ghomtsoe Dorjeling, just below the Iron Hill and above the Drago Kani, the Gateway Stupa to Lhasa. The Drapchi soldiers at this arsenal had kept up a steady supply of ammunition to the troops on the Iron Hill and the Potala, before the one Chinese shell blew up the depot and killed everyone in it.  The enormous explosion may have also caused major damage to the Gateway Stupa complex, which was torn down later.

The remaining temples and structures on the Iron Hill were also completely torn down some years later and replaced with a large Microwave VHF/UHF antenna.



In 1962, the same year the Gelders visited Lhasa,  China’s State Council officially listed the Potala, Norbulingka, and other temples and monasteries, including the Lhasa Tsuklakhang, as Nationally Protected Monuments.

Destruction of Jokhang. From Woeser's "Forbidden Memory".

Then in 1966, on the orders of the chief secretary of the Regional Party Committee, the senior-most office of the Tibet-based administration, government offices, schools, and local administrative offices ordered their members to go and participate in the destruction of sacred objects at the Tsuklakhang. On 25th Aug 1966 “revolutionary masses of various nationalities” attacked the Jokhang.” Chairman (General) Wang Chimei gave instructions for the statues of the Chinese princess Kongjo, the Jowo, and others which had come from China to be spared.

Debris from Jokhang destruction collected for transportation to China. Photograph: Dalai Lama's first delegation to Tibet.

The Jokhang was occupied by Red Guards, and finally taken over by the PLA who used the temple as a pigsty. Some chapels were even used as latrines. The extensive decorations around the roof were torn down and nearly all the many hundreds of images and statuary thrown out of their chapels and broken up for the value of their metal.

Mao image in place of the Jowo at Ramoche Tsuklakhang. Photo: Warren Smith

The Ramoche Tsuklakhang was also desecrated, much of it destroyed and a large portrait of Chairman Mao erected at the central shrine space.  Every monastery and temple in and around Lhasa and every oracle shrine was vandalized and desecrated, and in some cases completely obliterated.

There is really no need for further recounting of the destruction that took place in Lhasa and indeed throughout Tibet. For over the last two decades, Tibetans-in-exile have been overwhelmed by innumerable images and accounts of what His Holiness has called the “Cultural Genocide” in Tibet. Unfortunately the Tibetan leadership, in its eagerness to accommodate itself to the new reality of China’s power and wealth, is now asking us to overlook, even forget, all that has taken place. Woeser la’s book of photographs, Forbidden Memory: Tibet During the Cultural Revolution serves as a timely reminder why we must never ever do so. A Tibetan edition of the book has been recently published and can be downloaded free at her website.

Another sobering reminder of this horrendous period is provided in the autobiography of Rimbur Tulku, Experiencing the Consequences of Good and Bad Karma 2 volumes, (Tibetan Cultural Printing Press, Dharamsala 1988). All Tibetan must read at least the selection of excerpts (in English translation) that I once downloaded from a CTA website but which I cannot locate right now. It provides the most detailed and harrowing account we have to date on the the desecration of our Holy city.


*A hero of the 1918 war that freed a large part of Kham, Rupon Anan Dawa is celebrated to this day in a Khampa song:
Rupon Anen Dawa, Ling kyi patul drawa
Menda si-si lendu, namkhe thok thang drawa

(Major Anen Dawa is like a hero of the Gesar Epic
His Mauser pistol roars like thunder in the sky.)


96 Replies to “Lhasa, Eternal City (1)”

  1. Jamyang Norbu la,
    Thanks again for yet another wonderful and informative piece. We wouldn’t have known all these information without your writing. Your writings is not only informing this generation with the much needed information but also will continue to do so for the generations to come. So, writing is an action- an important one- more important than doing 9-5 job at Dharamsala.

    Keep writing.

    Yours Agu.

  2. Does the present day Chinese really think this was some PEACEFUL liberation?
    I hope the REAL PEACEFUL liberation of entire TIBET is yet to start.

  3. Dear Jamyangla,
    Thank you for this yet another informative piece. I have been reading your blogs for the past few days, trying the grasp your messages, and as a student, I have to conclude that your writings are very clear,downright and inspiring. Thank you for taking your time to write this article. I am going to print it and share it with my family.
    I encourage you to keep writing-as I love writing too- and never feel discouraged by void and ignorant criticisms.
    I wish there were more people like you-honest and defiant-in the Tibetan community. It seems that whenever someone is trying to point out the obvious and truth, people always tend to stifle it. But, Jamyang la, I commend all the hard-work you have put for our nation. Never give up, as Dalai Lama has always stated and you shall prevail the truth.
    Much appreciation and deference,
    Paldons Family from NYC

  4. FrontNCenter

    Yet another history 101 of the destruction of Lhasa by the Chinese Communists. Share your episoes for posterity.

  5. I mean if you are not here with this great pieces, I am dumb by my stupid dad who he never know about nothing as I do now so you opend my eyes as blind cured by a great docter ….thank again
    I feel sorry for my stupid parents. ….

  6. #5
    You can’t blame your parents. I don’t think they received the same level of education you did.

    I have no comments for this article except to thank JN la.

  7. Tibet was bound to fall as the whole nation was controlled by few selfish aristocrats and lamas.And, rest of the nation was striving to gain buddha-hood by accumulating good karma by serving the all-knowing and powerful lamas. Aristocrats had nothing else to do but keep partying, as Ngapo once said when Red Army started infiltrating inside Kham, “Kyak-pe linga”.We love our way even though it doomed us, and we are still very much conservative.I wish our generation, the lucky ones, who can read, may just read our history, know the current, so that they realize that trying to denigrate JN la is nothing new,but history repeating in itself. We had few brave and able men in the past, but all of them either got at best castigated or at worst killed.I hope this time, we shall not repeat such blunder, else I can say, CCP will easily win once again.May we win this time.

  8. Sonam la, you are right. We are very backward still today. Jamyang la is the only one who has a courage to show what is so wrong with our society. With his intelligence and skill, he would be a kalon tripa if he writes about what is not true, that mwp is morally correct. He will be feasted and welcomed by cta. But the fact that jamyangla does participate in none os this nonsense is our gain. Mwp is a total abdication of the future of a nation. So mwp has gotten more medals , but this has also weakened our society. We have a leadership and clueless people who will consider it an act of a trator if someone says anything contrary to hhdl even when what he or she says is correct logically. How more ridiculous it gets when oracle’ s opinion more than its people. Recently I saw a hhhdl respond very angrily to a question asked by a student about mwp and rangzeen. Speak about the importance of dialogue.

  9. China is pouring in million dollars for the development of Dalai Lama’s home. You forgot about it. Let China developmen, it is needed. Those who shout who cannot contribute anything, but politicise everything. Themseleves cannot do anything. I remember, you shouted for the railway, china went ahead and in full action today. What was the result of your shout? Crying bitches achieve nothing bbut do a mere shouting.


  10. NG@10: What you are trying to say or represent here is unTibetan like or hard core pro China, if you are not Chinese incidentally. Most disgusting thing I have ever heard.

    The core of old Lhasa and its periphery is just about 1 sq/km -we are asking to protect this. Chinese modernization zeal has already destroyed old Lhasa which was 5 sq Km (Mind you new Lhasa is ten times bigger claiming much more surrounding counties coveted agricultural land (Taktse and Toelung mainly). This is also declared UN heritage sites. This is just happening because you can ‘t control/police this area due to Tibetan domination and has invaluable historical and religious significance. It will be very sorry -if we have to reconstruct this again when everything is lost.

  11. I wish tibetan in Tibet (not from few places but Entire tibet) would take more active role in political process and demand more & more for themselves. I also wish they strive to keep the tradition ,especially the tibetan language..speak the way their forefather use to in their local tone/phon/accen…..
    The 2% in exiles wouldnot be able to make much of differences without the participation of 98% from inside.
    I personally love to listen to Amdowa & khampa transmitting emotion through the language in their tone, lhasawa’s sheysa, kerong wa and fking delight to hear kongpo..

  12. Daveno @13
    what you stated above goes contrary to (your supreme) Sikyong’s statement at the recent discussion at council of foreign relations. your damage control and distraction strategies not going to work.Sikyong will be remembered for that statement.

