Readers must forgive me for nit picking, but the term “kalon-tripa”, literally “the enthroned minister” bothers me. It doesn’t exactly sit well (no pun intended) in a democratic system. Thrones might be okay, these day, for titular sovereigns as the Queen of England or the King of Thailand, and certainly for His Holiness who Tibetans (especially those in Tibet) desperately hope to see one day back at the Potala on the golden throne that the people of the three provinces (led by Gompo Tashi Andrugtsang) offered him on the 4th of July 1957. Everyone else, prime-ministers included, should, even in a figurative sense, not be entitled to anything more than a chair. The term kalon-tripa also has an unsuitable religious association. The highest-ranking geshe in the Gelukpa church is called the Ganden tripa or “the enthroned of Ganden”. Why don’t we just use the clear, concise and standard term “si-lon” which every Tibetan/English or English/Tibetan dictionary defines as “prime-minister”?
But moving on to the discussion on the candidates for the coming prime-ministerial elections, I absolutely want to say how tremendously impressed I am with Gyari Dolma la for stepping up and throwing her hat in our political ring. In any traditional society (even in a not so anti-feminine one as ours) it is always so much more difficult for a woman to take such a public initiative than a man. The fact that Dolma la just did it, without any sort of affirmative action entitlement, the support of the Tibetan Women’s Association or the endorsement of her powerful brother, Gyari Lodi Gyaltsen la, is particularly admirable and praiseworthy.
She has a legal education and has in fact has worked pro bono on a number of occasions to help the Tibetan community in Delhi in the Indian courts. She has also been a long time member of the Tibetan parliament and because of her parliamentary experience and debating skills she has been elected deputy-speaker three times. That her colleagues appear to have consistently valued her talents and energy as a deputy-speaker but never took the logical next step and elevated her to the speaker’s chair, might indicate some residual sexism among the largely male membership of that body. But I am speculating here. Her critics sometimes tend to raise their eyebrows at her emotional outburst. But I for one would actually welcome a leader who showed anger at injustice and tyranny and shed tears when our people were being tortured and executed. I am fed up with the fearful and flaccid official reaction, generally of the lets-not-upset-the-Chinese variety, whenever some response to Chinese atrocities is required.
Former Kalon Tashi Wangdu-la is also highly qualified to be the next prime-minister. I am not too sure he is running. I heard sometime ago that he was not, but I see an ad for him in so I am assuming he is. Besides his higher education in Britain and his many years of government experience Tashi Wangdu-la brings a really strong and uncommon democratic virtue to his resumé. Among the few Tibetan officials I have known he has been very tolerant and genuinely understanding of dissent. When I was a director of the Amnye Machen Institute our newspaper Mangtso was often critical of government policies, but Tashi Wangdu-la (who was kalon then) never let that get in the way of appreciating the many works of the Institute, which he publicly supported and unstintingly praised on numerous occasions. Tashi Wangdu-la may not be an exciting candidate for some people’s tastes, but he has a solid track record. And right now we need leaders who can listen to the ideas and grievances of all the diverse groups in our society, especially those that are at presently marginalized or feel themselves to be – and hopefully bring them back into the national fold.
Another former government official running for the kalon-tripa seat is Lobsang Jinpa-la. His is not a high profile candidacy but he is someone who has many years of hands-on experience in the various departments of the TGIE, lastly in the Private Secretariat of the Dalai Lama. But he has one outstanding quality that requires me to tell this story. In 1976 the Tibetan Youth Congress went through its most critical life-and-death crisis when in the face of TGIE opposition it organized the Coordinating Committee for Tibetan Freedom, with Tibetan communities in Delhi and elsewhere in India and Nepal. After demonstrations, large-scale arrests, a hunger-strike, great deal of lobbying and vigorous PR work, the Coordinating Committee managed to get the new ruling party of India, the Janata Party, to call on the United Nations to take up the issue of Tibet. It also secured the Janata Party’s preliminary recognition of Tibetan independence.
Because of the opposition by the TGIE and His Holiness, all TYC Centrex leaders had to resign from their posts. The TYC went into a dangerous decline and there was some fear of the organization falling apart. But Lobsang Jinpa-la became president in 1977 and in a slow, methodical and quiet manner he went about putting the organization back, piece by piece. And it must be said that he not only succeed in doing that, but made tremendous improvements in TYC’s financial and organizational strength. Would he be able to do the same for TGIE? Why not give him the chance?
I think another candidate, Phurbu Dorjee-la, deserves more recognition than he is getting right now. He is probably the least well-known of all the candidates I am discussing, but he brings a dogged earnestness and untiring civic sense to his candidacy, that is unusual in Tibetan political circles, where big name connections and extravagant rhetoric serves as a regrettable substitute. Phurbu-la has a solid legal resumé, first studying law in India (LLB) and later obtaining his LLM in International Legal Studies from Washington College of Law at Boston. In fact, of all the Kalon Tripa candidates he is the only one who has actually practiced law, which is the definition of “lawyer”. He registered as the first sherpang (legal adjudicator) in the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission in Dharamshala, and if I am not mistaken, he has even practiced for a time at the Indian courts at Lower Dharamshala.
The point I am trying to make here is that Phurbu-la is one of those unassuming people who seem to have no problem starting at the bottom of the ladder and working their way up step by step, on their own steam; not politicking or looking for some sinecure or short-cut. He is a joiner, one of those people who tirelessly attends all Tibetan meetings and participates in every community event. Too many of us fail dismally on that score (I plead guilty also) but I don’t think there can be any doubt that such people are indispensable to our society. Hares may be exciting to watch but the tortoise has definite virtues that we need right now.
In terms of sheer volume of accomplishments Tenzin Namgyal Tethong is hard to beat. He is one of the three founding editors of the first Tibetan exile magazine (1968). Sheja (Knowledge), modelled after the Readers Digest, was very popular with the Tibet exile public in the 60s & 70’s, and is still running (the last time I checked) after all these years. He is one of the four founders of the Tibetan Youth Congress, and also served in the Information Office where he was briefly the editor of the Tibetan Review, He also worked at the Kashag Secretariat and the Education Department. In the latter he put together the first detailed proposal for the creation of a University of Tibet. He probably did that in the early seventies, but I obtained a printed copy later on which I took up with the late Gyatsho Tshering la, director of the Tibetan Library. The two of us re-worked the project and Gyatsho la presented it to His Holiness somewhere around 1983, if I remember correctly. The University of Tibet project, drafted at least a decade before the present Lhasa University was set up in occupied Tibet, shows, in a real sense Tenzin Namgyal la to be someone with vision, and not merely an accomplished bureaucrat.
He was posted as the representative of Dalai Lama in New York, after the American government had discontinued their financial and political support for the Tibetan issue. In spite of this complication, a severe shortage of funds, the absence of a significant Tibetan community (I recall only about 20 or 30 Tibetans in New York in 1975) and dismally few Western supporters, he managed to pull of a few coups. He organized the first ever international tour of the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts in USA, Europe, South East Asia and Australia in 1975-76. Prior to this no Tibetan organization, including monasteries had toured the West. But more significantly, Tenzin Namgyal-la managed to bring about the first visit of the Dalai Lama to the USA in 1979, a project which had till then been bedeviled by cold-war politics. Those were the days the US was cultivating China against the Soviet Union, and there was none of the official (and public) sympathy for the Tibetan issue, that we received from the mid-eighties onwards.
