When Andrug Gompo Tashi set up the Chushigangdruk (Four Rivers Six Ranges) in Lhoka in the summer of ‘58, and commenced resistance operations, Chinese garrisons and outpost in those areas were taken by surprise. Fearing that the local population might join or support Chushigangdruk, the PLA launched a fear campaign to drive a wedge between the local public and the Khampas. They dressed up Chinese soldiers as Khampa fighters and sent them around in small bands to rob and even kill Tibetan farmers and traders. When Chushigandruk headquarters got wind of what was happening they tried to contain the damage by letting people know of this Chinese deception.
The resistance put up posters, even in Lhasa city, warning the populace of these fake or counterfeit Khampas, and describing them as “khampa-dzunma” or “khamdzun” for short. The poster also recounted successful Chushigangdruk attacks against Chinese convoys and garrisons. Some Tibetans, at the time, were not convinced by the fake Khampa stories. A few thought they might even be a cover-up for some Khampas who may have exploited the locals. I wasn’t a skeptic but I must admit that I was, for a long time, not sure, one way or the other.
But in 2008 one minor side-show in the great Uprising woke me up to the scope and magnitude of Chinese deceit. When the demonstrations and riots first broke out in Lhasa, one photograph that caught world media attention was of Tibetan protesters burning the Chinese national flag. While every one in the photograph was in western-style street clothes, one man, standing apart from the main group, was wearing a chuba robe, in loose khampa style, and brandishing a menacing looking sword.

Claire Harris, the Oxford art historian in her latest book* claims that “The impact of this photograph was enormous, as it radically altered perceptions of Tibetans in China and around the globe. Websites and blogs filled with comments from enraged Chinese.” The photograph of a wild Khampa wielding a huge sword provided a highly effective piece of visual propaganda. “It was heavily promoted for circulation in the international press and through the global network of Chinese embassies.”
Fortuitously, a Chinese women from Thailand who had visited Lhasa earlier that month testified to the press that she knew that Chinese officers had disguised themselves as Tibetans during the riots. She even claimed that when she saw the image of the “sword wielding” Khampa on the BBC, she recognized him as a Chinese policeman. She also reported that on March 14, she and other tourists had been at the Lhasa police station, where they witnessed a policeman taking off his Tibetan-style clothing and putting a large sword away. Harris concludes: “Shortly thereafter Chinese embassies around the world began to send out another version of the photograph. This time the armed “Tibetan” had been digitally erased.”
The lesson I took away from this case was that one should never underestimate the Chinese capacity for deception when it came to their efforts to cause disunity among Tibetans and undermine the Rangzen struggle.
So, a few days ago, when I received an email that directed to me to this bizarre report: Lhaksam Media: “Breaking News: 400 Khampas Request to change a mission or goal of RANGZEN to U-MAY LAM”, I immediately said to myself “Whoa! Fake Khampas dead ahead.”
Accompanying this spurious report was an equally misleading photograph that had nothing to do with this or any other “breaking news”. The image was of 13 Tibetans (some of them not even Khampas and one the brother-in-law of the Dalai Lama) presiding over a function. This photograph was taken from an RFA report and clearly captioned “43rd governing body meeting of Dokham Chushigangdruk.” This was probably a meeting of the CTA leaning faction of Chushigangdruk, held some years ago in Dharamshala, and having nothing to do with any call for mission change. To authenticate it as “breaking news” Lhaksam Media mentions that it received its information “cortesy (sic) of RFA …”. But the actual RFA report did not mention 400 Khampas. Instead it said clearly that the meeting was held by one section of the Khampa public in Hunsur (“མདོ་སྟོད་སེར་སྐྱ་མི་མང་ཁག་ཅིག”).
I quickly called an acquaintance connected to the main Chushigandruk organization, and asked about this news-report. He told me that it was a complete fake, and that 400 Khampas had not contacted the organization asking it to change its goal of Rangzen.
According to Tibet Times on Monday April 22 in the Hunsur resettlement camp in South India, a meeting was held at Gyurme monastery by monks and some people of Khampa background, just over 300 (“༣༠༠ ལྷག་”) in all.
Fours resolutions were passed at the meeting:
The 1st praised the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) branches in five South India settlements who had earlier called on the Tibetan Youth Congress to change its stand from independence to the Middle Way”.
The 2nd called on the Chushigandruk organization to change its stand on Tibetan independence to that of the Middle way.
The 3rd stated that the previous year (2012) a number of Khampa members of parliament had regrettably participated in a conference at Dharamshala organized by a Rangzen organization (The Tibetan National Congress). As the TYC was organizing a Rangzen Meeting this year. Khampa MPs were called on to not attend this meeting otherwise they would not be acknowledged as MPs in the future.
The 4th declared full agreement and full support of the gathering for the Middle Way policy.
The strange thing about this document is that it was not signed by the “over 300 people” reported in the Tibet Times, nor any of their representatives. There was also no photograph in this report or anywhere else of the real meeting.
There are only five signatories at the end of the resolutions, four of whom signed as monastic officials of Gyurme monastery, and one as a former TYC Centrex member. None of the signatories also signed in any capacity as representing the Chushigandruk or any Khampa organization or as a representative of the gathering. This was clearly a meeting that had been organized by the Gyurme monastery or by at least by its leading monastic officials. The Tibet Times report provides two facsimile pages of the resolutions and the signatures.

Another very strange thing with the document is that copies do not appear to have been sent to the Tibetan Youth Congress or the Chushigandruk organization to whom the meeting was calling on to give up their mission goal.
Instead at the bottom of the second page there is a short list of organizations to whom copies were sent. The first copy was sent the Dalai Lama’s Gaden Phodrang Trust, the second to the Kashag, the third to the Standing Committee of the Parliament, and the fourth to various monasteries.
Why is the first copy of such a contentious and divisive political document being sent to the Dalai Lama’s Gaden Phodrang Trust? It was my understanding that after His retirement the Dalai Lama was going to use this “Trust” or “Foundation” for intellectual, philanthropic or religious purposes but certainly not for political purposes.
On the basis of this strange connection it could perhaps be postulated that someone in the Gaden Phodrang Trust instructed the Gyurme monastery to hold the so called “khampa” meeting on the 22nd of April, and the dutiful Gyurme monastic officials after faithfully doing what they were told, sent the first copy of their resolution back to the Gaden Phodrang Trust, to demonstrate that they had loyally carried out the instructions they had received.

Going one step further one might argue the direction for the spate of recent attacks on Rangzen advocates may have originated from the alleged director of the Gaden Phodrang Trust, Samdong Rimpoche, who has a history of hostility to Tibetan activists and intellectuals. I was given to understand by a Dharamshala informant that Samdong Rinpoche sent Thomtok Trulku around to Tibetan communities in the USA to instruct them not to celebrate the centenary of the Great Thirteenth’s declaration of independence.
In the matter of the TYC chapters in South India demanding that the Tibetan Youth Congress give up its fundamental goal and cancel the planned International Rangzen Conference (of 23- 25 May) we do not, of course, have as direct a link to Samdong Rinpoche as the Gyurme monastery letter to the Ganden Phodang Trust.