  13. Daveno,

    Are you trying to tease Dhasa Yogi to come out and write. More I listen to his moron in Dharamsala, the more I am reminded that of the old saying that the most dangerous thing.

  14. If Tibetans are happy, there is no need for political process. Exiles always have the notion of being the owner of rangzen and doing favor for people of Tibet.

    It’s time to bust this mentality.


  15. It doesn’t matter what year and what period brought distractions. The important things is to know what have been destroying In Tibet.
    A lot of Tibetans so overwhelmed by reading news and talking about Chinese are distorting Lhasa city. Nobody mentioned distructions have taken place in Amdo, Kham and ever parts of Tibet. These distractions have started since PLA marched in Tibet. By the time Chinese PLA get into Lhasa there were enormous distractions ready took place in Amdo and Lhasa. There were Monasteries burnt and people were killed and almost every single villages and towns in Amdo where I came from changed completely.
    Few years ago, Chinese anthurities forced all the Tibetan families in Amdo to change gate of the houses into Chinese Style. If anyone not get done on the schedule they gave to them then Tibetans have to pay fine.

    Therefore, distractions not only Lhasa but all over Tibet.

  16. jamyang Norbu la,
    Thank you very much for this great piece. I am so proud that a Tibetan can write with such a command over the language and the knowledge of Tibet’s history. You are our saviour. Many of the Tibetans are blinded by the superstitions and could not see the reality. As such they are attacking people like JN who is honest, and progressive.
    I am a new Generation Tibetan and i will follow you with keen sense of awareness to further my awareness.

  17. TALK OF THE HILLTOWN is that Sikyong Lobsang Sangye ELECTED Kaydor Aukatsang (Who? Did I hear it clear?) as Rep of HH to the US.

    Lobsang Sangye played all the way to the top by his mere flashing of Harvard card and narrating ghostly stories of pre-59 Kutrak. Poor monks! They feel a Harvard degree is all it takes to get their long-lost country back! When elected, LS expressed a dramatic sigh of relief that Samdong holds no reservation on any future change of policies. Three years down the lane, not a single noteworthy policy or amendment to policies of national importance, rolled out. All we here is a series of photo-ops here and there and the same cock-and bull-story (parents selling cow for Rs 500, himself selling carrots for pocket money, studying under streetlight like Dr Manmohan Singh, and so on).

    Now with his appointment of Aukatsang Sekushok Kalsang, with no service and experience background, to pompous designations such as Tibet Corps Co-ordinator, Personal Advisor, Speech Writer, and, most recently, Rep of His Holiness to the US! I think LS’s proverbial sinister pot is filling up! Tibetan youngster have been volunteering in Dharamsala since 80s, why do we need this TibetCorps brand now? What is he advising? Maybe when and where LS must sport his overly-used Rayban Aviator. What speech does he draft? how can someone who failed to represent Bay Area Tibetans properly in front of His Holiness be a speech writer, and now a face of His Holiness, CTA and the Tibetans in the US? After all, we hear LS repeats the same speech he spoke during his campaign again and again and again. So what need is there for a speech-writer?

    Aukatsangs, both Kaydor and Youdon, came by the same route, through their father’s connection with high Tibetan officials! Everyone here in Dhasa knows this well. Dharamsala employment and exam rules do not apply for these special kids. Nepotism by high officials and shameless hijacking of posts by these people are deterrents strong enough to scare today’s youngsters from Dharamsala.

    However, all credit of the siblings’ success goes to their late father (who Youdon Aukatsang ascribes unknown historical value and erroneously glorifies as ”the Lion”). Pick any x, y or z Khampas (not sold-out Khampas or counterfeits as JN-la calls it) from the street and ask who Jampa Kalden is, and you’ll get a clear answer. Aukatsang’s success comes from their ability to change colors according to the changing tides.

    LS must remember that CTA is not a family business or a private company. Any disregard towards this will cost him his next election.

    Happy Reading,

  18. Plus I don’t see JN as authority on Tibetan history, he is certainly a good writer within Tibetan community due to his background as son of elitist which landed him in Missionary colleges funded by British Imperialist in India. Thus, his thinking is heavily influenced by Victorian literatures. With his English command, he sensationalize and propagandaize his political ideas. JN’s main point of writing is mainly confined to history of land that ruled by Aristocrats before 1949. I doubt JN even know the local history of many of kham and amdo places.


  19. If JN doesn’t have that authority then who else has that in our illiterate and uneducated community? gem like JN is rare perhaps rarer than avaloketeswara who you can find two or three incarnation (always fake) in monasteries and shichak. JN is one and the most unique.

  20. Gone Mad: ng thinks he has the expertise. He can barely herd a paragraph together, much less write anything of any value. He is just a hateful person male/female. I don’t write but I read quite a bit and I must say J Norbu la is one if the few who is a great writer, who covers many subjects and writes on them eloquently.

  21. JN and for all other fans of Lu Xun,if you are interested there is a very good review of book by Gloria Davis on Lu Xun in Wall Street Journal’s 05/25-26 Weekend edition.

    I will quote a part of what is written about this Chinese writer. Lu Xun won a scholarship to study medicine in Japan. It was in 1906. And at the end of a lecture, one of his Japanese teacher showed the class a slide depicting a scene from Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, partly fought on Chinese territory. It revealed a mob of Chinese watching dully, while one of their compatriots was beheaded by the Japanese as a Russian spy. Lu Xun wrote:

    Though they were all of them perfectly sturdy physical specimens, every face was utterly, stupidly blank….I no longer believed in the overwhelming importance of medical science. However rude a nation was in physical health , IF ITS PEOPLE WERE INTELLECTUALLY FEEBLE, THEY WOULD NEVER BECOME ANYTHING OTHER THAN CANNON FODDER OR GAWPING SPECTATORS…The first task was to change their spirit; and I decided that literature and the arts were the best means to this end.” ( emphasis mine)

    When I read that, I realized some one in an earlier posting somewhere on this blog rightly compared JN to Lu Xun. Before that I didn’t know who Lu Xun is and am very happy to read about him on an plane when I picked up the WSJ at the airport.

    When I read the quote, Lu Xun’s impression of Chinese people then and compare this to state of us – Tibetans under this Sikyong, an intellectually pygmy is us NOW. We need to change this. We should develop a capacity to see the difference between the real and the fakes.

    I urge all the people to recognize that all those quote His Holiness the Dalai Lama is not a patriot and all those who opined against the wisdom of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s including the Middle way is not a traitor.

    In fact, I would be more suspicious of people like Kalden Lodroes and Sikyong LS than Karma Chophels.

  22. @gone mad, I think you first need to get an education that makes you more independent than licking somebody’s ass. If JN is an authority on Tibetan history, point one article that actually deals with alll Tibetan areas beyond his kusras land of UTSang.I must say thank you sharing desperate exiles choosing fake lamas in your indianized settlement. Therefore, shut the fuck up when Chinese choose Penchen lama and ready for the next Dalai Lama, don’t be pooh pooh! I have nothing rationality to defend your exile people, establishmennt, settlements, and monastery. I only value true justice and rationality. I don’t give a shit tomorrow India order you to leave your dear shichqack and close all the monasteries and CTA. Anyway, all these are just as fake as fake rinpoches you mentioned and lying people who only knew how tomanipulate.therefore, shut the fuck up and don’t be too concerned about our life in tibet, we manage it without your empty slogans.


  23. @NG # 26

    I heard from my tibet friends that situation of fake lamas in Tibet is also really bad. they are seeking rich chinese disciples and making a joke of buddhism. This bad example is corroding the society and corrupting the people over there too.
    If you are so much support for what china is doing in Tibet, i dont understand why you came in exile- about which you always say bad things.

  24. Read about Dhondup Gyal’s beautiful prose, Fake Tulku or Tulku Zuma. Gyal was a literary icon who flexed power of pen to created entire new way of writing nyangak with much flexibility than rigid traditional rules. This, by no means he did not knew how to write in traditional. He in fact improved the existing mode of writing and immensely contributed Tibetan literature. He did not borrow ideas or import some cheap shots to make a point through out his writing. He is probably the only person who shaped of generations of poets and intellectuals and promoted the use of word “lhagya”. During 30 some years of existence, be created new field of literature…….what did you rangzen wallas create? Oh yea….you speak and write some cheap shots. Uneducated in your native tongue and you don’t have the confidence to debate in your native mother tongue and your lhagya is all time low.