Tenzin Namgyal la was instrumental in setting up Potala Publication, The Tibet Fund and especially the International Campaign for Tibet in 1988 to lobby for the Tibetan issue in the American government and society. He also played a key role in the formation of several Tibetan initiatives in the U.S. and Canada among which are the U.S. Tibet Committee, the Tibetan Association of New York and New Jersey, and Tibet House – New York. He was also the leader of the second delegation sent by the Dalai Lama to Tibet, in 1980.This delegation of young and Western educated Tibetan officials created a sensation throughout Tibet for their outspokenness and boldness. John Avedon quotes Tenzin Tethong in his book In Exile From the Land of Snows, “The Chinese took one look at us and realized we were not the type of Tibetans they were used to dealing with. We were very outspoken. We challenged every statement they made, pointed out all their lies and mistakes … The fact that we were well educated yet still had faith in our religion and traditional culture was incomprehensible to them. It didn’t fit in with their dogma.”
From 1990 to 1995 he served as a kalon and later kalon-tripa. When he resigned, Mangtso the newspaper of the Amnye Machen Institute that I edited with my two colleagues, published an editorial commenting on his tenure. We had earlier published criticisms and comments on his administration (as we had of other administrations) but in the editorial we noted that though he had served in the cabinet for five years he had not completed his kalon-tripa term and we expressed our disappointment with his departure. We also noted that during his tenure as kalon-tripa the Tibetan government had run up the first deficit in its history. The Tibetan word we used for “deficit” was “chas-lhag” literally “missing-left over”. I admit the choice of the Tibetan word was not a good one, but it was exactly the same one was used by the Tibetan parliament in their Hansard like official publications of its proceedings, to mean “deficit”.
There was some genuine misunderstanding but certain Tibetans, unfortunately took it upon themselves to misinterpret the word “deficit” as meaning to steal or embezzle, and spread rumours to that effect. Two leaders (since passed away) of a Chushigangdruk faction at the time worked particularly hard to spread that rumour as they had earlier been in some trouble with the TGIE for their acceptance of money and the leadership of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission of the Taiwan government. The fact that Mangtso had first uncovered this Taiwan connection and even printed a facsimile of the agreement between the Khampa leaders and the MTAC, provided a double incentive to these people to persist in the misinterpretation – which was repeated again and again in their organization’s news-journal. This same misinterpretation of the word was also used by those hostile to the Amnye Machen Institute as evidence of its journalistic irresponsibility and reason why the Mangtso newspaper and the Amnye Machen Institute had to be shut down.
From information I came across much later it appears that that the deficit had been run-up over a fairly long period of time, covering a number of administrations, but had largely been unnoticed because of faulty accounting practices. When changes were made to accounting practices during Tenzin Tethong’s tenure, the deficits showed up for the first time. Because of this unfortunate incident Tenzin Namgyal la (who is a cousin of mine) and I have not been on speaking terms for a long time.
Considering the many failed and controversial programs of the present administration it might be a morale-booster for Tibetan voters to realize that all the projects that Tenzin Tethong has been involved in setting up: Sheja Magazine, The Tibetan Youth Congress, Potala Publications, Tibet Fund, Tibet House New York, International Campaign for Tibet and others are still carrying on quite successfully (although in the last instance, under Gyari Lodi la, not exactly in the way it was intended). Tibetans will also be reassured to note that when Tenzin Namgyal la resigned his official position as North American representative, and later Kalon Tripa, he transferred all his related projects to his successors and did not hang on to any of these undertakings (many with considerable funding and sinecure prospects) as a part of a “personal retirement plan”, as has unfortunately been the case with a few of our senior officials.
Of course all the candidates I have discussed earlier are Middle Way followers. But as far as I can make they hold that view largely because of their faith in the Dalai Lama, and not because they have an independent or intellectual stake in the Middle Way. So I am unable to discuss their ideas on this fundamental issue as I have done with Lobsang Sangay la, who has expressed his support for the Middle Way in articles and talks.
Tenzin Tethong has staked a somewhat different position for himself with his emphasis on Self-Determination (rangthak-rangchoe) for the Tibetan people as a resolution to the issue of Tibet. He and his supporters even organized a conference on this issue in 2006 in Switzerland. The UN resolution on Tibet (of 1961) that acknowledged the right of Tibetan people to self-determination, appeared to be the driving inspiration for the participants. I strongly feel that any refashioning of our fundamental goal of Rangzen, because it does not appear immediately viable or because is politically inconvenient, is extremely short-sighted and damaging to national unity. Self-determination like negotiations is acceptable, maybe even necessary at certain moments in our struggle, but only as a means to achieving Rangzen, and not as the fundamental political goal in itself. Hence when I attended the Self-Determination conference I expressed my views clearly to the participant and did not sign their resolution.
Nonetheless, since it does not appear that Tenzin Namgyal-la desires to make Tibet a part of China, without at least first getting the consent of the Tibetan people in a national plebiscite supervised by the UN, I think he might provide the Middle Way Policy a restraining influence, and could prevent any more disastrous negotiation trips to Beijing for the time being.
Hence, though I absolutely maintain that a rangzen-based national party must be created to contest future elections, for the impending elections I support Tenzin’s Namgyal-la’s candidacy. I think he will bring in a period of calm rebuilding of our exile government, which will give His Holiness and the Tibetan people time to rethink national policy. During his debates with other candidates Tenzin Namgyal-la was careful not to make extravagant promises and claims, which seems to have disappointed many in the audience. But his restraint reassured those more aware of the truly frightening problems confronting us right now, and also aware there are no quick and fancy solutions to any of them.
I agree with JN his first point”Kalon Tripa” change to “Si Lon”. this make so much sense to me.
Gayri Dolma is too emontional and very short temper to be Kalon Tripa.
Kalon Tripa is an absolute political leader to be able to lead entire citizens with so many ups and downs. If some one is too emotional, you can’t deal with variety. Additionally every single question she was asked she responded so weak and nothing specific on any topical that she wants to make different if she elected during debate at TIPA Dharamsala.
Moreover, to be international stage and represent Tibet. Someone needs to be very expressive and be able bring new idea on the stage,unfortunately she is not.
As JN said she was elected three times for speaker. Nothing really brought up with her own intelligence benefited any Old man and woman, new arriver from Tibet that she was talking about on the debate TIPA.
Talk the talk is easy but we have to look at who really do take action.
Jamyang Norbu la
For the last 25 years I may not have always agreed with your views but I have respected the honesty of your work.
I wish you could still be that person.
You have gone out of your way to pin point Dr.Lobsang Sangay’s failure and as for the other candidates it’s all roses!!
You mention that Phurbu Dorjee la is the only ‘lawyer’ as per the defination.
Since you have gone in some detail about the education background of all candidates you forget to mention Kasur Tenzing Tethong’s education background.
We are all free to choose our candidates and you have chosen yours ….but as you of all should realize is that as a patriot and a person who many Tibetans look up to…you have a moral responsibility to all of us to be honest in your words.
I feel the term”TRIPA” should be changed.It could be ” SI PON” too.
Tashi Wangdu and Tenzin Namgyal are very experienced and highly qualified candidates for Kalon Tripa.
I don’t know about Losang Jinpa. I have never hear his voice in my life some reason. I never saw he was on stage or in conference room talk to hundred of thousands about Tibet. I never saw any thing he wrote about Tibet or China or anything with his own words. I am going to leave him aside and definitely not for me.