But one could perhaps ask why, of the TYC’s 87 chapters, only four in Tibetan settlements in South India took this perverted stand. Could it be that they happen to exist in proximity to and under the influence of all the great Gelukpa monasteries of Drepung, Ganden, Sera, Gyurme, etc., etc., who are in turn controlled or at least influenced by the Gaden Phodrang Trust, and its alleged director? But that, I will admit, is conjecture. More investigation and more hard information is needed to fully expose this sordid conspiracy that is turning His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s retirement undertaking into a hotbed of intrigue, conflict and even collaboration.
What is not conjecture is that the demand for the Tibetan Youth Congress to give up its core principle, or for the Chushigangdruk to give up its fundamental goal of fighting for Tibetan independence and to accept China’s tyranny, is as ridiculous and brazen as a demand for the monks of the aforementioned monasteries to give up Buddhism and convert to Islam. Ask yourself this simple question. If you belong to, let us say, the International Vegetarian Union (IVU) and you decide one day you want to eat meat. What would you do? Would you demand that this august vegetarian organization give up its raison d’être, its whole reason for existence, just to suit your convenience? No, of course not. You would simply resign and find yourself a nice steak-house or a Momo place, and get started on your new diet.
Those people calling themselves khampas or TYC members (and their instigators) making these shameless demands are, as far as I am concerned, “fake” khampas, “fake” shonus (TYC members) and ultimately “fake” Tibetan participating in an exercise in criminal deception in much the same way as those Chinese in Khampa disguises did in 1958. These people are clearly operating under false pretenses, and should be, at the bare minimum, kicked out, tout de suite, from the TYC and Chushigandruk.
The leaders of these historic freedom fighting organizations being attacked by those using the Dalai Lama remarks at Ladakh or Salugara, should not be discouraged or deterred from their noble mission. When the Chushigandruk started its military campaign against the Chinese, the Tibetan government and even the Dalai Lama himself issued condemnations of the resistance force. In his biography His Holiness writes that on his flight he met some leaders of the Khampas and talked to them frankly and apologized to them. “I asked them not to be annoyed at the government proclamations which had described them as reactionaries and bandits, and told them exactly how the Chinese had dictated these and why we had felt compelled to issue them.”
In My Land and My People the Dalai Lama’s also explains, categorically and at length, that his efforts to cooperate with Beijing and make Tibet an autonomous region within the PRC (which might be called His Middle Way prequel) was a complete failure and that the only way forward for Tibet was as an independent nation. Right now the current Middle Way policy is proving to be even more of a failure than its ’50 to ’59 prequel. Chinese population transfer to Tibet is increasing exponentially, and the crushing weight of China’s monstrous security apparatus in Tibet is forcing Tibetans, particularly Lhasa citizens, to flee to the (relative) freedom of Chinese cities. The Dalai Lama himself makes a passing reference to this in his Salugara talk (official CTA translation) as evidence of the “immense freedom” in China. Hundreds of thousands of Tibetan nomads are being driven out of their grasslands into walled settlements resembling Stalinist concentration camps and into desperate lives of penury and alcoholism. China’s large-scale and forcible seizure of farms and grasslands, and the large-scale and extensive mining operations throughout Tibet, are driving the population to chronic unemployment, poverty, and extreme political, cultural and economic marginalization. Few Tibetans are getting even such low-level, dangerous jobs as miners, as the casulty figures from the Metrogongar mining disaster reveal. There can be no doubt that Tibetans as a race are being driven inexorably into what can only be described as virtual extinction.
The 117 heroic self-immolators have through their actions “to protest Chinese rule” – a phrase now used near consistently by the international media (just Google the phrase) and which is the near equivalent of saying they want independence – have demonstrated to the world that they are calling for His Holiness’s return to a Tibet free of Chinese rule – an independent Tibet. Not a single self-immolator or single street protester in Tibet has ever expressed support for the Middle Way Policy. Those advocating the Rangzen cause should stand firm, secure in the knowledge that the courage of their comrades inside Tibet has begun to expose China’s sinister treachery behind the Middle Way Policy, and that the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government will soon call on them, the very people they are now condemning, to save the day, just as they did back in 1959.
Before signing off, a return where to where we started. The Chushigangdruk in 1958 were able to capture some of the fake Khampas whom they executed, from what I gather. They also caught a few actual bandits who had posed as resistance fighters. They shot two and gave another a hundred lashes on his butt and let him go. This last character is dead and it probably serves no purpose to release his name, but it might be mentioned that he escaped to Kathmandu where he later became a big-time ku-tsong gyap-ngen, or a trafficker in sacred objects. What the Catholic church would call a simonist.
* Claire Harris, The Museum on the Roof of the World: Art, Politics and the Representation of Tibet. The University of Chicago Press. 2012.
Very, very relieved that we have at least one person in our society who investigates and discovers things that gets hidden to the common eyes and ears … All this intrigues and false informations … to mislead … It is unprofessional politics. Manipulations and blackmailing the population is what the Chinese communist government does … I feel so disappointed and disturbed to see such from our own people, officials and government … Jamyang Norbu la has nothing to win then troubles by warning us and opening our eyes … What do others have to win by misleading us??? Thank you Jamyang Norbu la … I really enjoyed to read this and you give me hope and energy. Stay save and strong, we need you, we are with you!
Bhod Rangzen!
I am in india and and did not have time to catch up. Work up early morning for a office work and had little time ahead.was curious what in the blog of jn was written for all so called officials of gangkyiI were heatedly talking about and at the back praising for bashing cta.
I am not surprised to see this article. I am a ex student of Dalhousie and I know the strategy of samdhong rinpoche clearly because I have a baby face, he cares me lot .also I have heard lots of story from Varanasi student how neta wala he acts. It was a eye opening for him when he became chitue. He really had a hard time at Dhasa because of his dadagiri at both schools.
Right now his baby face pet is tenzin dhonyoe. I used to respect and have faith to samdhong but later when u spend so many times with person,u know the real color and that was I experienced and left his service.
Your wriging is opening a lot of eyes and this is making many people very nervous, ashamed and powerless. In time, if this manipulation does not stop, we will make sure that the “truth prevails” and the world is aware of the true wishes of the Tibetan people.
his articles don’t open your eyes. acctually it blind you monkeys and those who lick monkeys’ assess.
we will see what will happen. this time JN attacks khampas. unlike HHDL khampas never forget and never forgive.
Samdup or Dumpdup, get the facts straight, buddy boy. He said fake Khampas, not real Khampas. So, fake Khampas and opportunitic people in sichak who joined TYC in hope of landing govt post in future, are of no concern, because real Khampas remember their history very well. Are u a fake one too?
Jamyang la,
Thank you for your eye opening peice. Khe Kutse khrilo Tengyur Chik?
I am 100% sure that it was done with Samdhong Rinoche’s guidance. Did you see the green booklet produced by Gandhen Phodrang trust containing the speeches of His Holiness “Hurt Speech”? They distributed widely to every settlements and sweater selling places– what a waster of money!