  25. NG,what is wrong in beginning his timeline of history starting from u-Tsang? After all Lhasa is the capital of Tibet and definitely more important than any region in Tibet. Besides that JN has made it very clear at the outset of his essay that he is writing this history as an aide memoirs to the woeser lak’s article which I guess is about Lhasa.
    Ng,you might be having good life selling anti Tibet things but true Tibetans be he in Tibet or outside have sincere respect for DL and JN.
    I I prefer licking boot of somebody than telling
    lies like you.

  26. I am interested in reading Jamyang Norbu’s history about Tibet as you declared his authority on the history. As far as I am aware of, there was only Tibetan who wrote an researched history on Tibet, his name is the crazy monk Gendun CHOEPHEL AKA Ditsa Tulku called Debthir Karpo. There was another history book, his materials are no other than stolen research of Gendun Choephel when he accussed by kudras. The writer is not surprisingly Shakapa. He and his croonies reject stolen accussations, but they could not show any other literature pieces wrote by Shakapa, not even a poem. As you start the chapter of Shakapa’s book, the exact style of writing and terminology is exactly the same. This is called plagarism and literary theft. There are many other books, but most outstanding book is Tibetan Nation by Warren Smith. So far, there is only one modern history of Tibet, called dragon in the land of snow by Tsering Shakya, chair of Asian research center in university of british colombia, whose parents safely flee to Nepal because his parent worked for Nepal embassy. So and so and so…..where is JN’s history book on Tibet either past or modern? Simple question, don’t complicate….


  27. @ # 12 Tsering
    Nothing sinister . Just the obvious.
    The pictures in the essay contradict the propaganda.
    Turn that propaganda on it’s head and direct it back @ the Party.
    Isn’t that the goal/aim of TYC/Rangzenwallas and such groups?

  28. @BrookylnTibetan: jamyang norbu is like a piece of banana, face of orential men with a. Heart british imperialist, someone who cannot write in its own language let alone improve and contribute to Tibbetan literature. He is just struggle to be an author in Engljsh language world, it is only low educated like you, jn shines amongst you. Artile like jn is plenty in the internet. Whereas dhondup gyal, he wrote in his native tongue and immensely contributed. Actuall did more for his age of 30. Jn is hitting age of 70, at times turn into a psychophant with malicious idea that can put entire Tibetans in Tibet at risk being busted by China. People like dhondup gyal and gendun choephel will be remembered because of their force in Tibetan literary world. People like jn will be having neither indian nor Tibetan people like your type who does not belong anywhere who speak few cheap engliish, but barely able to articulate. Finally, luxun wrote in Chinese language, not in japanese oor English. Well….what else? Dhondup gyal was a poor dude from a poor family, jn is the born of almighty kudras with a silver spoon in mouth because of stolen objects of commers. Therefore, kudra children able to attend british imperialist schools and colleges in dorjee ling. The tradition was even before China was a pproblem. Common people had their children died on the indian construction road, many saved by great umchen, continued by tsering dolma and then jetsun pema….today under tsewang yeshi……..need more to say?

  29. #31. “but most outstanding book is Tibetan Nation by Warren Smith.”

    Interesting comment given that Smith’s work represents everything you are against.

    “So far, there is only one modern history of Tibet, called dragon in the land of snow by Tsering Shakya”

    Seriously? Only one? No mention of Professor Dawa Norbu’s works, for example?

  30. @Observer: Warren Jr Smith’s book was an outstanding because it just tells the story as it is, neither similar to propaganda of Chinese Communist State nor it is same exile propagandist. In that sense, I would say it is an outstanding. The intricacy of the book is, rise of Tibetan empire to the size of cultural landscape of Tibetan plateau to the disintegration of the empire itself. Up until 1949, the size of Tibet decreased to the size of Land where kudras ruled supreme and ran amoke and amassed huge wealth and established estate on the back of common people. He does no way insinuate or says that size of the Tibet is fixed from ancient to modern which rangzen wallas to make an argument which is essentially hollow and they themselves do not know much about history of Tibetan inhabitants beyond Chamdo, nor Mr Smith detailed history of 2/3rd of Tibetan and Tibetan landmass.

    Dawa Norbu did write a history of erstwhile Tibet. He wrote an autobiography called Red Flag over Tibet, later improved on the same content under the title of Tibet: The Road Ahead. It has some details of crimes of Kudras. His main area of expertise if Third World Nationalism.


  31. With Kaydor (Chela) Aukatsang as the new North American dhonchoe, the Sikyong’s debasement of any semblance of merit in the CTA is crystal clear. The CTA is now purely a vehicle for the Sikyong and his allies to further their own careers.

    Even worse, the Sikyong’s close ally Lobsang Nyandak will be taking over Tibet Fund and its millions of dollars. Maybe LN is keeping the Tibet Fund seat warm for the Sikyong when he retires…

    Or maybe the Sikyong has his eyes set on a higher prize… Obama of China, Nobel Peace Prize, and even more women to sleep with like he enjoys now.

    Will the Tibetan voters wake up and seize the CTA back from these opportunists? 2016 will tell.

  32. #35 & #36

    Is that the only book of Prof. Dawa Norbu la’s that you know of? I suggest you quickly do some more research on his publications. His seminal work is expensive, probably outside your price range.

    If that is your take on Smith’s Tibetan Nation, it just shows how prone you are to confirmation bias (the same bias as your CCP masters and employers).

  33. We were talking about tibet’s history book, not about some bygone third world nationalism in the post colonial era……time is moved on son. Don’t twist and jump……stick to the point. Ccp’s volumes of propaganda has a tiny truth in it if you are open minded…..that is, non existence of entire tibetan pplateau as one country. Hooever, what ccp cannot take away is, tibet’s unique cultural heritage and its linguistic tradition. Oh wait…..all linguistic scholars are from china administered amdo area…….


  34. I did not deny dawa nobu’s academic articles whillehe was in jnu. This articles no means it is a history of tibet which I demanded from some of your crooks to show from jn and so forth. Dawa nobu seemed a feeble man and man of few words as I observed one time at india habitat centre. He did noot really said an interesting point on the discussion about tibet. Unfortunately, couple of talkatve indians more vocal than dawa norbu. It was my first and last encounter with the dude after hearing so much pompous talk about him and his mystified legend of studying under a single burning candle. I still sypathize his past as a poor thoepa family and subsequent dislike and despise by our dear kudra children. Dawa norbu found love and care in foreigners rather than his Tibetn brothers and sisters. I understand his embarrassment to see his mother in shabby clothes peered through his classroom’s wndow…..ooh yea….all you cronies must be decent ofelitist kudras…..time is gone and we will make kudras history written perfectly and give a Tibetan final judgment, not a christian final judgement on the judgement day.


  35. ng shut up and go kiss ass of sikyong. maybe he will be impressed with your knowledge and give you a job too -nobody is impressed here .

  36. Ng, now I am fully convinced that you are jealous of academic achievements of jn and dn, the two jewels of exile Tibetan.

  37. Lol….jealous? Dawa norbuu was an old school boy, the world moved on and such post colonial mentalityy has no market, even no school is consider it as serious academic field. Jn is not an acedemic, rather a sensasional writer of sort. No institution took himself seriously, not even your dear exile establishment. He is babysitting now…..his only credible work is sherlock holme, and translation of khampas. Rest mere polemics. He only thrived on tyc platform, if not, he was gone long before. Between two of your jewel, dawa actually got a degree at the least. Just as good as your sikyong who is mastered in the field of speaking without thinking or slip…….

    I am still waiting for a specific historic book by either of them on Tibet, starting from shangshung dynasty to purgyal dyanasty, to skya to ripung to gangden podrang….upto china’s peaceful liberation. Plz cite,, if not color are shown when met with water….as it it is mentioned in sakya lekshe.


  38. What is the point of engaging this shithead? He is a hateful little prick that wants everyone to consider him as some sort of expert with not one paper to his name.

  39. Ng, now you agreed that jn has a credible work to present to the world. What is your credible work? shitting? Com’on do your own work and at least learn to admire somebody’s great work work if you can’t do it by your own. Have this much courtesy if any skin is left.