Let talk about Lawyer Phurbu Dorjee. I know Phurbu Dorjee since first year I escaped from Tibet. I was just about to learn English Alphabet Dharamsala. One day my Teacher Tsultrim Dorjee invited him to come over give us (new arrived from Tibet) lecture. He was trying to argue ‘even if 90 years old mom stay in bed can benefit Free Tibet’. He talked and talked everyone is laugh at him but nobody said any thing to him. Then we asked few questions. All the answers he gave to us was such trash and nothing related with questions.
He maybe thought we all have never been to school but in fact 21out 60 are finished college in China and Tibet but we don’t know English. However since then he gives me any impression that I don’t trust him.
Then I also watched all the debates videos. Phurbu Dorjee is not only give responses relevant to questions but it seems he doesn’t understand the questions or he just simply forget the question talked and talk and trying to kill the time and some time he answers are out of control and he doesn’t even know how to conclude and moderator has to stop him.
I know he was in college at some point and in fact he studied law unfortunately. If he forgets the questions keep talk and talk is absolutely not work in court and on political stage as Kalon Tripa.
Tethong-la’s service to the Tibetan people, as JN-la elaborately mentioned in this article, needs to be appreciated. I like his modesty. I also feel he’s an honest man.
But I feel the public is looking for a fresh face: some one who is young, articulate, and sophisticated. That’s why LS-la is the most popular among the candidates.
We need to condemn the Chinese atrocities inside Tibet, but without becoming too emotional. Sadly, Gyari Dolma-la is unable to do this. And that’s why her career hasn’t moved beyond that of Chitue Tsogzhon.
Based on my observation of LS-la’s speeches and writings so far, I think he’s a flexible person who appreciates every diverse opinions in our society, including the presently-isolated Rangzen activists.
The greatest risk in life is not to risk at all. So, I feel it’s worth taking the risk with LS-la.
Being too cautious or tenpo is not good!
Goodness!! All I have to add is hahahah… Tibetan youths of today would not fall for this gibberish and vile tactics. Definitly losing respect for JN la. Its sad.
Thank you Jamyang la for your honesty. I have a huge respect. You have respected all of our great people, recognised our Chushi Gangdruk people who lost their lives unlike our TGIE.
I can understand this time you have supported Tethong. So what if he is your cousin- you have to have the guts to support him if his resume is that strong. Its proven fact that you are honest and will spoke truth even at the cost of loosing your cousin (speaking terms).
Keep up the good work. I’ll vote for Tethong next time. I didn’t make mistake the last time as Los Jinpa isn’t that bad.
Thank you again.
You wrote, “But I feel the public is looking for a fresh face: some one who is young, articulate, and sophisticated. That’s why LS-la is the most popular among the candidates.”
You are wrong. Even if public is looking for that type of person, LS is not that candidate. He speeches are gibberish. And he is not the most popular candidates because of your above mentioned qualities but because of his excess money (funded by CHina) and his help from the thuggish (and thieves) in Tibetan settlement.
None of the candidate had money like LS. I know he is not a millionaire. then what is his source? Uncle Chin? or Uncle Tai?
I am sure he is reading this blog and i am sure he is reading this posting. why isn’t he answering our questions?
Yours Agu Tonpa- On a mission to enlighten our fooled public.
Jamyang la, Tibetan yougsters are looking up to you. Many of them
are voting lobsang senge because of your influence on them. You
always criticise the current trend being too conservative and backwards. This article I feel presents a very different jamyang norbu. It is like Obama
supporting Mcan to run for US president. From my cell phone
Aku Tonpa
Do you have any proof that China & thieves from the settlement are funding Dr.Lobsang Sangay’s campaign? or is your piece a dishonest way of slandering Dr.Lobsang Sangay.
Jamyang Norbu la or the Administrator
As you have allowed on your blog anyone and everyone from making wild accusation’s especially towards Dr.Lobsang Sangay would you allow similar accusation towards your candidate of choice regardless of it’s truthfulness?
Dear Aku Tonpa…i think it’s Tenpa, I suggest you to read the website links post by Lobsang sangay as a reply to JN in and then make comments.
“gibberish talks”, “funded by China”, “thieves”, “on a mission to educate the fooled public”.
Restraint, Restraint, Restraint!
གང་བྱུང་མང་བྱུང་མིན་ད། བཤད་དགོས་ཡག་དེ་བཤད། རྒྱུ་མཚན་དང་ཁུངས་དང་ལུངས་ལྡན་པའི་ཐོག་ནས་བཤད་ན་ཐུགས་ཕན་གསོ་སྲིད། ཡིན་ནའི་གུས་ཞབས་བྱེད་ཡག་དེ་དྲན་པ་མ་བརྗེད་པ་བྱེད་དགོས། དེ་མིན་ནང་འཁྲུག་རྒྱག་ན་ཕན་ཐོགས་པ་ལས་གནོད་མང་བ་ཡོང་སྲིད།
བོད་རང་བཙན་བསྐྲུན་ཡག་ཙམ་མ་ཟད། མང་གཙོའི་རང་དབང་ཆ་ཚང་ཡོད་པ་ཞིག་བསྐྲུན་ཐུབ་པ་བྱེད་དགོས།
ཇག་པ་དང་རྐུན་མ་རྒྱ་མིའི་གསོ་བ་སོགས་ཚིག་དེ་འདྲ་བེད་སྤྱོད་གཏོང་བ་དེ་རྟགས་མཚན་ཡག་པོ་ཞིག་མ་རེད་བསམ། ཁོང་ཁྲོ་དང་རླུང་ལངས་དུས་སྐད་ཆ་དེ་འདྲ་ཤོར་སྲིད་པ་རེད། ཡིན་ནའི་བཟོད་སྲན་གནང་ཡག་གལ་ཆེན་པོ་མ་རེད་པས་གྲོགས་པོ་གྲོགས་མོ་ཚོ།
Both Lobsang Sangay & Tenzin Namgyal Tethong are promising candidates for the post of Kalon Tripa. But this time, I nominate Mr. Tethong lak, for he is a more deserving candidates in terms of work experience inside TGIE and elsewhere and for his dedication towards the cause of Tibet from an early age till now.
Lobsang Sangay lak, has enough time to work under Tethong lak and gain some experience as he is my future candidates for the post of Katri. Only if he is willing to learn and wait for few more years.
what impresses many common folks with sangay is his
1. phd from america
2. video clips(before the UN with crowds cheering his speech)
3. smooth and smiley style of talking
4. well proportionate 6 foot height(rare among tibetans even with khampas)
5. looks(many women (and some men too!) go head over heals)
6. young
well, this is not my guy, not even if he has a photo with obama! i doubt his practical leadership skills. and he is not a rangzen bazooka; in fact, he is the opposite of andruk gompo in every respect. but his efforts in making himself seen and heard by canvassing in shichaks in india deserves a huge applause.
That’s why he’s called the Tibetan Obama. But yes, Obama has not been able to fix the economy nor solve the Iraq and Afghan crisis…
But in LS-la’s case, things could turn out differently. Only time will tell. To me, its worth taking the risk. A non-kudrak, non-Rinpoche assuming the highest office of exile Tibetan government through direct elections has lots of symbolic value: a triumph of Tibetan democracy.
Moreover, LS-la is flexible enough to create room for all diverse opinions to flourish in our society!