That was the time when Samdhong Rinpoche restarted his war against Rangzenwalas but in proxy. He is bend on destroying the rangzenwala like the Shugdhenwalas.
Such a hatred filled monk!
Yours agu.
Samdhong Rinpoche my ass
Jamyangla, keep up the great effort for Rangzen as you are a huge inspiration to people like myself. Thank you for keeping the CTA in check, and our public officials honest. I know this much that true Tibetans will never relinquish their land to a foreign oppressor, no matter what the cost.
Another brilliant piece Jamyang la. The term ” Fake Khampas” hits the nail on the head. The guys I have met here in Europe and that introduced themselves as Khampas must be fake too. How else could they stand by and see their Cause dominated by non Tibetan losers ? How, with the reputation of being fearless warriors, could they stoop to the lows of kissing ASS ? How else could they tolerate the endless discussions on topics that are not topics ? How could they concentrate on and contribute to the ridiculous in-fighting within the Tibetan Communities but not once stand up to their Inji masters ?
The only Explanation is that they are FAKE KHAMPAS !
I always wondered what was wrong with these guys.
Now I know !
But where are the real Khampas that are willing to fight to at least get their Cause back ?
tsering dolkar inji kub la,he didn’t say fake khampas. he said real Khampas are fake khampas. and he might think that he is the real khampa. or only dolgyal practitioner are real khampa.
Joe Hemilton monkey la,real Khampas are Dr.LS,S.Rinpoche,Adu Gonpo tashi and too many are there to count. Lithang Athar was a real Khampa who not only fought against chinese army but also against Kudraks in exile.
agu tenpa,u can practice dolgya if u want to practice it. no one will destroy u. or go to nunnery and practice what u practiced earlier.
Tsering dolkar,i am a real khampa who want to change the so called Rangzen for U-Tsang to Rangkyong for all tibetan dominant places including kham areas.
kiss inji kub. u loser…
Jamyang Norbu,
after reading your article, i have thousands of questions for you. first of all why you are so hatred towards H.H The Dalai Lama ? you are aware of that most of the people uses the remarks of H.H without having a second thoughts in most of the gatherings because they believe him and respect for him due to his lifelong contribution to our society. i think you should attack those people who organise such activities. in-fact history is written by people and it can’t be an accurate source of information as long as it exit. you are brutally attacking the H.H the Dalai lama which is a sign of disgrace and shameless. to be very honest, i am a member of regional tibetan youth congress, i was appointed to be a member of RTYC. here in my place, students are allegedly forced to be a member of RTYC without their approval. which means that TYC forced the students to be part of their organisation and it violate the rights of students. TYC has neither financial background nor strong strategy to implement the rangzen policy. they gives only order to the local students and residents of the respective places.
at last, in order to achieve the so-called Rangzen, financial and strategy is so important which TYC lacks. if you are enable to provides such facilities then there will be more people who will follow your words. on other hand, why jamyang norbu is hiding at USA and why he is dividing our society by writing some baseless articles.
we request you that when you write some article which tends to divide the tibetan society, please attach the proof, alternative option, and names of the people you wish to attack.
thank you
Real khampas are changing their stand from rangzen to Middle way because they know kudras will run away when it comes to action and history will be repeated.
because no matter how intelligent You may sound, but when it comes to real action your kind runs away the fastest,we are tired of fighting alone,All your kind does is talk and write.Your mom is from tsangpa,does that makes u a fake khampa too?
Guys ! Must read and grasp the core messages of JN. Some time reader makes more rumor than writers.
At same time S Rinpoche and Jamyang Norbu are my intellectual inspirational sources. I have great respect for both them and their stand. I observed that the differences of of these two great scholars is correlation not causation.
Intellectual tug -war between two great scholar is awakening call for people like us in the drowsy world. When these two scholars airing out something scholarly statements, entire Tibetan community is at least debating and having kind of mild discussions. That kind of stimuli must needed. But important thing is reader must have to grasp their scholarly messages. Avoid drawing conclusion on the basis on surface reflections, make sure to infer the things in oblivious site.
long live HH Dalia Lama and Free Tibet
jamyang norbu^s advice to centrex of TYC and Chusigangdruk and warning to the TYC Members and Chusi gangdruk members that`Those people calling themselves khampas or TYC members
These people are clearly operating under false pretenses, and should be, at the bare minimum, kicked out, tout de suite, from the TYC and Chushigandruk.
This is his mentality and attitude of kicking out…
I have very important point to disclosed that, now a days many TIBETANS who want to withdraw its membership from TYC but TYC has systems of no member strick out their name from the official list. JN refers about 70 chapters of TYC but in realsense, there is chapers with members are force to joined speically in places where college students runs. They are just playing a power politics in the name of rangzen…..Therefore, i request all my fellow country men and women, not to follow his speeches and writings.. Its full of rumours and baseless aligations to Our HIS HOLINESS THE GREAT 14TH DALAI LAMA OF TIBET AND CTA,,… he is USELESS creature.
jamyang norbu, karma chophel, lhasang tsering, tenzin tsundue, are all trying to form a company called RANZEN PVT LTD, I m sure it will based in USA n most of share capitals will be funded indirectly by communist party of china via shamparpa and shugten tsokpa… I swear their main motive is not to get serious into our struggle rather making money through their lady luck for multiplying money RANG TSEM…. WICH MEAN SELF SATISFYING
tenzn choephel la, I don’t follow anybody without questioning. I think nobody does in this age. Certainly His Holiness won’t like people following him blindly. Even buddha said investigate before following him blindly. Today, everybody questions anything before they beleive them. So I want to question your intention of accusing Jamyang la of “attacking”. Where is your proof? After reading this article, I never saw him attacking His Holiness. Actually, Jamyang la is the only one in our community who is courageous enough to question and come up with constructive criticism. This is helping His Holiness, CTA and Tibetan nation. Before you blindly charge people like Jamyang Norbu, do your homework properly. Only China will like your kind of Tibetans who blindly beleive. Why not beleive blindly in communist party and stay happy
swiss bhoeme, you must be one of those joe mentioned was standing there doing nothing and not owning up the cause when outsiders are playing with tibet cause. fake khampas like you should not be members of TYC or chushi gandu, both have good history of well meaning people of Tibet. What ever they want to do in the future is upto the present real members not some people used by samdong rinpoche to change their historical stance of rangzen.
Jamyang la, you are always our hero. Those who criticize Jamyang la and TYC are the Chinese dog. Because Jamyang la and TYC repeatedly stated that for them “H.H. The Dalai Lama & Tibet Independence are their heart like”,(Khog pai Nying ta bhu).
If samdhong Rinpoche write an article like this or attack JN in his manner,JN’s voice already fade by now.
this is difference between S.Rinpoche and JN. former is real leader and later is bare a preacher.