  40. The word on the street is that Kaydor Aukatsang was a board member raised fund for Tibetan Community in the Bay area but he also raised side money for his salary which was kept secret. Now he is raising money for his salaray to work in Dhoncokhang. right? Then I am going to ask Bill Gates to pay my salary while I volunteer in the name of the Tibetan Exile Eggheads Enterprise.

  41. You consider China’s Tibet policy a history book? Here you go, I don’t have to answer, but yourself answering to the original question. We are in 2013 dude, when was the book published? Even coming collapse of China came and gone. If I were you, I would at least use the material about Tibet was no longer the landmass that rangzen wallas claim to be as fixed since time immemorial to present, that Tibet ceased to exist after last king of Purgyal dynasty. You might cite 1913-1914 shimla agreement, 1913 eclaration of independence, coins, paper paper money, postal services, map and so forth. It does not change the fact of then size of Tibet.Tibetans ceased to look at Lhasa as a viable political center, rather a holy city as from a spiritual perspective. It was much the same as muslims looking at jeruselem as a holy place of pilgrimage. Moreover, so called 1959 lhasa uprising as a national uprising is a glossed history where writers did not know situations beside their kudra feudallords domain of rule. To the east and north east, revolted started much earlier, culminated in 1958. All local people will say, 1958 incident, not 1959 as exiles are publicly brainwashed. I refuse to accept this distortion.

    Well, the fact is, as you write your imaginative eulogy and expanding your gene pool, Tibet moves further into China’s orbit faster than before, Chinese han and other minorities are flooding the place…..it will have a definite impact, but your barking from internet serve nothing, but satisfies you ignorant self. Be stubborn is one thing, but loosing the war at home and aboad iss another thing.

    Just leaving debate abbout ulam versus rangzen beside, the entire establishment itself is no longer a political force to be recognized, nor it is a cultural force to be acknowledgement giving the fact of ignorance of culture amongst exiles. It will going further away from orbit of Tibetan and cultural and linguistic orbit than coming closer. Check your gurus and your leaders, present and present. All virtually fucked up and kudras still running the show and thriving a business. Enterprise on the blood and suffering of Tibetans in Tibet. Collectively and individually you take pleasure to use Tibetnas inside for your selfish interest, and doing nothing. Last question, when was last time you were in Tibetan areas of China? If not, I would encourage go there….if possible help, if not, at least your argument will have strength


  42. Hi NG,
    I want Tibetans abroad, outside of Tibet to continue to be the voice of tibetans inside tibet.
    I want them to shoute Rangzen for Tibet aloud like calls of thousand lions.
    This benefits how Chinese regime and public treat and look at Tibetan people.

  43. #50. NG

    “China’s Tibet Policy” by Professor Dawa Norbu la is a history book. Chapter 1 begins in 650 AD. It moves through every historical period of Tibet’s history and reflects of the relationship and interaction with China.

    Earlier you made a bold assertion that Dawa Norbu la had only written one book. Clearly you were wrong. I conclude that you haven’t even read the book and were ignorant of its existence.

    So, I find myself agreeing with #47 Tsering Dorjee la. You are a shit head. Fuck off.

  44. Ng, the last time I was in Tibet was on April 22, 2007. Now don’t ask my address and purpose. I was born there. All your posting’s final conclusion is voice against kudrag. We know most of the kudrag tortured and looted innocents but those were gone and we cannot cry on evils of past. Move on and live in Today. Be happy brother.
    History, nobody have seen it but many write same event in different versions. Nobody knows which is truer. For me the spirit of present Tibetans are more important than purgyal dynasty. Tibetans have brotherly feeling not because of purgyal and sontsen gampo and etc but DL and Tibetan Buddhism. Your line of arguments is not as strong as your dirty words. Tibetans both inside and outside have wish for separate state and this is legal. You do not need history text books of any version and authors to see this wish and common sentiments of all Tibetans. As about rangzen and ulam, I believe ulam is more practical and reasonable. But there big enough room for anybody to start ther own ideology and method of struggle. End is his path must be accepted by masses else what’s the use?

  45. @Observer: don’t be a frog in well. I have read all, but it did not ring anything fresh and practical ideas, so it did not struck me and I don’t even cite. The one slightly made an impact on me, his two edition of same book, Red Star over Tibet and Tibet, the Road ahead.

    I think you need to come out of cooccoons!

    Good Luck Day Dream and destitute unaccepted refugees. Wait for the day when Indian change heart in favor of China and keep your ass whooped!


  46. @Brooklyn Tibetan: I know how many Tibetans actually participate in rallies in reality, although it is the only activism they do no matter how hollow it is. When was the last protest held in NYC? When was the last time you participated in it?

    @Gone mad, I think you are making a better case than your ignorant exile born and highly indianized brothers on this blog. However, I have the feeling you are brainwashed by Dharamsala mechanism. Study carefully, in school, you might be taught and lectured it is important to preserve Tibetan language, but those who speak, whose children are fucked up in the same field. They are the first one to export all their families to the west, when they are retired, they are ready to leave to west. Don’t get fooled dude. Going through the system, and learning the system, and experiencing the system, and resisting brainwashing is the strength of character. You probably knew, how cultures and languages are preserved in the fucked settlement and school. I want to discuss this further with you here, if you are interested. Buddhism is a part of Tibetan Tradition, not the only one. During Pugyal dynasty, monasteries did not have that strength, although emperors started embracing a foreign religion, even giving one’s wife to a sadhu Sambava from India. The bedrock of Tibetan tradition is Bon whose influence in daily life much stronger than Buddhology.

    Common misconception, Tibetan language is invented by Thomi Sambota! no no no…hell no! He probably contributed towards improving the system of the existin glanguage. NOt created, not invented…..there were 32 kings before Sontsen Gampa, and there is the shangshung…..don’t be biased to Buddhism. Embrace to who we are. Tibetans are unique because of its language, not Buddhism alone….



  47. Ng, why do you dig Zhang shung and pudgyal dynasty and bon history?? On one hand you are pretending to be very forward minded but on other digging all the not yet decided whether history or mythology of Tibet. Please, change your book reading habit towards something more of contributory rather digging up cemeteries of those mythological personalities. History, as I told you there is no ground for truth. Each writer has their own conclusion which was based on their limited knowledge and observation. So you don’t teach me history. You can read somebody’s account but don’t take it to be true and make serious conclusion. The history of Tibet is like finding an iota of gold dust in a heap of mud. So where and how would you believe this kind of information? Post 1959 has slightly better historical records. Thanks mostly to jn and dn, the two jewels.
    I am not kind of cemetery digger, like you.

  48. @Gone mad: Truly gone when you deny your own history, you are either afraid to go to the root and start your history from somewhere….or you are virtually clueless about it. Education does neither limit to what you learn today, nor it is the idea for the future. A wholesome education is knowing the past through unbiased prism, analyzing the present and carve a vision for the future. Majority of Tibetans fail at this point. You are neither well versed in own history nor they are well versed in someone else’s history. They simply trying to be somebody, but becoming nobody. It holds true in every field of study, be it literature, history, religion, spirituality, politics, or even current affairs!

    There is nothing mythology about Shangshung a small dynasty that preceded Yarlung dynasty, Sotsen Gampo had hard time to bring kingdom of Shangshung under its reign. Bon is native religion preceded Buddhism, its influence is still prevalent in Tibetan society, for example, Considering sacred mountains like Nyan Tsen which actually have a better environmentalist touch in the depth of people’s heart. Tibet’s history is later written by fanatic Buddhist followers aided by Indian Sadhus. Buddhist historians mainly start their argument from first king Nyatri Tsenpo, that too, this king is came from India, so called son of Rupati……I think fanatic Buddhist feel it is better version because everything Indian is holy land and every shit is holy. Today, we see and experience holy land of India is no more holier than any other places. Buddhist fanatics try to brainwash us that before Buddhism arrival in the high plateau, Tibetans are cultureless, civilization less, wandering hordes of bandits, who cannot speak any language because Thomi invented Tibetan script as late as 7th century!!!! How fantastic!!!!! Minority Bonpos are silenced and barely supported…..even there are section of people do not even know if another religion called Bon existed amongst their own people at all…..such is the highly educated exile people…..Am I digging cemetery or am I touching something sensitive which was long brushed under rugs? Critical faculty must be used, dud!