Talking about Rangzen, no one is a Rangzen bazooka, although Tethong-la calls for self-determination for Tibet and applauded when Lhasang Tsering-la appealed all Katri candidates during a debate at the TIPA not to forget ‘the aspirations inside Tibet for Rangzen.’
However, given HH’s ‘full commitment’ to seek Tibet’s solution ‘within the confines of Chinese constitution,’ although this seems a pipe dream at the moment, it would be suicidal for any candidate to openly call for Tibetan independence…!
not all kudraks are bad!
not all commonman are good!
godrupa will withdraw
no to lama
gyari will withdraw
no to rinpoche
tseten norbu will withdraw
no to tulku
all those who withdraw
will make it roomy
unlike pre 59 authoritative kudrak
tetong is open
and democratic
to criticism
tact is one thing
boldness matters too!
if you have it in you
my shichak vote
goes to you!
A lot of comments on various social media tend to say that no-kudrak. I really can’t understand the logic behind such ideas. A person should be judged on his capability and not on his background. I am not saying that background is not important but it should never be the deciding factor.
Personally, I support Tenzin Namgyal Tethong La, let me just be clear from the onset. As some of you have mentioned have someone younger like Dr. LS would listen to diverse views and I really don’t understand the logic behind this. Just because someone is younger doesn’t mean that they are more open.
Looking at recent articles and counter article and also earlier article between Dr. LS and Elliot Sperling, I don’t find the openness in his characteristics as many may think.
The question on experience is also downplayed a lot as if it is not as important as education. When you apply for any job, the major criteria that employers look for is experience.
Jamyang Norbu la has done a commendable service by clearing the doubts over the misuse of the word ‘deficit’ in Tibetan. Although the article on the whole sounded a little leeward tipped as compared to the earlier article but two thumbs up JN la for coming out clear on your choice.
As someone who voted for Tenzin Namgyal la in support of his political will to usher in some sort of change through ‘self-determination’ and his illustrious career, I fail to appreciate the reasons many of LS supporters throw up for his candidacy.
One of the more stupid reasons that I heard from LS’s supporters was that because he is young he should be ‘atleast given a chance’. Considering the age of His Holiness and the critical political tangent that we are in, just electing someone for the sake of giving a ‘chance’ is nothing more than political harakiri.
His being so called young is actually a more polite way of calling him inexperienced, which he definitely is. Meeting a few people in China and talking to a few people in India on his paid trips falls drastically short of the actual experience one gets listening to the grievances of Tibetans in a settlement office or going through the files in Ghangkyi. Anyone who has served the TGiE will corroborate that fact.
I have utmost respect for LS’s educational qualifications but believe you me just being a lawyer is nowhere in the world a good excuse or a reason for someone to become the Prime Minister. His educational qualification and his wast experience in organising Sino-Tibet intellectual meetings all go to suggest fairly well that he could be a vital nut in the task force.
Listening to his speeches, you cannot miss his arrogance and political naivety when he makes all those promises to the claps of the audience, who for the first time is witnessing this non-Tibetan style of political campaigning.
I really hope that our majority will not just go with the hype but rather settle with the truth that right now our struggle needs the seasoned and balanced leadership of Tenzin Namgyal la. The tide is high and you need balanced hands on the rudder to steer the ship clear of the waves.
What the heck is going on here?
Read this piece.Man! I am sad.
Tsering Topgyal la,
I didn’t write anything about Tenzin Tethong’s education, as there is very little to write about. He has a high school (Senior Cambridge) degree from Mt. Herman school in Darjeeling, but like myself and many young Tibetans in the sixties we did not have the time for a university education. We were required ASAP by the Tibetan government at Dharamshala. Most of us were graduates of Christian schools, though there was a group of young Muslims men from the liberal Aligarh Muslim University. This is not to say that there were no opportunities to get a University degree, even in the West, but many of us stayed working in the Tibetan community because we were badly needed.
You are quite right about my not being hard on the other candidates. Primarily the only negatives I had about them were trivial and moreover were not related to the vital issue of our political struggle. I know that everyone of those candidates accept the Middle Way because of their loyalty to the Dalai Lama, yet none of them are against the Rangzen struggle or Rangzen supporters. Lobsang la, on the other hand, has clearly subscribed to the dogma that Tibet should be part of the PRC. I will deal with this at some length in a future piece (a response to Lobsang la’s response) which I hope will satisfy you. There is nothing personal about this, regarding Lobsang la. I confront and criticize every one, Westerner or Tibetan, who attempts to undermine the cause of Tibetan independence. That is my priority.
I will do the analysis work for you guys.
AGE and TIME =
Timing is critical now. So, lets not double the risk by having an Old guy as Katri and could not guarantee when the oldee will flee from the position.
Respect the past contributions. Do not consider those as a guarantee that brighter things could be accomplished again.
There is no difference between Kudrak and commoner so long as they are honest and will provide better platform for all Tibetan.
One thing to remember that KUDRAK, while their children were sent to other countries to get Modern education, they have not introduced those education to all Tibetan in Tibet during those days. It was HH who saw the gap and initiated some action towards this gap.
In my previous comment, I asked you three questions, of which two are as shown below.
“2. Is there a reason for critiquing Lobsang Sangay la first? Why couldn’t you have started with another one, say TN Tethong la?
3. Why this timing? Why this sequence?”
As I did not get any response from you, I am trying to infer your thinking from your writings.
You wrote:
“”…Mangtso ….that I edited…published….that during his tenure…the Tibetan government had run up the first deficit in its history….
…..Because of this unfortunate incident Tenzin Namgyal la (who is a cousin of mine) and I have not been on speaking terms for a long time”
So you think bashing up Lobsang Sangay-la is the best way to make up for the past mistake and show your cousinly love for TN Tethong-la? 🙂
Tsering Choedon Lejotsang,
As a Tibetan, Jamyang lak has every right to support his cousin brother, whose contribution towards the Tibetan society is enormous and the influence he has got over others is the added bonus. Tsering Choedon lak, you’ll also support your own brother if he is fighting for the Kalon Tripa Post? But make sure your bro also carry work experience just like Tethong lak.
Tsering Choedon, since you are the one who hold liberal view, so Let not get jealous here.
Are you Pema T or JN-la?
My question is for JN la.
Dear Tsering Chodon la,
I think if you read my reply to Tsering Topgyal la, two comments above, you will understand why I am critiquing Lobsang Sangey la. As a writer in the Tibetan world I have critiqued many people in the administration, including Tenzin Tethong, and I put in the part about being related not because I want to make up for any past “mistake” but to have things out clearly in the open. If you re-read the paragraph on the deficit you will see that I maintain that our newspaper did not make a “mistake” in its reporting, but that people mis-interpreted it, deliberately or otherwise. If you try and write truthfully you do quite often offend and alienate relatives,friends and even people you love and admire like His Holiness. But I made this decision a long time ago not to let that get in the way of my writing the truth as best as I could see it, or my work for rangzen. I will repeat what I wrote in the previous comment “There is nothing personal in this with Lobsang Sangay la. I confront and criticize every one, Westerner or Tibetan, who attempts to undermine the cause of Tibetan independence. That is my priority.” Just one question for you. Is it still your priority?
I am not supporting any of the candidates because they all are very unconvincing to my taste. But with all due respect to JN la, I would like to make the following points:
Not taking a clear position on the fundamental issue of Rangzen vs. Middleway is not a positive point. And I don’t think faith in DL is a score in their favour either.