སྐུ་ཞབས་འཇམ་ནོར་ལགས་ཀྱིས་བྲིས་པའི་རྩོམ་ཡིག་རྣམས་རྗོད་བྱེད་ཙམ་གྱི་ཆ་ལས་ནང་གི་བརྗོད་བྱ་ནི་ངོ་མ་ཆོ་མེད་ཤ་སྟག་རེད། ཁོང་གིས་གང་ཞིག་བྲིས་པ་རྣམས་ལ་བདེན་པའི་ཆ་ཕྲ་མོ་ཙམ་ཡང་མི་ལྡན་ལ། ལྷག་པར་གང་ཞིག་བྲིས་པ་རྣམས་ཀྱང་སེམས་དགུ་དོག་པའི་ཚོད་དཔག་རྐྱང་རྐྱང་རེད། ད་དུང་ང་ཚོ་གཞོན་སྐྱེས་མང་པོ་ཞིག་ཁོང་གིས་རྗེས་སུ་འབྲང་ནས་བོད་མི་མངས་ལ་བཀའ་དྲིན་ཆེ་བའི་༸གོང་ས་མཆོག་དང་བཙན་བྱོལ་གཞུང་ལ་ཁ་གཏད་དུ་ལངས་བཞིན་ཡོད་པ་རྣམས་ཀྱི་རྒྱ་ནག་གི་རྒྱུག་ཁྱི་རྣམས་ཀྱི་བྱེད་སྟངས་དང་གཉིས་སུ་མ་མཆིས། དེ་བས་འཇམ་ནོར་ལགས་དང་རང་བཙན་རྩོད་མཁན་ཁག་གཅིག་གིས་གཞིས་ལུས་བོད་མིའི་སྙིང་སྟོབས་དང་འབོད་ཚིག་རྣམས་ལོག་འགྲེལ་བྱས་དང་བྱེད་མུས་རེད།
འཇམ་ནོར་ནི། རྒྱ་ནག་གི་རྒྱུག་ཁྱི། ༸གོང་ས་མཆོག་གི་ཁ་གཏད། བཙན་བྱོལ་གཞུང་ལ་ངོ་རྒོལ་བ། བོད་མིའི་འཆམ་མཐུན་དཀྲུག་མཁན་བཅས་ཡིན།
Thank you very much Jamyang Norbu la for your ceaseless effort in trying educate us on wtf is really going on! Your blog exposes us Tibetans for what we are – we are not special people despite the buddha dharma and “democracy” And devolution of power and what not. Most of us are like HHDL’s robots. we even elected a Kalon Tripa who somehow morphed into a Sykong (and soon to be able to re-incarnate, if the swiss have anything to do with it!), and who follows the HHDL where ever HHDL is INVITITED – invitor pays for the trip, I wonder what the tally of the cost of Sykong tailing HHDL is now? – we have no mind of our own, we leave our thinking to HHDL and say our ommanipamayhums and long live HHDLs and on and on and on and on….meanwhile china just ignores us, waiting for us to run out of battery in a manner of speaking. And then we have proud Tibetans like you, who gives the Middle Finger to china and tell them to GET THE FCUK OUT of Tibet! Folks! If you live in a free land you have the right to say Rangzen or Middle Way! Tibetans in Tibet are saying Rangzen with their lives, they make me proud to be a Tibetan! Anyway, what we outside tibet want should not come in the way of what Tibetens in Tibet want! Sem-Chen-tham-cha-la bla bla bla…
What ever you write its good but do give respect to His Holiness the Dalai Lama… even the foreigners who doesnt believe in Buddhism also says His Holiness to His Holiness the Dalai Lama…. Dont forget without His Holiness we the Tibetans are nothing and also you are nothing…
TYC’s recruitment project should be changed on the merit of willingness. By saying this, their recruitment strategy is not entirely thrust on people with force. It is more of harnessing on ignorance and emotions of politically uninitiated students from school, where they are brutally brainwashed. I got the membership when I was in class 6, I guess. Nobody bothered to explain what membership of an organization means. Years later, I have participated in it’s activities at numerous places, but I never bothered to renew the membership. I feel renewal or non renewal does not make a huge difference. Moreover, it is used by interest group as per their political inclination. TYC as an organization, must explore more real avenues and resources, it should step out and beyond mere participation in Ngo meetings, protest on the street, holding conferences, and our normal freedom struggle without any risk. Only when you move beyond, people will take the ordination seriously. Otherwise, it is just another organization. TYC should stop petty internal power struggle, such as who travel where and when. Some people in TYC is so brutal that they can call US embassy to cancel an invitation offered to it’s president visit, informing the ambassador that the invitation is fake and bogus. All these stupid action is due to personal hatred and politics. I don’t want to divulge too much information about the specific event. It was years back.
I m from Tibet and studied in TCV. I m really very sad that there are many Tibetans who attack HHDL’s opinion in name of democracy. Most the inside Tibetans very sad and angry towards them.
They are one attack their parents and how can attack HHDL? Without Him, you are nothing but under china.If inside Tibetans knows your comments on HHDL then many will heart attack. You are must be shugden member or pretend to be so educated.All Tibetans in tibet praise HHDL even risk their life.
All inside Tibetans wish HHDL come to Tibet and they all ready to follow Him.Here all Tibetan really don’t want to follow TYC but their are force to be member of RTYC.Some college students don’t even want to rtyc at all like tsam chinnai.
When Jamyang Norbu criticizes the wrongs he sees in our society he is trying to educate Tibetan in the things that matter to us, and discuss and debate. Its in our hands to take advantage of it and find out what really is going.
If Jamyang Norbu wanted to become rich he had many opportunities. Instead of flinging baseless accusations ask people from Kalimpong what he left behind to go and work for CTA when he was young.
When defenders of the status quo attacks dissenters and flatter His Holiness, you are not doing it out of love for His Holiness. you are trying to fill up your karma vaults for you next lives. Wen you act like an unthinking neanderthal and call yourselves followers of His Holiness you are not doing him any favor. you are dragging down his name. Don’t mistake your self serving delusions to altruism. Jamyang Norbu has served the Tibetan cause more than any of you. He is the who remained true to his principles. And he is the only Tibetan when who can take to task those who take advantage of the Tibetan situation for their own scholarly advancement. What you should look into are those so called Tibet supporters who fill His Holiness’s ears with lies and false hopes and then easily procure VISA to C hina to write books about Buddhism or Asia.
I have a prediction here to all. JN will never stop writing such articles becoz he knows that RANGZEN isn’t possible & so his subject of writing stays on to feed his stomach. The simple reason for him to attack His Holiness the Dalai Lama is his long-term strategy to be in the limelight. It doesn’t matter of its effect as long as he gets readers who love to read MASALA or controversial stories. So he will continuosly write & add his personal flavor & spices of lies, hatred, splittist idea. Those who enjoy reading his articles & write suporting comments are also getting their shares from China or Topiwala group. In a nutshell, this is all a business with different name tags of writers, activists with a fake nationalism. Ultimately the fact is people in Tibet suffers & no one isn’t doing anything for them but takes benefit of their sacrifices by writing some articles to show their fake support & nationalism. You all are bunch of liars….
Dumbdup, keep your little chicken legs from shaking so much, it is embarrassing for Tibetan girls to have to admit our guys are such little pussies. What happened to our brave men who set our hearts on fire and make us quiver with joy at the sight of their manliness. I believe exile has produced diluted copies of previous generation of man who at least meant something. Hopeless gutless visionless blehhhhh …. I am depressed now.