    If read some of the Nyimpa prayers, it virtually says, “”གདོན་གཟུགས་བོན་གྱི་བསྟན་པ་བསྣུཔས་།” from prayer for Padma Sambava called “གསོལ་འདེབས་བར་ཆད་ལམ་སེལ་” which means “pray for the destruction and downfall of Bon religion”. This is a prayer for all mighty Padma Sambava who rode Yeshi Tsogyal, the Queen of Trisong Detsen like whore…..I never though Trisong Detsen was such a stupid! It like…..pop come to Washington and preach Christianity, at same time Take Michael Obama as his consort of sort in the name of Khandroma! Sweet!!

    Karma Choephel, made a history in the opposite direction, converting meaning of rangwang into rangzen and force that word into the throat of Dalai Lama and made him a liar……lol…..I can see what kind of education you got!

    Be independent in thinking and analyzing, use those faculties, don’t be like donkeys!

    By the way, check the prayer out……Padma Sambava will give you Ngodup!!!!


  49. Hey people,
    C’mon, are you still talking to me after being so senseless and moron? I’m just surprised to see the level of response to my nonsense writings all these times.
    As an old saying goes, “Don’t touch the shit if you want to avoid the bad smell.” If you spit on a moron, all i can spit out is a hatred and vulgar.


  50. When His Holiness said he was hurt and sadden by the comments of few people, i felt weird! I thought he was always forgiving and Buddha. When china blames His holiness for nothing, he smiles, forgives and said, he sleep is not getting affected. All compassionate! Thats very good!

    Karma Choephel is being targeted for speaking his mind- and let me tell you this: he didn’t made his holiness a liar. It is true that his holiness composed all those prayers and in one prayer he said- “yongzog Boejong Rawang Tsangmae pal”

    Boe Rangzen Tsangma Yin

  51. When i was in school in delhi,Dalai lama use to visit our campus for teachings and conferences, just by looking at him , my tears use to come out, may be it was because of respect and believe that i had for his holiness.My family worship him as god and whole world see him as symbol of peace, compassion and forgiveness.I m dead sure there are millions of tibetan who still have blind faith in his holiness. whatever he says will be right for them. People do die to just to get a glimpse of his holiness.

    After looking at the video of press conference by his holiness , i was shattered, i couldn’t believe my self that those words came out from His holiness, who has been teaching forgiveness and asking all tibetans to forgive all the chinese who killed their ancestors,who is considered as manifestations of the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteśva.

    What will his holiness get , by proving that karma chopel has bad intentions, if something happens to karma chopel or some of hardcore his holiness believers do something to karma chopel tomorrow, will His holiness will take the blame on himself ?

    I truely think His holiness owe’s apology to chithue karma chopel.


  52. After listening for hhdl teachings I found out that when he comes to the issue of tibetan, ie expressing their views and being independent etc hhdl has no tolerance.other than Tibetans he seems to be very easy going, open minded and not at all angry and sad.

    That speaks out a lot. The other day we are discussing recent his speech in Madison and we r like u know our leader is confused and v r confused too.

    It is sad that there is not a solid progression when it comes to the issue of tibet. Yes hhdl is like a celebrity in the western countries but that is not our final goal.

  53. Then who ask you to listen to HHDL? its mostly the ignorant part of your brain cells not functioning…seek help.

    if it doesnot suit your asss,switch to next dick.

  54. @Daveno: Their brain and ass are one and the same thing. Their brain only digest what you see. Forget about geopolitics!!!! They are not victim of China, they are victim of their own illitereate and uneducated nature! It is like playing music to the cattle….

    Someone is posting under my only “NG”….you can hide, but you cannot really hide dirty ass. In this digital world, there is something called IP address….you can be located right away! He thinks he is smart….lol!

    I wish somebody give a rebuttal to my points…..especially rangzen wallas!

    Enjoy this article:


    ” Historical evidences show that Bhrikuti had carried Thanka art with her when she got married with the Chinese emperor.”

    You all have been exiled to Nepal over half a decade and did nothing substantial for Tibetans. You cannot even teach a correct history to your dear Nepali brothers and sisters! Hilarious….chew on this bone and Speak Nepali! Bhotia!


  55. I agree with NG#59. His holiness is all compassion to non tibetans and even china but no tibetan can dare say something or disagree with him. Even tyc is not spared. Looking at this video of his anger I was sad for tibet.

  56. Dont be so sad- your tears might run out for your own funeral.You guys need to learn how to interpret and get the message into your numb brain properly-idiot!

  57. NG @65
    I understand Bonpos have their greivances too, but why dumping it here? What has Jamyang Norbu got to do with it? your anger is misplaced, take your grievance to the right place- to Dharamsala or to Guru Rimpoche if you like. All your frustration and anger seem to stem from that sense of not getting some acknowledgement. Go to Sikyong and put your case to him.why showing your frustration here? Dont want to hear anymore of your nonsense shit here.

  58. (this kind of sort of argument is out there… .) # 57 – DEJAVU
    ‘Great minds think alike’. Congratulations to all parties. Now there’s the common link – Uber patriotism and nationalism. But no need to out do each other
    #66 – i don’t think youre getting it OR maybe i’m also going mad.

    (posted under wrong subject – webmaster please Kindly ignore & DELETE – PREVIOUS duplicate postingP

  59. Just read an article by former VOA sangay in phayul opinion criticize jamyang norbu writing,

    I know him when he resides in Chicago, he is such a tsikjoe, always touchy with girls, had now become a monk after suffering from TB.

    He is a chela jukchi. Of ngari Tulku and I am not at all surprised by it,

  60. @Choden and J: The best way to expose Dalai Lama’s hypocrisy is to support Beijing to undercut his global image and his effort to gain international support for Tibet. Beijing is not concerned by rascal like Jamyang Norbu.

    Wait for another 500 Confucius institutes on western campuses, when you go to colleges, ready to admit as Chinese or Nepali or Indian. Otherwise, your dignity will be ditched like shit!


    Inside Job: Beijing’s New Allies in Its War on Tibet

    When the University of Sydney canceled a scheduled talk by the Dalai Lama it revealed the threat that the Chinese state’s growing influence on Western campuses poses to academic freedom and highlighted Beijing’s behind-the-scenes campaign to undermine the Dalai Lama’s legacy. What happened next served to remind Tibetans and supporters of the importance of making these battles public and fighting them using the power of the grassroots.

    What happened in Sydney?

    The controversy that played out at the University of Sydney last month is nothing new. For years, the Chinese government has protested any institution that dared to provide a platform for the Tibetan cause, whether it’s a talk by the Dalai Lama, a film screening or a photo exhibit.

    But times have changed. Today when it comes to academia, Chinese officials no longer have to go public with their opposition. They are able to wield influence behind closed doors, through individuals and institutions embedded on university campuses. Directly or indirectly, these individuals and institutions are dependent on Beijing for financial support and research access (visas can be denied if someone’s work displeases Beijing).

    In the case of the University of Sydney, acting as Beijing’s proxies were the China Studies Center, Vice Chancellor Michael Spence and, in all likelihood, individual researchers and professors whose careers rely on their scholarly pursuits in — and funds from — China.

    The China Studies Center, with close ties to the Chinese government and funding from organizations like the Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, was “involved” in the discussions that led to the cancellation of the Dalai Lama’s talk.

    Vice Chancellor Spence, as revealed by leaked emails, was leading the charge to cancel the event. He had just returned from one of his many trips to China — this time for a major Chinese business forum with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. During his tenure, Spence has prioritized close relations with China, and launched a $20 million Centre for Carbon, Water and Food at Sydney University in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science.

    “Thank you so much for your skill in dealing with this situation so effectively and in the best interests of researchers across the university. I think that the negotiated solution meets all the concerns.”

    When the Vice Chancellor wrote these words to the director of the university’s Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (IDHR) after the IDHR’s decision to move the Dalai Lama talk off campus and withdraw official support from it, he thought they were cleaning up an awkward situation, avoiding a backlash that could either jeopardize the university’s funding, hamper researchers’ access to China, or embarrass the university in the eyes of the public.