Given that all else remain the same, I would prefer some one with fresh perspective minus old baggages; some one who can chip away at the stubbornness of the old established political psyche. Not a able administrator but a Leader, the need of whom we may feel very strongly any time now.
Unable to promise to me is equal to unable to deliver.
Tenzin Tethong la’s emphasis on “Self-Determination” is praiseworthy but if it can be interpreted as a possible means to achieve the ultimate goal of Rangzen then I don’t see any reason why the Middleway approach can’t be seen that way too.
Thank you.
“”Of course all the candidates I have discussed earlier are Middle Way followers. But as far as I can make they hold that view largely because of their faith in the Dalai Lama, and not because they have an independent or intellectual stake in the Middle Way. So I am unable to discuss their ideas on this fundamental issue as I have done with Lobsang Sangay la, who has expressed his support for the Middle Way in articles and talks.””
“”Tenzin Tethong has staked a somewhat different position for himself with his emphasis on Self-Determination (rangthak-rangchoe) for the Tibetan people as a resolution to the issue of Tibet. He and his supporters even organized a conference on this issue in 2006 in Switzerland.””
@JN-la, I don’t think LS-la has given up Tibetan independence, nor does he obstructs those who are fighting for it. I have been following his speeches and writings for many many years.
He’s a pragmatic guy for sure…!
Interesting to see that people have already made up their minds on the candidate of their choice; The two main candidates, atleast in the cyberworld, are TTla and LSla. The partisans for each of them are really quick to refute any perceived ‘attack’ on their candidate, and to criticize the other candidate for any minor action or slip-of-the-tongue. This might be the beginning of the multiparty system in exile, as there might be a permanent opposition, whoever wins. This could be a good thing in the long run.
Disappointment for the supporters of Lobsang Sangey who thought judge Jamyang Norbu will pronounce a harsher sentence on Tenzing N. Tethong. The judge seems to be far more lenient towards Tethong la and the others. Accusations have been flying around about the sentence being clouded by the judge’s relation to Tethong. I couldn’t help being funny in the light of what’s been going around. To my point, Jamyang Norbu has been very prolific more so after he started blogging, however personally his opinion on the Kalon Tripa candidates would have been better left unsaid. JN was very critical of LS and so much hullabaloo over his alleged remark which worried his supporters and eventually LS had to come to his own rescue. However the dissection of other candidates left much to desire; in short JN gave them all a clean sheet. For someone who claims to confront and criticize everyone, I think this time it didn’t quite measure up and personally it has been very confounding. I suppose JN la’s piece on Lobsang Sangay has prompted his hardcore supporters to come up with their own take on the matter for example( where the writers unearths three elitist groups namely aristocrats, self-declared intellects and Tibetan youths abroad under the influence of the first two, who are out there making life difficult for Lobsang Sangay.
It’s ok – You don’t have to beat yourself up over & over again.
You seem to be one of the instigators and the confession must be very liberating for you.
Let’s move on. Sorry, nobody thinks in terms of ‘enemy’ & ‘traitor’ these days – its ‘passé’.
Stranger things have happened than when the person(s) you loved to hate turns out to have been an ancestor in your past; a relative in the present; an in-law of sorts.
So vote for your relative. All’s fair in love & war.
guys don’t be carried away by copy cat obama act of LS. we don’t need conference organizer, nor we need public speaker. We are looking for a person with substance n experience ..
Jamyang Norbu la,
You miss another spot! what about gaduk kalsang, he is young energetic and kind of orater. Is he eventually not worth of …
Dr. lobsang sangay’s remark” i want to be obama of china” was to be construed as a hint of reconciliatory attitude towards PRC in the line of dalai lama. dalai lama made the remark, quite recently, ” i am looking forward to becoming a citizen of china”. such statements don’t fare well with hardcore rangzen champions, but that’s the official line of TGIE.
I think JN blew it out of proportion. And moreover, as it see it from public debates, Tethong’s opinions don’t seem much different from senile samdhong’s. LS is by far wiser, insightful, and energetic.
@Thupten la, I can believe that LS may have been trying to be sarcastic or funny in saying that he wants to be the ruler of China, but it is not a subject for humor for an election candidate for Tibetan Prime Minister. Not after the suffering of the last 50 years for Tibetans and the near total destruction of our country. Don’t even begin to compare LS’s statement to HHDL’s comment about becoming a Chinese citizen. The Dalai Lama, after shouldering the responsibilities of the state for 55 years, has earned the right to make such a comment in a light moment, especially as it illustrates the essence of his Middle Path policy. No other Tibetan can begin to even think about making such a flip statement about being a leader of China. And I am not saying that as a sycophantic gesture to His Holiness, but simply stating a fact.
As Clint Eastwood said once, ‘a man’s got to know his limitations’.
what Jamyang Norbu wants to do here is to clean up the flaw at Tethong’s cute face and he ignores and indirectlly opposes Lobsang Sengge by mentioning all the worthless people including Gyarima and so on.Here Jamyang shamelessly expose his notorious face as the hier of Tibetan kudrag which draw the conclusion that Jamyang Norbu is nothing but a donkey with tiger’s skin.
When I read his article on Dr. Lobsang Sangay la, couple of days back, I enjoyed it tremendously. I learned great deal about Dr. Sangay la’s background. I was under the impression that his analysis of the candidate is unbiased and educational that truely benefit tibetan society. When he wrote that Dr. Sangay said “He wants to become Obama of China” and that kalon Tripa is his first stepping stone is absolutely thought provoking reveal. This gave me a goose bump and pain in my bone. Though I didn’t get why he wrote this and why now, I still enjoyed his writing.
Today I read his brief analysis on all ka-tri candidates except Tenzin Namgyal La, whom he not only wrote in length, but everything perfect, hmm. Then also I enjoyed his article till I came across writer’s statement that he supports Tenzin Namgyal la’s candidacy. I stopped and paused for a minute. It throws me out of my chair. In my mind, star shines clearly telling me why Jamyang Norbu la wrote what he wrote. After analyzing his articles piece by piece. I, finally, realized that he has written these two articles with clear objectives of supporting TN Tedhong la, and ingiting negative campaign against Dr. Sangay la.
Jamyang Norbu la
You are right that Kasur Tenzing Tethong’s academic achievement ends with a High School diploma (Senior Cambridge).
I actually believe that the countless years of service in our Government gives him the experience and by far outweighs his limited education.
I also believe that under his watch the’scandal’ of money missing was a case of serious misunderstanding and a disservice towards his character.
I also respect your thoughts towards Dr.Lobsang Sangay.It may not be to the candidates liking but an essential part for us voters to be better informed and for the candidate to have the forum to explain.
I have nothing negative to say about all the candidates as I do not suscribe to hearsay, and due to our limited knowledge about the candidates I like many rely on a voice like yours that we accept to be honest and fair.
Your critique on Dr.Lobsang Sangay as I had stated before is grossly unfair in light of your glowing tribute towards Kasur Tenzing Tethong.
I am for Rangzen and Dr.Lobsang Sangay will not get my vote if the facts are that he is adamant about Tibet being part of PRC.
I look forward to your future piece in response to Dr.Lobsang Sangay’s response.
Middle Path or Rangzen. Either is better than what we currently have (or have not). The point is to get the Chinese to make real concessions, and so far neither approach has worked, so we can’t bash either view because neither has materialize anything.