By the way that guy in the photo with knife is definitely not Tibetan. No Tibetan man, even drunk, will wear his waistband around his ass. They will stoop to anything. Looks like they are winning. Only Jamyang Norbu notices it and if he notices it he has the perseverance to write about it and to bring it to people’s attention. But does anybody pay attention to that? Instead they are busy with baseless personal attacks.
I thank Jamyang la once again for this wonderful article.
However, I am truly astonished at the bitter comments left by some of your readers. I also feel that the Chinese are doing a good job by sowing suspicion and dividing us by dredging up old tribal/class divisions and hurt; which many of us feel have long been left in the dust of March 59 but apparently is rearing up its ugly head with the help of China’s secret service campaigns.
As far as Kudaks , Amdowas and Khampa go, it my understanding that many of the powerful “Kudaks, Rimpoches and traders in Tibet past were from the east or descendants who through their contributions to Tibet were given government positions and eventually became “Kudaks”. Therefore, the people who have the most to complain about should actually be serfs who toiled and put all our sweat into serving you people but we don’t.
All of us are China’s enemy, whether we are serfs, Kudaks, Amdowa, Khampas, U-Tsang pas, Dokpas, monks, or Lamas; so why are some of you so pent up with anger when you don’t even know who your enemy is?
Dawa la,i agree with u on one thing. JN may be got opportunity to be rich because he is offspring of Kudrak(སྐུ་དྲག) and A SINGLE KUDRAK IS RICHER THAN TIBETAN GOVERNMENT! Interesting? Read kudrak’s bridegroom Golsten’s The Struggle for a Modern Tibet and you will see the true color of them.
Tseten whateverber! Heard you still haven’t paid back Namgyal monastery .shut the fuck up and give back the money loaned to u by the monastery .
tsering dolkar la,seems you are produced by CCP and trained in their prison. they might taught u how to divide tibetan society by supporting those who have different opinion with HHDL. And you find JN has different opinion with HHDL and he attacks time to time to all important persons of tibetan society. So you choose to support him without a second thought. he is the man you are searching for. congrats! you little pussy. lick inji kub.
Proof once again that real dialogue is not possible with His Holiness involved on one side.
While I may not agree with everything Jamyang Norbu la has to say, I am fully supportive of his ceaseless effort in bringing these very difficult topics to the public arena.
All of us know that the easiest thing for anyone is to follow status quo and pretend loyalty and follow His Holiness blindly. Many do. It is lot harder to disagree and take a public stand at great risk to himself and his family. I can only imagine the pressure he must receive from his family and his friends not to write and be vocal about these issues.
If Samdhong Rinpoche has indeed brought Ganden Phodrang Trust (the Private Office) into this debate then he has done His Holiness a great disservice by dragging the good name of His Holiness into politics of the day.
Ironically, real dialogue is not possible as long as His Holiness is involved in these debates. His Holiness should stay above the debate on this issue. It is not a matter of rights but rather that of responsibility. “Just because I have the right to do something does not mean that I can do it”. Incidentally, it is for this reason why Queen of England and other head of States, like President of India etc., do not engage in similar debates that they face in their respective countries.
Metok, what a beautiful name. But alas! only poison spews out of her.
If Jamyang Norbu is born to Kudrak family he had no choice in it. You might say it’s his KARMA. What matters is what he chose to do with his good fortune. To educate himself. To serve Tibet since when he was a teenager.
I revere my leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama for having done so much to the Tibetans in Exile and in Tibet. Don’t get me wrong here. But, to me honest with you, I don’t believe His Holiness is a God ( please don’t hand me for it) and this belief does not lessen my reverence for and love of His Holiness. Nor do I believe everything His Holiness says without a process of analysis, which His Holiness encourage us to do. Nor, for that matter, do I believe Jamyang Norbu la, has less respect for His Holiness. But this is not about our respect for His Holiness on a very fundamental level. It is about the future of a very old nation, whose existence and claim to historical truth is at stake. I believe Jamyang Norbu la knows how consequential His Holiness has been to the Tibetan cause. The institution of the Dalai Lama itself is relatively recent, coming into being in 1578 with the blessing of the Altan Khan, the Mongel King.
Where I agree with Jamyang Norbu la is that Democracy is vital to our cause and we cannot just say we have a democracy. What I find disturbing his this obvious manipulation of our democratic mechanisms, parliament, people and the press, by CTA. What I also find nauseating is the CTA effort to drag His Holiness into this public debate which should continue. CTA should say this is the policy of the CTA and defend it on its merits, not drag His Holiness into it. Our political leader is now Lobsang Sangay and he should learn to be on his own.
I also believe Lobsang Sangay’s administration has been very effective generally. In one year he has produced many substantial achievements which the previous administration failed to do so in his two terms. But His Holiness is can not be with us always, it is time we should frame the most important issues based on how it is good for our cause, not history, for future generations, will blame us if we disagree with His Holiness. We don’t know now who history will look at how we are doing. On the political front, we have failed to frame our issues with honesty and boldness. So far it has been a “beauty-contest” approach, unlike any other freedom meovements.
It is sad that we Tibetans are living an Orwellian world, where only one intellectual has the moral courage to state the obvious. But more consequential still is how retarded our democracy, but this retardation is the direct cause of active manipulations by CTA.
@ 27 Derge Tibet,
Can you tell me how Jamyang Norbu attacked His Holiness in his writting? Please dont make up things. I dont claim to know Jamyang Norbu that well but this much i can say that he is a true patriot and people like you will never get it. I know that in a group setting most tibetans are all gung ho and brave especially amongst tibetans but when faced with chinese propagandist as well as westerners who are pro-china and who specifically blame His Holiness for the tibet issue its people like Jamyang Norbu who stand upto them and challenge them. That is how you show your loyalty towards HH and your country. not by sitting in Dhasa and proclaiming your loyalty. Its given- there is no need to proclaim time and again.for what? so that you can get some special treatment? And please dont use the name “DERGE” like you speak for all dege people. I know that Dege people are very loyal to His Holiness and at same time very independent minded. so speak for yourself.
btw, i think Jamyang Norbu was driven away from Dharamsala with constant threats and intimidation. imagine doing that to one of your own and cant even stand upto chinese.
Also please dont bring shugden controversy here. it has got nothing to do here. You dont worship and i dont worship but we have no right to tell others what to do. His Holiness feels duty bound to advise against worshipping and thats different.
Jn la, we all shugden followers are with you as you always defend us and care us … dorji shugden bless you …
Nice try lhasawa. Old trick to divert the issue, but none is fooled. I see the intent of your post.
Well I just got back into town tonight, unlike NG I actually do have a life. And as I was reading the comment section on this new write up by JN, someone wrote that our very own “baby face” Tenzin Dhonyoe is Samdhong Renpoche’s main squeeze hahaha.. I was wondering to myself who’s NG’s main squeeze might be? Then I logically deduced, it must be his fist. hahhahaha lucky guy, got two gf’s, lefty and righty hahhahaha
@ 41,
I always knew that NG, I mean Lhasawa is a closeted Shugden worshipper because he is a coward. but i didnt know he was a secret admirer of Jamyang Norbu.