    By dealing with the situation in this quiet and civil way, Spence was removing the need for Beijing to launch an aggressive attack on the university, and ensuring that the university’s attempt to muzzle the Dalai Lama was kept out of the public eye. Why draw more attention to the issue and risk all the bad publicity when it could all be taken care of behind closed doors with a few emails and phone calls?

    What may have happened elsewhere

    When the University of Tasmania canceled plans to give the Dalai Lama an honorary degree in 2009 it was receiving nearly $30 million a year in revenue from Chinese students. Though there was no hard proof linking Chinese pressure with the university’s change of heart, officials did admit that the issue had been discussed in a meeting with Chinese officials.

    That same year, North Carolina State University canceled plans to host a talk by the Dalai Lama in Raleigh. University officials claimed the cancellation was due to organizational issues but admitted they were concerned about upsetting Beijing and had been warned by the head of the Chinese government-funded Confucius Institute on campus that hosting the Dalai Lama could undermine relations with China.

    More recently, there have been whispers at the University of Notre Dame that initial plans to award an honorary degree to the Dalai Lama were replaced by suspicious silence. Now, it seems, Gu Bing, the President of Tsinghua University, will make the trip to Indiana to receive his own honorary degree.

    These incidents, seen together, reflect an emerging pattern: behind-the-scenes pressure from the Chinese government and its agents, in conjunction with preemptive self-censorship caused by a fear of retaliation by Beijing, is keeping some universities from recognizing or even welcoming the Dalai Lama on campus.

    This campaign represents a new phase in the long-standing effort by the Chinese authorities to erode widespread global support for Tibet. In the eyes of Beijing, the Dalai Lama is the primary source of this support and therefore his activities and meetings must be curbed.

    It’s all a part of the plan

    A telling passage from a speech entitled “Tibet-related external propaganda and Tibetology in the new era” by Zhao Qizheng, former Director of China’s State Council’s Information Office, leaked to the outside world in 2001, illustrates how Beijing views the Dalai Lama’s global public appearances as a threat:

    “During public gatherings, the Dalai [sic] portrays himself as a humble spiritual teacher and pretends to be seeking dialogues and autonomy. He lays pretense to non-violence and makes utmost efforts not to mix politics in his talks. He speaks on religion, ethics, culture, democracy, freedom and human rights. This has gained him unprecedented international support and solidarity.”

    Discussed explicitly throughout Zhao’s speech is a plan to erode support for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan issue through long-term strategies that call for proactive engagement with international NGOs, Western academics and intellectuals. This engagement will be carried out primarily by Tibetologists, both Chinese and foreign, who are favorable to Beijing. The minister lays it out clearly, stating: “External propaganda struggle for public opinion should be treated as an important work, requiring relentless attention. We should launch a coordinated assault on different fronts.”

    In the years since this document was leaked, we have witnessed Chinese authorities executing almost all of the tactics outlined in Zhao’s speech, most recently at the University of Sydney. Just last year, the school was again embroiled in controversy when the Confucius Institute on campus hosted a lecture entitled “The Selection of the Dalai Lama and its Political, Religious & Social Influence on Tibet” by Zhang Yun, an academic from the Chinese Center for Tibetan Studies who is widely known as a mouthpiece for the Chinese government.

    Ultimate access

    While Chinese leaders are far from destroying support for the Dalai Lama and “winning over” global public opinion on Tibet as a result of these strategic efforts, they are clearly making progress in their attempts to gain influence over Western audiences — most notably with the establishment of more than 400 Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms at university and secondary schools around the world that are operated by a branch of China’s Ministry of Education.

    Confucius Institutes are the flagship of Beijing’s global soft power strategy, designed to promote a positive image of China by purportedly spreading Chinese language and culture. By offering a packaged deal of curriculum, teachers and funds to increasingly cash-strapped universities and colleges, Beijing has gained considerable access to — and influence over — Western academia.

    The establishment of Confucius Institutes has been met with opposition because of fears that they will compromise academic freedom. Free and open discussion on topics that China considers sensitive — like Tibet, Xinjiang and Falun Gong — is essentially forbidden and there are reports that Chinese government propaganda has been offered up as fact on topics such as the Korean War and Taiwan. McMaster University in Canada will soon shut down its Confucius Institute because of the requirement that instructors not have any association with groups like the Falun Gong spiritual sect which is banned by the Chinese government.

    Yet in spite of the controversy surrounding the proliferation of Confucius Institutes, they are now firmly established on over 400 campuses worldwide and the Chinese government aims to reach 500 by 2020.

    When you misbehave

    With China’s influence growing on so many university campuses around the world, how long can Chinese government pressure be held at bay in these institutions? If university officials risk provoking Beijing and host the Dalai Lama, what happens afterwards, when the spotlight goes away?

    One telling scenario occurred at the University of Calgary, where administrators went ahead with plans to confer an honorary degree on the Dalai Lama in 2009, only to discover later that the school had been removed from the list of accredited universities in China. At that time, a spokesperson for the University of Calgary publicly stated: “We have offended our Chinese partners by the very fact of bringing in the Dalai Lama, and we have work to resolve that issue.” In April 2011, the university was re-accredited after what was described as “great relationship building” by the new President with the Chinese consulate.

    Of course, it’s not only academia on which the Chinese authorities are exerting pressure; it’s everyone, everywhere. Most recently, British Prime Minister, David Cameron, was targeted by Chinese authorities following his meeting with the Dalai Lama last year. Already forced to cancel a scheduled visit to China in April when it was made clear that he would not be allowed to meet with senior Chinese leaders, Cameron is now being pushed to apologize for the meeting .

    Wielding this powerful combination of rewards, threats and punishment, the Chinese government is becoming more and more capable of bending the world to its will on Tibet. This disturbing trend makes one worry about the future of the Tibetan struggle.

    For more than two decades, His Holiness has enjoyed tremendous global support. Many of us take it for granted that this will always be the case, that most doors will always be open to him. But Chinese leaders have been working relentlessly to close those doors and roll back support for Tibet.

    It’s clear we need to fight back. But how? What strength do we possess that can help us protect the political influence and access that the Dalai Lama has built over the decades?

    The answer lies where it always has — with the grassroots — and the incident at the University of Sydney shows us the way.

    Grassroots power

    In spite of all the time, effort and money the Chinese government has spent trying to forward its political objectives abroad, the Sydney incident shows us that Beijing is vulnerable in the face of mobilized grassroots power — citizens who speak out and take action to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

    The University of Sydney has a Confucius Institute, a China Studies Center and a vice chancellor who has secured millions of dollars in Chinese government support and is clearly interested in strengthening this lucrative relationship. But all of these forces combined were not enough to stop the power of the popular grassroots opinion once the issue of the Dalai Lama’s exclusion was publicized.

    And herein lies the key: the issue had to be exposed in order for the grassroots to mobilize. If a handful of individuals at the University had not taken action to expose the injustice taking place behind the scenes in real time, we would not have had the time or the ability to mount the campaign.

    In the end, Tibetans and supporters were able to build awareness and ignite global support through mainstream and social media, and to use this collective power to create momentum and political capital to pressure the university into doing the right thing.

    A single Tibet supporter (Sophie Bouris) and the lone Tibetan student at Sydney University (Yeshi Palmo) working together with the national Tibet Support Group (Australia Tibet Council) as well as international Tibet Support Groups (Students for a Free Tibet and the International Tibet Network) along with thousands of individual activists online became a force China could not overcome. In a few days, 15,000 individuals signed a petition urging the university to welcome the Dalai Lama. A campus protest was planned and publicized, unnerving the administration. As criticism grew from all corners, the university buckled, and announced it would host the Dalai Lama. It was the Tibet movement at its finest.

    Protecting the Dalai Lama’s legacy

    Grassroots organizing is nothing new for the Tibet movement — it is the way that support for the Dalai Lama and the Tibet issue was built in the first place.

    The Dalai Lama has spent the better part of the past four decades traveling the world spreading a message of peace and nonviolence and highlighting the immensity of Tibetan suffering under Chinese rule. Individual citizens have embraced him, turning out in the millions to hear his words. Against all odds and in spite of China’s incredible economic, political and military might, the Dalai Lama has become one of the most influential and beloved spiritual and political figures of the 21st century.