Thus for me, Middle Way is the default choice because that is the choice of HHDl, and I have more faith in him than anybody else.
To Jamyang la, I would have much more respect for you if you would have just said that you supported Tethong la outright from the beginning and your reasons for voting for him than bashing Sangay in a roundabout way.
Statements such as “he (Phurbu Dorje) is the only one who has actually practiced law, which is the definition of “lawyer”, are quite childish.
With all due respect, you are beginning to sound like the many elder Tibetans who always over-analyze and criticize the work of the youth with very little support or encouragement for the work they do.
Why is it that whenever we have success stories in our society, we get jealous or angry, and try to nitpick the faults of the successful ones instead of complimenting and supporting them.
Again, I have utmost respect for Jamyang Norbu la for the invaluable service he provides to the Tibetan community. Moreover I have a lot of respect for all the candidates because they truly are sacrificing their comfortable lives for a not so sexy title.
Those are my worthless 2 cents.
“Tibetan Kudrag…a donkey with tiger’s skin!” You should learn how to respect people whose opinion you don’t agree with or endorse.
I am not convinced with JN-la’s thesis that LS-la has made up his mind to ‘secure his future as citizen of China.’
But that doesn’t blind me to JN’s contribution to our society as an intellectual.
His analysis might go off the mark, but he has integrity. No doubt of this…
who said jn is not on the track? NO, he is always on the track, actually ON double tracks-independence and democracy- that will lead us to FREEDOM!!!!
Report 1. This DAVANO spamming here is really the manager of Lobsang Singe campaign website. Name Rinchen Tobgyal. Proof! check infomation & style of writing and check his article “elitist relics target Dr. Lobsang Sangay. Same, ditto. BTW.
Report 2. Sorry JN, you lost follower Tsering Choden. She has drunk LS Kool-Aid. Ha. Ha.
I am not spamming,i am stating the facts here.
I am not Rinchen Tobgyal la. His education,knowledge and writing skills is way much better than mine.
BTW, i want to thank him for his good analytical observation and straightforward, yet honest articles on our society.
Thanks for Jamyang Norbu’s vivid analizing and observation on our Kalon Tripa’s topic. We need it. It came at the right time. I request you not to feel discourage by the response of critics. Since we people were grown up in democratic country, we should feel adapt and restraint to any type of criticism.
Why you are not campaigning for Kalon Tripa? We need like you. I hope you might have heard from Radio that Tenzin Tsundue would like to vote for you. If you write only without coming into the society, it will hardly help. YOU KNOW, YOURS PREVIOUS TOUR IN INDIA HAS SHOOKED OUR SOCIETY, AND ALSO OF CHINESE GOVT.
There’s an infectioius hullaballo over the ‘ experience factor’ in the resume of kalon tripa candidates. I think emphasis should be placed on his manifesto, his plans for the future rather than his past achievements, as is the trend in the western electorial campaigns. In UK, Nick Clegg, David Camaroon and Gordon Brown debated on their future plans rather than their personality, past achievements, or commitment to the Queen.
Generally, a capable man is born, not made, and historically, we have seen great politicians and warriors taking power in their hand with immense success at relatively young age. Dalai Lama himself took power at the age of 16 years,and did astoundingly well. The same goes for Songtsen Gompo, our warrior king, who took power at the age of mere 13 years. There isn’t much to learn from long tenure in offices, which people translates as experience, except few nuances of managerial tidbits, the task of which could be rested on a capable administrator.
we need a visioned leader with insight, education, and energy rather than an experienced, senile administrator whose can only do his daily duties well,and maintain the status quo.
we don’t have time to analyze the minor credentials like whether a candidate is the ‘ kind who don’t mind making up from the bottom rather than cutting short-cuts’. we need the most capable person on katri chair, his personalities doesn’t matter much.
The lack of administrative experience could easily be compensated by prudent reliance on senior advisors, or cabinets, with whom the katri should discuss before launching any statement, project, or venture. No wise politician works alone.
let’s look at this trend: global powers have young, handsome, energetic leaders– obama( usa), david camaroon( uk), sarzokyi( france). where as thirdworld, poorest countries have oldest leaders– manmohan singh( india), samdhong lama( tibet), Man Mohan Adhikari ( nepal), etc. This is because the young has the fire to run forward, take risk, acknowlege mistakes and celebrate success whereas the oldies play same all the time, being vague, avoiding risk, and doing nothing ( to avoid blame), and maintaining the status quo( it’s saves lot of hassles, debates, and mental calmness). the consequence is: the nation remain just the same, no improvement.
So, it’s more of wisdom, sense of judgement( according to obama), and far-sightedness rathern than managerial experience.
Yes, Jamyang-la. How about shifting your residence to Dharamsala? To begin a new innings? To start a new secular democratic party, with Rangzen as the ultimate goal? I’m sure many activists will volunteer to work for the party. I think its high time you return to Dharamsala.
With best wishes. Tibet should not only be independent, but democratic.
Good wishes
deeply a sad fact is that still kudrag or aristocracy rules the psyche of tibetan public. candidates like gyari dolma, tenzin namgyal tethong have elite background, which made their life easy with better connections to pull them up. JN is supporting tethong as they’re both aristocrats. there’s gyari lodoe for gyari dolma. such people have ruled tibet since time immemorial, but nothing great happned. We need a ‘ people’s katri’ like lobsang sangay or penpa tsering, who made their way up from the humble beginnings with dedication, hardwork, and sincerity agianst all odds. we need to support a humble man, people’s man, some one who shared out experience of hardships.
I don’t think there is a REAL (as opposed to perceived) divide between Kudrak and Common man as you seem to believe. Not any more at least in the exile community. I know a little about Gyari family. They were really poor like many other Tibetans at the time when they first settled in Darjeeling after fleeing from tibet. They were a very large family. All their achievements and success in exile are due to their own abilities and recoursefulness and their strength as a family. Gyari Amala is a real Pamo and has led battles with Communist Army in Tibet. Yes, I would give this much that they had a previledged position in the sense that Gyari Pala was a Chief in Nyagrong in Tibet and people respected him for that.But that alone can’t be the factor for the education and business successes of his children in exile.
The ground is more or less level now. I think it is irresponsible to portray this election as some sort of class warfare.
Hello Jamyang la,
I strongly agree in reflecting the change of (ka-tri to si-lon)Because it can be ignored but if we go word by word, the current title can have possible complications & unnecessary debates from any sphere in the long run.
Thanks for taking time in putting a rough profile of candidates in one piece. Insignificant to state short and lengthy ones, italic and bold ones, if I may express my opinion.
A contemporary leader that Tibet needs at this crucial junction should be anyone who can talk and drive mass with IRRESPECTIVE of their accomplishments and associations.
The need of “Action” as many had have highlighted is a mere spontaneous process. But the ability of a person to talk and talk, and draw the attention of mass and drive them into one direction is what really counts in a real time, especially for Tibet.
“Silon” should be anybody who is not much of an arm-chair-hunter but the one who constantly communicate with mass and live the hope. Someone who knows when to zoom in to see the crack and pull out for broader sense.
Yes, hares may be exciting to watch but the tortoise has definite virtues that we need right NOW!
best regards,
To the readers:
With reference to Gyari Dolma la’s experience, it doesn’t matter if a leader cries when its the right place and time. I highly appreciate her gesture!