Lhasawa and tenam. I am not amused. Same person trying the old trick to fool my people.
Yah, NG seem to have more ID than IQ
such a pity that we tibetans are far from being educated and rational in this century. we need another big jump, having jumped from medieval like setting to 21st century. 90% of the comments don’t follow any logic, reasoning behind what Jamyang Norbu la wrote. its sad but true. we have a long way to go.
The real fake Khampa is samdong rinpoche he once said that he is not proud that he was born in Kham. There is no comparison between samdong and andruk Gonpo. Or lithang athar.
I don’t see anywhere in this article where Jamyang Norbu attacks His holiness leave alone baseless accusation.
Those people must have a poor reading comprehension. Or they have so much hatred that they assume that there is something against His Holliness. No wonder, those who criticise Jamyang Norbu have superior Tibetan Language skills over the English. For example: Samdhong Rinpoche, Lupten Lungrik etc that i sometimes wonder if they comprehend enough to write a rebuttal. But they do and some rebutalls JN writing without knowing any English language skills like Serthar Tsultrim who wrote against JN few months ago; he claims he doesn’t know everything in the article due to language barriers but… nevertheless he wrote it.
I am stunned that people rebutalls without knowing the content of the article. Please read it again and again without any bias and preconceptions and you’ll appreciate JN’s writing.
This is your (Nay-Sayers) homework.
Yours AGU
JN is pretty pissed off with the recent excerci
se of democratic rights of few groups of people…LOL!
But what i dont get is his SIDE DISH of hatred against Samdhong rinpoche la. What did SR do, nothing…but pray and follows his teacher.When you dislike someone, his shadow would be a target of hatred. GET IT OUT and it will help lower your blood pressure.
daveno…i don’t think “hatred’ is the word to use here. C’mon its a strong word. What many people including me don’t like is SR’s hypocrisy and intrigue.
if you look back in this man’s career – it’s all ironies – a mismatch between being a living buddha and a self styled neta, a socialist v/s a democrat, a former rangzen walla to a umey lam champion and basically trashing everyone else.
So why is he not retiring to a ashram in south india and cooking up all kinds of soup in Dharamsala??
And even in this cyber space /blog – there are or is a fake Khampa . Ha! ha!!!!! But never mind.
According to our history – Some Dalai Lama families were from Kham and over the generations were enobled into Lhasa aristocracy – so basically we are all the same – All tsampa eaters.
JN…What wasn’t surprised me was your baby criticism towards His Holiness, CTA and Samdhong Rinpoche. I am sure that your criticism ends only with your death, but that is not a big deal in here.
The thing is that you are the one who always value genuine democracy, So what surprise me is that you are just emotional stereotype person because you said those people who are their Right of Speech or Opinion should be kick out from TYC and Chusiguntruk. Sorry jamyang LA your action is against your words and your words are about to die……
Here, i have sent a related news abt Chushigangdruk pic beig read wrongly from both side.
Here in rfa news, it says above pic was in connect with 43rd governing body meeting of Dokham Chushigangdruk, year 2013. In meeting , Delhi bureau representive was invited as a Chief Guest…
Yo, To hell with personalities & popularity contests. We’re concerned with our future,our country & Tibet’s Tibetans, which is now. Y’all petty bickering & ignorant remarks, the commie Chinese must be licking their chops & laughing at us all the way to Lhasa. You can bet your top money commie web trolls monitoring & relishing the fact we’re so divided & clueless in the matter. That’s why they own our country & people. There’s a racial cleansing, a Genocide 24/7, in real time in Tibet, in case y’all are in comatose. Tibetans in Tibet want ‘Independent’ of communist Chinese rule, so what’s the problem? Who’s causing the real division?
@owl:Did you got fight for rangzen in your absence? Or maybe you were away to do the experimentation about how to get ride of your superstitious hypnosis through the third person scientific method as well as your distorted first person fake consciousness? What is the result!
Man, people like you concerned about your shitty life…still you shout rangzen…I am wondering how can you pick up your rangzen? From corner of your trash?
If you are a monk and still can’t find peace, may be you are meddling too much in worldly affairs like politics.
Long time ago in the early eighties Samdhong rinpoche was requested by Khama communities to actively participate in exile politics. During that time he said I quote” I DO NOT WANT TO RIDE A DONKEY WHILE I AM ON HORSE”
but less than five years or so, he rode the donkey and became a chitue.
Recently I was reading a book published bt tibettimes asking samdhong rinpoche on freedom of speech and press. Wow he was so good on speaking but look at his mama Shri drama on RFA NGABO JIGME SAGA.
The CTA’s position on the Middle Way will not change until a majority of the TPIE are pro-rangzen. The only way to change the TPIE is to vote for pro-rangzen candidates. We can debate endlessly about the merits of rangzen v. ume lam but in a democracy the way to achieve your goals is through political control of the govt through the election process. If you believe in Tibetan independence and don’t want Tibet to be part of China, then you must vote only for pro-rangzen candidates in the next general election for Chitues and Sikyong.
Tibetan Broad casters of RFA are the strong suppoter of JN. They ciricize His Holiness with JN, even though their livelihood was provide because of His Holiness’ effort. with JN’s Hatered of His Holiness and CTA, the follower of JN like RFA reporters has clearly shown the true fealings and their stand. Great Job guys.
JN is sufferting from operation revenge. well you have shunden group, chienese government and you your pals at RFA to support you.
Please it is not by the efforts of hhdl RFA broadcast to be established. It is only in the US interest that has been used as a tool to challenge china in the name of freedom of press. There is other service like Korea, mandarin. So may be they sould be grateful for Kim Jong ill and Mao tse tung.
Please do not think that everything we have is by the grace of hhdl. In democracy it is by the people, for the people, of the people.
Without the subject there will be no leaders. It is interdependent.
Does it matter whether it was a Khampa or other Tibetan burning the Chinese national flag? Numerous videos shot by foreign tourists clearly showed the violent nature of the 2008 Lhasa riot which showed Tibetans attacking Hans and Huis. These videos and pictures did great harm to the ”peaceful” Tibetan image.
@ 64, you trying to make a big case of one incident where it was a spontaneous action by Tibetans who have been repressed for a long long time when Tibetans are tortured and killed by chinese all the time in a systematic manner. Even your Hui people collaborating with Han Chinese to make Tibetans a minority in their own land. so you’re no better.do you think you have a right to say anything at all? Didnt your parents and grand parents talk to you about the warrior nature of the Eastern Tibetan people? so, why act so surprised?
It’s shameful to see the level of understanding of a movement among my own people. Many of you here who accuse Jamyang la for not doing anything but to talk and write – fyi, mind you, thinkers and writers and critics have played major role in constructing a good movement all over the world. And too bad that many of you are just following the mindset of Jamyang la as stereotyped by a few as against His Holiness and fail to understand the actual message he’s trying to put across. Only Gyami should be afraid of the Rangzen Movement and only Gyami would be the one who attempts to destroy the Rangzen Movement. Anyone, who is trying to sabotage the Rangzen Movement using His Holiness’ name or CTA’s pretense, no doubt are either completely out of their minds or are the compromised corrupted lot among us.