    With little more than the concern and support of these people of conscience, the issue of Tibet has been kept alive in the international community even after six decades of merciless Chinese repression. Countless awareness-raising events have been organized, petitions signed, letters written, legislation passed, documentaries and movies made — all because the injustice in Tibet has been exposed and people have been organized to take action.

    The Chinese government knows the power of the global grassroots. They may never understand its true source — the basic kindness and goodness of ordinary people — but they have had to contend with its maddening force time and time again. It’s not surprising then that in the past two decades, Chinese authorities have made undermining support for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan issue a top priority.

    It is critical that Tibetans and Tibet supporters remember these roots and confront China’s attacks head-on, wherever and whenever they appear. It is not in Tibetans’ interest to keep these discussions quiet and hidden away. Burying these issues in the back rooms and subjecting them to the slow death of silent diplomacy only serves the interests of the Chinese government and takes away much of the power that the Dalai Lama and Tibetans have.

    There are some people who believe that we are living in a “post-protest” world when it comes to Tibet. This view is based, in part, on the belief that since the Tibet issue has not been resolved to date, all of the campaigns and demonstrations carried out over the years must have failed and Tibetans now need try something new — something more quiet and comfortable for the Chinese and their allies. It also stems from the fact that the Chinese authorities have been relentless in their opposition to Tibet support activities and have successfully scared many people, including Tibetans, away from speaking out and taking action for Tibet in concrete political terms.

    This “throw the baby out with the bathwater” mentality misses two critical truths: 1) the situation in Tibet remains unchanged because the Chinese government is an authoritarian regime that is unwilling and, some would argue, unable to budge on the issue; and 2) Tibet is a pressure issue that has advanced on the global stage largely because of grassroots protest.

    Governments and other institutions pay attention to and take action on Tibet primarily because citizens demand it, not because they believe they are serving any core economic or strategic interests. Quite the contrary — the Chinese government can make life so uncomfortable for anyone who sticks their neck out on Tibet that there is strong incentive for any person, government or institution with interests in China to keep Tibet out of the spotlight.

    This is precisely why Tibetans and supporters of human rights and academic freedom must be vigilant and expose any attempt to shut down the Dalai Lama or discussion of the Tibetan issue — whether it be on a university campus, in a public forum or in the highest offices of political power — such efforts need to be seen in the daylight of publicity and media scrutiny so that global citizens of conscience can help us demand justice and unleash their grassroots power.

    Certainly for Tibetans living in free countries, this is our primary obligation — perhaps even our raison d’etre — to speak truth to power and further strengthen global support for Tibet while pushing for real and meaningful change inside our homeland. This is His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s greatest legacy and we must never allow the Chinese government to silence his voice, or ours.

  61. jn la;
    you are the only one who can express the feeling in such a wonderful way. so keep it up even though people fail to admire you.
    i am always appreciate you insight knowledge and well versed English writing skill.

  62. Another attack on JN by a long time insider.

    Former commander and now monk at the private office,Jeshong Sangay Gyatso compares JN as wrong machine gun. People should take interest and learn more about him. We will say this he is a very very interesting man and normally, not the type to come out in attack mode, unless it to his utmost benefit. Thanks to 22 guerilla training.

    The life time of privileges and benefits people like him enjoy through their connection to private office is one reason why many well meaning Tibetan cover their nose at the corruption in Dharamsala.

    He wrote JN is like a bull with a horn grown the wrong way. If JN is a bull with wrong growth of horn. He is nothing but a watch dog of vested interest and self -interest.

    If Tibetans, believe that his description of Tibet and Tibetan cause includes ordinary Tibetans, dream on !

    We will say this he is an extremely street smart type of guy, sorry monk.
    He knew that it pays to be a bull dog now. JN and other Rangzen followers should be prepared for more such attacks from his types.

    It is amazing the crook hasn’t change even after droning monks robe. May be it provides a more comfortable life style. We urge others to take interest in life he led. We can promise that it won’t be boring. instead it will be very educational in understanding how a section of people thrive by playing to private office from time to time.

    We are not surprise. It just show how pathetic they are. Yes, THEY.

    I urge anyone to copy and paste this note in Phayul. Not computer savvy.

  63. While I try hard to bypass anything that douchebag NG writes, his pasting of Lhadon Tethong’s wonderful article at Huff is a must read for anyone who feels like I do, sick to his stomach over the fact that China has infiltrated Western academia, wielding enormous influence over the academic intellectuals and at the same time, attempting to brain wash Western students with CCP friendly propaganda.

    In my part of the world, at this time, the most influential people are the the scientific savvy intellectuals with an atheistic bent, people like Oxford’s Richard Dawkins, who this year won Prospect magazine’s top intellectual thinker with global influence, beating out Nobel prize winners. Harvard professor Steven Pinker coming in 3rd. etc.

    When it comes to science, I am a ravenous reader, but I must say, although I love their scientific knowledge, I am less than enamored with their sympathy toward the sadistic Chinese regime. They are either mute on CCP’s disingenuous way of doing things or like Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, who in his book, Why Everyone (Else) Is a Hypocrite: Evolution and the Modular Mind, overtly supports the Chinese regime and claiming that “Tibet was always a part of China” ,the public intellectual, Christopher Hitchens, in God is not Great, writes that the Dalai Lama claims “he is a hereditary king appointed by heaven itself” While I believe the Dalai Lama sometimes acts like it, he never said such a thing.

    Then we have popular atheists Penn and Teller(popular even in China, visiting that country often enough) also parroting CCP propaganda whenever they lampoon the Dalai Lama and Tibet.

    Of course I agree with many of the things the new atheists stand for but sucking up to China is not one of them however.

  64. Yeah JNISAHERO, after the Dalai Lama’s Salugara decree, the monks are crawling out of the woodwork writing similar themed articles on different websites urging TYC to go MIddleway, or else, and, at the same time, giving the finger to JN, who these dark-age monks must see him as the Devil’s Chaplin. lol

    Here is another one


    Even though TYC adopted, based on majority vote,for complete independence, the MW power brokers are not going to take no for an answer as the story below suggests.

    Lobsang Wangyal MCLEOD GANJ, India, 31 May 2013

    Top aide of the Dalai Lama, Samdhong Rinpoche, addressed members of the Tibetan Youth Congress, as eight regional chapters continued to boycott the crucial 15th General Body Meeting.

    The members from the eight chapters, including all the five from South India — Bangalore, Bylakuppe, Mundgod, Hunsur, Kollegal — as well as Dalhousie, Pondoh, and Ladakh, had come to the meeting with a proposal that the organisation change its stance from Independence to Middle Way for achieving autonomy for Tibet. The Middle-Way stance accords with the policy of the Central Tibetan Administration, which has the support of the majority of the Tibetans in exile.

    Rinpoche, in his hour-long address, exhorted the members to amend the conflicting ideas of Articles One and Four of the Charter of the organisation.

    Article One of the charter states: “Members of TYC accept to dedicate themselves to the task of serving their country and people under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal ruler of Tibet.” Article Four states: “… to struggle for the total independence of Tibet even at the cost of one’s life.”

    As the Dalai Lama is no more seeking independence for Tibet, but autonomy, these two articles are conflicting. Furthermore, the Dalai Lama is no more the temporal head of Tibet, since he relinquished his political powers and the Central Tibetan Administration is now headed by an elected leader.

    Rinpoche further said that if the majority of the members opt for a change, it should consider change in a fair and democratic manner, and that TYC should not bow to pressure by any individuals.

    The dissenting members of the eight chapters attended only when Rinpoche addressed the gathering.

    It is also learned that the leaders of these eight chapters have submitted a letter to the president of TYC suggesting change in the goal from independence to autonomy, saying that this suggestion is from the members and people in their respective localities. They felt that they would be unable to continue to work for and remain part of TYC, unless it changed its stance.

    The majority of the Tibetans in exile are in South India. Should the five chapters from South India withdraw from the organisation, TYC will shrink greatly in size.

    The TYC members will elect a new batch of executive members on the last day of the meeting on Saturday.


    Article One of the charter states: “Members of TYC accept to dedicate themselves to the task of serving their country and people under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal ruler of Tibet.”

    The Rinpoche is right in stating that “these two articles are conflicting. Furthermore, the Dalai Lama is no more the temporal head of Tibet, since he relinquished his political powers..”