Dear Jamyang Norbu-la,
In all fairness,regretfully, I have to say in support of Dr.Lobsang Sangey-la,that,you have been bios to T.T.N-la,too much angst against Dr.Lobsang Sangey la in your opinions;(in the way I read it.I could be wrong.And I wish I am wrong.I would like to be wrong,here!).I tried reading your article on Sangey-la in more than one ways to understand your views on him.Don’t get me wrong.I am undecided.As such I am still looking for the most deserving Prime minister for the Tibetan Government In Exile.So,Dr.Lobsangla is one I am keeping a close watch on, but I have left options open to the most deserving one for the future of Tibet and not any one individual at face value(who I truly careless as an individual under regular circumstances).
You were partial to Gyari Dolma la,who I adore for she atleast gave it a shot,but don’t think she is up for the job.But my thumbs up for her effort.
Ngawang Phuntsok-la exhibited himself on the Tv like he was not with us when debating/and or answering the questions.You were sympathetic to the person, when we needed to see the rawness with honesty from you the most.Today Tibet in exile needs your compassion with your raw honesty about the candidates.Not soft feelings for those individual candidates,how they would feel.They should be able to face the weather-tide.Future of Tibet lies in one of their hands.High stake!Can’t take risks here!
Therefore,it’s been a slight let down for me from me.I am still your ardent,die hard fan.It will be difficult for some one to take your place.If there comes one,I’ll call for a celebration for Tibet.We need many more like you.
Tenzin Tethong la will provide us a status quo gov. We will not see much change for next 5 years. For Dr. Sangay la, I am still not getting his political stance. It is not because of my ignorance but he takes no stance in all debate and talks. He is playing a real political game to win this election, I guess. In either cases, I am afraid that the Energy and Momentum in the exile gov. inches us towards reconciliatory or reunification with motherland (hmm is that a right term??). I am sure Dharamsala will not heisitate to use the term Motherland. Reunification foundataion was laid strong for many years in Dharamsala and re-enforced exponentially during Khewang Samdhong Tulku preimiership.
Where are those Rangzen believer folks? I thought Jamyang Norbu la is an unshakable rangzen believer, why then support TNT (tri-nitro-toluene: waoh! explosive). I am NOT voting for either candidate, Period!
Last night, I listened to the VOA interview with Kasur Tashi Wangdi la. I could not beleive Tashi Wangdi la saying he choose not to run for Ka-tri post but if the tibetan people vote for him then he will respect the the people wishes. Gone are those good old days. Tibetan society should copy western style democracy shamelessly if we wanted to thrive.
tethong lak is 100% sure to give a status quo government without much reform,progress and change. He’s a very relaxed man, who has a wishful thinking of winning katri chair without field work, without expanse, without sweat, but just sitting comfortably. He’s lazy, lethargic, typical of tibetan aristocrats who value such life style, staying silent and elegant, expecting the world to notice them. He has all the antient, antiquated psyche of elder tibetans.
we need an energetic leader like LS who dares to reveal his passion for katri chair, who works hard for it, visiting settlements, making speeches and writing articles. That’s how the civlized nations of the world democracies work. Granted that LS wins premiership, he’ll maintain common touch with masses, interact with school children, visit settlements to learn the prevailing situation. Tethong will, much like samdhong lama, sit idly in the grand chair, sipping tea, and offering annual 10th march speech, with no touch or connection with masses.
we need someone who will form close bond with people, young and old, students, monks,etc…not a recluse. we need change.
The”GLASS CEILING” will be shattered should Lobsang Sangay – come out on top in this election 2011.
The other equally strong candidate in running; Tenzing Namgyal Tethong is already part of the Establishment.
I am fine with kudrag and I do not have hatred toward them at all. As a matter of fact, as the case in many other societies around the world, kudrag can be considered as an inseparable element of a civilized nation. Therefore, we should respect kudrag as a whole and especially we should respect them and appreciate what they have contributed for our nation in the past and continuously doing for our society.
What I want to express here is that I did not expect Jamyang Norbu still living in the old form of the intellectual mentality which is shaped mostly by jealousy and biase.This kind of attitude is prevail in our society and we got to change this. Basically, I thought Jamyang Norbu who is a controversial intellectual, if not merely a gross root writer for these who have no much idea about Tibetan history, would be smart enough to see the wills of the majority of the Tibetan people both inside and in exile and I thought he ought to realize the super importance of electing a new, young, capable person as our new political leader in this critical moment of our history.
Some people may think we are speaking for Lobsang Sengge. But, the fact is there is no way for us to get to know him personally since we live inside Tibet. In the meantime, we notes that there are many other younger generations who are well educated with new idea, knowledge, capacity, as well as vision of the future Tibet and most importantly the determination to serve our people and our spiritual leader.
Because of various limitations and the nature of the government in exile, how much the newly elected Prime Minister can achieve is still in question and understandable. However. What we are sure about, passionate and confident is that candidate like Lobsang Sengge and the other youngsters who are energetic and determined will definitely shed lights on the new image of our political system, hope for the future and inspiration of young generation. The new outlook of the leadership of the Tibetan government in exile will not only bring upgraded impact in the mind of the people in China but also a fresh impression of Tibetan politicians in the international stage.
In short, choosing our own leadership which can embody the new image of Tibet government in exile is indeed a direct response to the allegation of the Chinese regime saying that Dala Lama and his feudal kudrag have been keeping the backward and barbarian system in India and dream of restoring the slavery system again in Tibet. If Lobsang Senge or another young candidate won the election, this victory will become as the first step toward solving the problem of Tibet “bod kyi bden mtha se ba” which is the ongoing debate among Tibetans in exile.
Lastly, Jamyang Norbu la, we are not doubt about the ultimate goal in the bottom of our young leaders’ hearts, and as many people do in outside Tibet, we also strongly believe that the victory of the young candidates including Dr Lobsang Sangge will create a better condition for future struggle for free Tibet. As for you, claiming as a rangzen seeker, a more open and radical government may facilitates your struggle for zangzan thunderbought although we never know when the nectar of the rangzan will drops down from the distant sky of Ari to the Himalaya valley.
Since it seems Jamyang Norbu la does not know the importance of this crucial election plus your image and your unexpected role of fragmenting of the Tibetan communities and disturbing the unity of Tibetan people which has unfortunately been the instruments for the Chinese regime not only to demonize HH and destroy the image of Tibetan people live abroad and the image of our government and its leadership in the hearts of the people inside Tibet. This is the reason why I call you “donkey with tiger skin”. I think it is far more meaningful and smarter to be a humble and loadcarring donkey in the village rather than a wild tiger roaring from the jungle and disturbing others without any target.
this is very good blog and I like to read all the comments
good morning
My reading of JNla’s analysis on Lobsang Sangay’s candidacy is somewhat different.
I understand it to be that JNla considers LS a real force to be reckoned with.
His parting words:
“Whatever my disagreements with Lobsang la, I think it is important to recognize that he is a serious and unflagging candidate for the Kalon Tripa elections, and that he has made a great contribution to the evolution of the exile political system.”
My reading of JNla’s review of the OTHER candidates is that he has been quite gracious in his ‘glowing reviews’. But phrases like “requesting they be given a chance” & “deserves more recognition than he is getting right now” speak to me that in spite of each of their impressive work histories and achievements; they are not quite in the league of Tenzing Tethong and Lobsang Sangay.