CCP lies & deception:
What kind of a sword is that fraud in the photograph brandishing?
Where is the hilt/sheath slung across his waist from where he would have wielded this object. And is that the way to wield one’s sword?
Unless my eyes and senses deceive me the mentioned fraud is holding a chinese cleaver.
Thanks to small mercies of the observant/diligent Thai-chinese lady kind this deception was reported to the BBC.
Unfortunately CCP lies are not always that clumsy.
And for a moment I had to squint and look again for I thought I was seeing Rushdie.
personal threats and trying to slander somebody by falsely aligning them with Shugden people is display of weakminded people, like some Kojack idiot in office of Dalai lama, Samdhong rimpoche. Look at the mess he made of the financial situation by closing all those businesses. Look at the mess he made with the Shugden issue and the comments he made about rangzen people. People like that are worse than Chinese rapists.
CTA really needs to work hard to improve the quality of education. Jamyang Norbu la was not attacking HHDL rather those who take undue advantage of HHDL. He respectfully and with clear conscience writes that Tibetans inside Tibet are calling for return of HHDL and Tibet’s independence. And he raised question asking the validity of that decision taken at meeting and their sheer disrespect towards the organizations by not sending copies (though there decision wont matter because of its unrepresentative).I can not blindly trust people, there isn’t much transparency in our society’s functioning, JN la puts in effort to highlight the happenings that are hidden from us.I am not saying I support him or not, one should go taking things case by case. CTA or Samdhong can also go wrong at times, JN la may not always be right. But, we should give some credit to this guy because he can imagine, think, analyze, and more beyond many of us capabilities. Lets read, without any bias, read from different sources and make your own educated guess. But, please don’t pain yourself by hating or disliking a member of your own group.
Haha this is what i call democracy. Jamyang la go a head. We are with you.
JN still avoids direct attacks to HHDL which he will certainly do some day and that day may not be so far away. How can you say he is not attacking HHDL? When he attacks SR so profusely. SR is working on HHDL’s behest. He wouldn’t do anything against his will or without HHDL”S consent. This is fact which can be clearly read from this text. Now we have see whether SR actually initiated latest politically maneuvering events in the south to promote MWA or to set the agenda for the upcoming TYC GBM. Who and how will you do it? JN wrote that we should help him to prove this where he was not so sure as otherwise he would be.
@kalsang phuntsok, Poisons are used for making medicines too,tseten zuchaber owe lots of money to namgyal monastery,she still haven’t paid them back.
In Kabdha, I have recently seen Q&A by SR where he was suggesting that Tibet remained Independent country for much of the history if you just say Tibet become independent country only after the 13th Dalai Lama’s 1913 decree is a grave historical mistake. I think the person like SR is bend to destroy “Rangzen” is also a concocted fake. Just defending MWA should not be treated that SR is against rangzen. Otherwise RANZEN as goal or vision, every Tibetan has had agreed and will remain so in the times to come.
Karma: that is SR doing his deliberate misrepresentation of the centennial ceremony of the 13th Dalai Lama’s Declaration of Independence. If you ask any Rangzen people , they will tell you and you can read it yourself on TYc and SFT website, where it says ‘re assertment’ of independence. Either SR doesn’t know the word reassertment or he is upto his usual distortment of his opponent’s position. It doesn’t surprise me much. But what does surprise is people like you willing to believe anything he says without checking out for yourself. And before you people say it without a hint of shame, NO, Rangzen people don’t just want independence for UTsang only, but the whole CholkhaSum. That is yet another lie spread out by some people, very devious and dishonest people, people like SR and Tsering Shakya. Maybe they could have bothered to ask a Rangzen person. But who needs facts when one can summon up spirits and order them to make up stuff. It must be splendidly nice.
In fact people like TSUNDRUU was behind all TYC mishaps and especially current crisis. They must now come back to sort the things out.
I take my words back -if the term reassertion has been used during the campaign.
When a political and religious faction is lowered to this type of manipulation and propaganda proves to have water up to its ears.
All of a sudden when it comes to real war time kudraks turn into Usain Bolt. anyways,watch this u fools, Counterfeit khampa(dechen tulku) with a rangzen diet warrior. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=107878679416875&set=a.107878479416895.1073741825.100005842298804&type=1&theater
Serenity now!! Arrg… Serenity now…
If Dechen Tulku is for a free Tibet and is unafraid to express his support for Rangzen that is what matters. He is a brave man. What he believes in is not your business and not my business. And most of it it is not a crime. What is criminal behavior is people who tries to smear other people’s reputation under the cloak of pseudonyms.
འདི་ལ་ང་ཚོས་ངེས་པར་དུ་གཟབ་གཟབ་བྱེད་དགོས། །
འཇམ་ནོར་ལགས་ནས་དེ་ལ་གསལ་བཤད་ཅིག་ངེས་པར་དུ་རྒྱག་དགོས་པ་ཡིན། དེ་མིན་ཁྱེད་ཀྱང་དོལ་རྒྱལ་རྗེས་འབྲངས་པ་ཞིག་དང་༸རྒྱལ་བ་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་ཁ་གཏད་ངོ་མ་ཞིག་ཡིན་པ་ཆགས་སྲིད་ཀྱི་རེད། །
Picture of Mr. Jamyang Norbu la with Shugten follower Dechen Tulku. Jamnor la have to give an explanation on this picture.
#83 why? Is anyone paying JN to live his live? What “hung-sang-ya” imbeciles!
How shugden followers are treated will go down in history as most shamful aspect of our intolerence and domatism. How primitive. They every right to exercise their religious freedom. I ashamed to be a tibetan sometimes. No wonder we are always in search of excuse for failure mwp. Once it aas shugden, now tyc stance.
Yeah! that’s right let’s talk about Shugden controversy. What the fuck was that all about any ways? Why was a section of our own community ostracized and treated worse than our enemy? Why is some form spirit worship OK while some not? Aren’t they all equally ridiculous?
This unnecessary controversy divided our society, broke up our families, turned friends into foes, neighbors into enemies and worst of all caused us to view each other in suspicion all the time… for no apparent reason.
Even those who are secular minded and don’t have strong religious inclination either way are not spared by the effect of this nonsensical controversy.
What have we, as people, gained by stirring up this bucket of shit?
First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
Tibetan Version:
First they came for the Shugden worshipers
And I didn’t speak out because I didn’t worship that particular spirit,
in fact I shunned the shugden people
Then they came for Rangzen activists
I didnt’ speak out, I was one of them before I did a 180 degrees turn
in fact I vocally joined the clamorous din
Then they came for TYC! and it’s leaders
I didn’t speak out because by then I have lost all sense of perspective and resembled the red guards
Then they came for my group
Aleck there is no one to speak for us.
JN la…Thank you very much…..do not care what those dogs are barking ….please carry your things on….many people are still with you….
Can anyone help displaying the images of Gyurmey Khenpos or signatories for our public view?