    Therefore TYC should just delete the passage “under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal ruler of Tibet.”

  65. Rinpoche further said that if the majority of the members opt for a change, it should consider change in a fair and democratic manner, and that TYC should not bow to pressure by any individuals unless that individual is the Dalai lama.

  66. Can 2.5% of exiles democratically represent 97.5% Tibetans in Tibet? If so,
    What is the legal and electoral justification for that mandate? If not, exiles should focus on their private life for being in noman’s land. How can we say a fringe group of exiles who numbers around 150000 represent 6000000 Tibetans in PRC?


  67. those who were away from the general body meeting of Youth Congress really did not understand the authentic commitments of H.H the Dalai lama.
    those fools of south regional chapter’ s representatives could not read the mind of six million and their respective regions goal.
    if u guys read the history of the nation state .is there any one nation single handedly achieve their goal of getting ones nation.
    another case is that can u clap the hand without having two hands together similar to our struggle .

  68. Although not a fan of that arrogant Samdong with his never-ending holier-than thou lectures, it is good that he at least came to the TYC meeting to clear the stand-off confusion. TYC being an important organization, it was crucial to save it from changing its political standpoint and thereby its very course of actions in the future.

    What was Sikyong doing all these while? Shamelessly taking credit for the spectacular achievement of Tenzin Choekyi, just by the virtue of him holding the education ministry portfolio. The Times of India news of how the Tibetan students fared better under Harvard scholar sikyong was cringe-worthy to say the least. The spotlight was more on how he being Sikyong and Education Minister has contributed to this great results rather than it being the result of countless hours and days of study effort put by these students, teachers and their parents. This man sure loves taking credit! If next someone were to wear a nice set of chuba, he would likely attribute it to him being at the power that people are able to wear nice chub a, just as he had previously claimed that self-immolations in Tibet coincides with his assumption of political authority.

    Rather than focus on tragic news of the 118th self-immolation in Tibet and the ongoing TYC crises in Dhasa, our sikyong and his bestie and roomie and the newly-appointed Ari Dhonchoe have been busy entertaining the infamous call-girl (aunty) Mrs. Kelsang Tsomo from Bangalore at the Sikyong residential headquarters for the past one week now. Ms. Tsomo aka Skydancer previously disrobed a famous Rinpoche with whom she has two teenaged sons, and now lives off lavishly through his divorce alimony. She has met Sikyong in Boston on the eve of his Katri inauguration, last year in Bangalore and now in the very residence of Sikyong in Dhasa. Gangkyi corridors are abound with growing whispers of their rendezvous which is now becoming more frequent and outrageous. She is just one of his many conquests starting from lady in his cabinet to others, of whom it will be revealed one by one in due course of time with proof and pictures. Seems like we have Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi reincarnate at the helm of Tibetan affairs. Watch out, Gangkyi ladies! The lion may pounce on you anytime.

  69. @ tamding 81

    lady in his cabinet? Please dont tell me that’s Diki Chhoyang. She doesn’t seem like that kind of person. We cant expect any better from the aunty call girl and Sikyong but please, i had great hopes of this lady -diki chhoyang.

  70. tamding81
    the anonymity of a blog should not be used to slander people,debates on issues and policy are the lifeblood of a healthy blog,resorting to cheap attacks only clouds your argument of the Sikyong’s shortcomings…which there are many in policy…I mean.
    As for Kalon Doma Gyari & Kalon Dicky Chhoyang,I have known them for over thirty years and do not appreciate your insinuation on (one)their morals,please attack them on ideas if you must which is not only your right but your contribution towards a vibrant society.

  71. @ 83
    So, what are you saying? that its not true? And do you mean to say that if someone like the Sikyong indulge in extra marital affairs that it should be overlooked? I actually have no problem doing that and its not just about it being a moral issue but i think it think it sends a very wrong message to our impressionable people, both young and older.

  72. @84

    true-false …I don’t know or care,there are some who get their news from the newspapers and others from the tabloids…it all depends on the individuals.
    there are some who expect their political leader to be as ‘pure as milk’ and others like myself with not a care in the world what they do with their personal lives.
    but I understand that you have higher standards than me for those who seek office…my concerns are that the blog is often used to spread misinformation and an invisible line should be drawn by us that respects the privacy of those in office. (never thought I would be defending LS)

  73. you dont care,big deal!but tibetan people do care and do expect higher standards from our politicians. atleast from the Sikyong. dont bring your political correctness stuff into Tibetan society to condone all behaviors and social responsibility. (omg, i never thought i would be preaching to a higher up)

  74. As far as revealing the identity of “lady in the cabinet”, the time is not right as yet since Sikyong’s bestie Kaydor is also involved. But we can safely conclude that Dolma Gyari is out of the picture as she is only and totally married to politics, be it her kind of politics or whatever.

    How can people pass off what constitutes misuse of public authority and public office as “personal lives” and “cheap attacks”? Should our Sikyong be a mere Lobsang Sangay with no public post, he can even visit the GP Road every night for all we care. Though the morality issue surrounding it still remains but on an individual level with ramifications affecting only his immediate circle of family and friends. But LS is our Sikyong, for god’s sake. Topmost post entails highest ethical standards and moral conduct.

    Even in the most liberal of countries such as the US and the UK, marital infidelity or more generally political sex scandals have been considered politically relevant. Because there are so many angles of wrongdoing in such issues – the crime itself, hypocrisy, deceit, misuse of public authority etc. So, Sikyong’s private misdoings are as relevant as his public discourse and actions.

    Sorry JN la, for hijacking your wonderful blog with this issue. Keep your spirit high.Thanks so much for the space. I am outta here.

  75. gangkyi and me tszi khang is not short girls and auties who are spend a night with anybody for money and post. I heard LS mentor Lobsang nyndak also had this kinda affairs with office juniors. They are having good lives, money, power women.

  76. Your postings shine fresh light on our recent history. Young Tibetans and Tibet supporters would sure learn from you and appreciate all you do. There are few among us with knowledge and dedication of yours. Keep it up, and thanks.

  77. Jamyang Norbu la is one of the few out spoken tibetan intellectual who chooses to differ in his political view from majority of our people.We should definitely listen to what he has to say and judge him on the basis of his argument for any issues that confronts us today.Now is the time for him to come forward and provide leadership role to youths who disagrees with middle path.
    It is also time to roll back and see all sort of changes in exile communities and be grateful to HH the Dalai lama for what we have achieved so far. Let us join our hands with all our country men who has love for Tibet. It is not nice to enter into fruitless argument over petty issues.
    Jamyng Norbu la’s Lhasa, Eternal City is very enlightening for us and I fully share his concern
    about destruction of Old Lhasa by present regime in China.He should lead a “Global Campaign” to stop this desecration of holy city and raise this issue at major international forum. My prayers and good wishes to Tsering Woeser la and Jamyang Norbu la for their good health and long life.

  78. I am reading through all the comments and the post where this person dismissed Guru Rinpoche and king thrisong detsen and buddhism in Tibet in general is just appalling . It is like insulting the whole of what Tibet represents .

    Let me tell you a story :

    Guru Rinpoche has made a prophecy about Tibet in which , to paraphrase he said ” later in Tibet , Tibetans will turn against me and forget their gratitude for what I have done . Tibet will fall under china ”

    This prophecy became true with the radical fundamentalist from the Gelugpa school which of course are the shugdenpas and they burnt Guru Rinpoche’s biography, destroyed his statues and burnt his biography since he was a Nyingmapa . And what did Tibet experience ? The Chinese conquered and occupied Tibet . His holiness has made so much effort to curb this fundamentalist Gelugpas who donot even reeve the very founder of Tibetan buddhism , guru rinpoche and now when I see Tibetans speak ill against him , let me say this as an outside , in a few generations the Tibetans in exile will become nothingore than injis who will forget their language , culture and their struggle . I am very happy his holiness is passing on the torch of Tibetan buddhism to the westerners . Tibetans as a race I think your time has come to an end with the endless strife for stupid temporary power , fame and control even in EXILE. Without his holiness in the next thirty years not a single person will even talk to Tibetan representatives. Remember that ! Tibetans in exile have literally gone mad , like mad mad .

    I cannot believe what I just read .

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