Hi Jamyang Norbu, Its really to write and say from your house from Canada. if you really want to fight for RANGZEN then why you run away from India to Canada? Please dont miss-lead Tibetan youth.
Those Tibetan who born in abroad, they mind is very weak to change because they never feel the problem we Tibetan are faced and facing inside and what condition CTA is trying to do for country matter.
i just want to say that Jamyang Norbu is 100% getting money from Chinese government like Shugden tsokpa.
if not then dont talk and write only…. come here to India and act. words everyone can say but we need action. come here and lead for the RANGZEN with strategy and all. we will surely follow. otherwise please dont destroy our society you mother fucker.
whenever you come to India, i am surely come to you and ask you about RANGZEN,its strategy, your plan and all. That time you have to give me details about RANGZEN and also strategy.
i know you will never come to India because you are appointed there by Red Chinese to bark and destroy Tibetan Society.
please dont shout always, we need you action more than words
Bod pa
JN is undoubtedly a good writer…he seems to enjoy quite a fan following.I like his writing. But i think JN is a “neta” to the core…cant afford to stay away from the limelight..coming up with articles now n then, intending to brainwash, mislead, misinform…one can clearly see who his ultimate target is/are….CTA n HH… Tibetans all over the world are known…respected ..given some interest …all becos of His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Every sane person knows it. Most of JN’s articles smell of disliking towrds Him. This is really disappointing of jn.
SIR JN La,you got the eyes to see things which must be seen now and you got a heart that is so brave and courageous!you see things we our tibetan can’t see,not even dreamed ever,you got that heart which dares to challenge things which ruin us completely since BUDDHISM came to our land of snow.
Gaden Phodrang or Dalai lama is the only thing we got to blame for every failure.it or he is the root course of everything.
things like reincarnation and tulku is something dirty politics which was made and nurture by theocracy led by DL to continue retaining their power in tibetan world!
to be a tibetan we don’t have to believe what Dalai Lama said and what political ideology he got,Tibetan-ness will never die when you lose your faith in him or CTA but rather it(
Ha! Ha! man, r u serious or nuts? Real Tibetan doesn’t treat their spiritual leader in a manner you do. Even, if there is something you go against, it should be in a respectful manner. Democracy doesn’t mean you speak out trivial matters.
JN-MY HERO | MAY 9TH, 2013 | 1:27 PM
“Dalai lama is the only thing we got to blame for every failure.it or he is the root course of everything.”
maybe you should read up on your own nations history before making such stupid and uninformed comments
When even a stupid Inji knows more about your history than you, times are bad
Come on, JN-my hero, even JAmyang Norbu knows that is full of shit. HH has been great to Tibetans and had helped us keep together fit the most part. Of course, he has made some mistakes and it is ok to point them out. What is not ok is never to accept any mistake and never offer feedback to HH o. Things that matter tremendously to our country. Post like yours is going to the other extreme. It is ok to have disagreement. There is no reason to go to extremes about it.
I got it. Real Tibetan should never question spiritual masters. Real Democracy means never question HHDL.
Tell me more, how can I be a REAL TIBETAN like you Reality.
If i possesses a green card,
or if i was eu,
Rangtsen would be my stand
as I always believed
Tibet was a free country
what ever the law of the Gulliver
Lilliputians have to say.
at the cost of others
I would wait with big mouth
relish materiel and live
american Dream.
But a low life that i am
rangtsen consumes my life
in anticipation
to be there behind the ridge
and be one with my land
before all’s over
to live tsampa dream
poem zuma
As in hindi saying ” Mal hay to bal hay ”
Even beggar talk big and try to come to the level with his country’s leader when beggar have enough money to eat for a day beggar feels like on top of the wrold for a moment with this little money. what will happen that money is gone ? you all the answer… right ?
What a pitiable Tibetan society is going to be if we show our inability to understand the personality and characters of our leaders who despite all fallacies stood rock solid to Tibetan national interests and worked tirelessly years and decades by remaining within the society. SR despite his weaknesses, he would never ever become Khampa Zoema and incite any groups or sections against one another as this article claims. It is obviously a melatiuos act. Things will be proved sooner than later as we talking about a living person. Having said, that the writer of this article is sincere enough he must bring more facts to prove this before he indulges into another counterfeited campaign that diverts the gullible souls again to some other directions.
But I must sincerely thank JN for creating this wonderful space to bullshit and become big mouth anonymously for the moment when we feel patriotic and more so guilty for being so selfish and not contributing enough to the nation as we ought to be. Only flip side is that it is here for every one know and see how pathetic and poorly informed and irresponsible we Tibetans are that we get fooled again and again by people like you from within and Chinese or Mongols for centuries from without.
maybe learn to do what it says in the teachings:question while remaining respectful
Asking a question doesnt mean being disrespectful
I dont think our society is that bad or that our leaders and CTA are knowingly doing these undemocratic and insensitive things. I just think thier thinking and reasoning is little warped because of their closed mindedness and stubbornness. mind you, they are all for semche-thamche and all inclusive type in the general sense but the problem is not practising the same at the most basic level and not finding the right balance. that is my humble opiniion. but hopefully its a learning process.for all people young and old and Tibetans in and out.
GB@105: what do you mean? In a hierarchical society there are good questions and bad questions. You can’t be so inquisitive as it can be in the west. Power brokers will show you the way out eventually.
Tsering Dolker@97: Every one or anyone on this planet has whims and phantacies which includes HH. Don’t you agree?
105@BR; Who is insensitive, undemocratic and closed minded -not they but we are that’s why.
“Though my view is as spacious as the the sky, my actions and respect for cause and effect is as fine as grains of flour”
@ 108
GB@104: what do you mean? In a hierarchical society there are good questions and bad questions. You can’t be so inquisitive as it can be in the west. Power brokers will show you the way out eventually.
Jamyang Norbu,
Why does China keeps calling Dalai Lama a separatist or splittist when actually he wants to live with the Chinese? What is China trying to do?
Every Tibetan’s dreams of Rangzen but now its not a practical nor it is possible.its just a fantacy.middle way is the most practical solution till now.
HH Dalai Lama stands for modernization and unity of Tibetan people.Those who opposes HH are the enemy of Tibetan nationalism.S.cult is threatning the unity of Tibetan people and this cult needs to be eliminated from Tibetan society.
Mr. Jamyang la, you need to stop crticising HH. TYC is spreading poison among tibetan youths.Only Lama that cares about Tibet and Tibetan people is HH Dalai Lama.all other lama’s are $€£¥ minded.
If Tibetans have listened to 13th Dalai Lama then we wouldn’t be under chinese rule now.what we did back then was that lamas and aristrocrates oppossed the 13thDalai Lama’s modernization plan.khampas and amdowas also oppossed the authority of Tibetan govt. and they would join hands with chinese rather then with central tibet.
khampas would have faught with chinese during 1951 but they didn’t fought.instead they helped chinese to built roads and help them with their supplies.only after 1956’s land reformes khampas revolted against chinese.by then chinese had made strongholds through out eastern tibet so resistence against chinese was a failure.
we should learn from our shameful history and we should remain united under blessings HH.
TYC and jamyang la now please stop your BS.