Then the lengthy ‘glowing’ review for Tethong’s long & illustrious career needs no reading in between the lines. And JN also states his support for TN’s candidacy.
However I wish more would have been written about Tenzingla’s achievements during his tenure as Kalon Tripa.
Well, JN-la supports Tethong-la because the latter advocates self-determination for Tibet, which could mean both internal and external self-determination (independence). This is something I appreciate, because it stands true to his long-time commitment to Tibet’s independence.
But at this time, the political reality is that one can’t win the Katri election on an independence platform.
See, even Kodrukpa Kelsang-la, who normally is a staunch advocate of independence, has toned down his rhetoric.
It would be great if Tibet’s goal is changed to independence within the life-time of His Holiness.
But such an eventually will not happen, I think. His Holiness has made up his mind to pursue Middle-Way, as long as he is leading us. And being the undisputed leader of the Tibetan people, we have to respect that, although we might not agree with it.
The next Tibetan government will surely be an improvement, whoever wins the Katri elections!
As I said before, independence activists will have enough space to do their work, unlike under the current government, which has gone out of ways to isolate them in the name of creating a ‘conducive atmosphere for negotiations’ with the CCP.
I guess if both sides on the political spectrum – Middle-Way and Rangzen – understands this situation, then our unity is ensured!
Or else, our struggle will suffer!
In the meantime, we must exercise every restraint while arguing with each other. One can make his/her point without losing respect for each other…
We all are brothers and sisters, of a same family called Tibet!
Kalon Tripa literally means “the head of the ministers,” not “the enthroned minister” as Jamyang Norbu defined. Here “Tri” means the throne or the highest post and “pa” means person who hold the highest position among the other ministers of the government. Silon literally means the minister who is in charge of political affairs vie -sa vie the Kolon who is in charge of religious matter. Therefore, the Tibetan term Kalon Tripa conveys the exact meaning of the English term Prime Minister. If we have to chose one according to the English term, then as we already did, the later is more closer to the meaning of English term the Prime Minister. The word prime here means the higher or senior which is fairly identical to the meaning of the Tibetan word Tri which also contain the meaning of the one who occupied the highest position in a government or a monastic institution which is perfectly make sense with Tibetan wording. Do not be childish and always think carefully of that the word Tri is significant word in Tibetan language and it is sued to reserved for the King of Tibet. If you think Kalon Tripa is too long to pronounce, then I suggest you to call it by Katri as the short form, and the only problem you will be facing is to take sometime to get used to it. By the way, the highest-ranking geshe in the Gelukpa church is called Geshi Lharampa, so obviously Ganden tripa is not the highest degree of Gelugpa school but the title of the head of Gadan monastery in Lhasa.
As a matter of fact, as a term of the administration and political discourse of Tibetan language, the term Kalon Tripa is fully excepted and widely used by Tibetans both sides so that there is no need any meaningless discussion about the term.
Again, this is one of the things which Jamyang Norbu wants to bring in the surface and create chaos among the youngsters who have no idea about the traditional usage of Tibetan terms and its context in comparison with English words
haven’t we had enough of this pro-china leadership for the past ten years?? haven’t we all been kept silent for long enough by this re conciliatory approach while our brothers and sisters sacrifice everything?? haven’t we had enough of those 10 March official statements written to please Beijing?
why would we still want to elect a kalon tripa whose sole purpose is to bring us right under the evil umbrella of communist leadership.
what have the tibetans in tibet done wrong for the past five decades that we have lost all hope and courage in our struggle to regain our country?
‘Obama of China’ is a revolting statement even if meant to rouse humour. But if we tibetans are really committed in doing good to the Chinese majority why not give them the hope and inspiration for freedom and democracy. Leaders of the Tiananmen square uprisings later revealed that they were inspired by the boisterous expressions for freedom by tibetans in 1987 and 88.
treading the path to political assimilation is a disservice to Tibetans, Chinese and the suppressed all over the world.
JN’s thoughts on the subject under consideration are very interesting. Literally a Kalon Tripa is an enthroned minister. In practice, he is an elected head of government. Enthronement smacks of feudal ceremonies of investitures with cumbersome and time honored rituals to boot, which I think is not part of the process.
JN’s long and rambling advocacy of his cousin is still more interesting. Tenzin Tethong had all the opportunities to serve the TGIE and did so for so many years. In the course of his long tenure in and around the Mandala of Power, naturally he may have, knowingly or otherwise picked up many adversaries if not enemies. Now those adversaries may have come home to roost. This is politics. You receive what you deal out to others.
All said and done, still Tenzin Tethong is the safest bet this time as JN, if I understand him correctly obliquely prompt us to believe. We do not need wild cards and do not need at all those for whom the Tibetan Cause is a family business of personal enrichment, aggrandizement of public funds for private intrests, the building of private fiefdoms and the continuation of a feudal system of loyalty and largesse.
What happened to my previous comment? Please do not act like the web-police here, we think it is important to educate and awakening Tibetans live abroad and our voice should be heard by all the people in order for us to be united around the Tibetan Government and determinate to make each other’s contribution to the struggle of justice.
Dear Gangchenpa, you used the term ‘a donkey in a tiger skin’. Is that sort of like the opposite of a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’? And why are we speaking in ‘cultural revolution’ language anyway?
A reminder: In America, after obtaining a law degree one needs to take the BAR EXAM and PASS for one to officially become A LAYWER. Many seem to forget this fact. So Face: LOBSANG SANGAY is not a Lawyer, but has a law degree.
First of all, let me clarify…I am one of the YOUTH that so many seem to want to represent…including LS himself. I have been waiting for one of our intellectuals to start calling LS out the way he should be…and when someone finally does….the YOUTH (mostly on this forum) go into denial. I would hope those of whom who claim to be JN’s believers that you would give him the benefit of the doubt. I really don’t think he has the time to be calling people out because he felt like wasting his or our time.
Graduating from HARVARD is a feat in itself….but lets not forget, just cause one graduated from HARVARD does not guarantee intelligence. Lobsang Sangay is good at what he does…he studied law for gods sake…so god-forbid if he was not good at presenting himself and his case for KT. More importantly lets not forget, Harvard has produced scholars, as well as dictators and just plain citizens without any extra ordinary powers.
I am appalled at our youth for being so hungry for a young leader that we have not taken the time to actually check out his credentials, or any of the other candidates for the matter. During a KT debate at Tipa, when asked about his non-professional background as a government employee, he answered “I studied the Tibetan government for [some odd years], I wrote a book on how the government works and know some of the members of the government, even without professional experience in the government, I do feel confident about the KT position”. This sentence makes no logical sense what so ever. Had a US candidate made this comment, s/he would be laughed out of candidacy if not the country (then again, that person would never have been considered in the first place without actual work experience). Such comments seems to suggest; If I were to write a book about how a rocket ship works, it automatically makes me capable of being an astronaut. But we are all content. The audacity of such comments and the willingness on our part to neither question nor think about it at length only baffles me.
And please, stop undermining OBAMA and his achievements. Lets not forget OBAMA was not only a law degree holder but also a lawyer, a government employee, a senator and etc. He did not graduate with a Law Degree from Harvard and became the president of the US. Just like he had to prove himself by earring his stripes, let us let LS earn and prove his stripes, rather then just take his word for it. I’m still wondering if anyone else has noticed LS himself started the trend of comparing himself with Obama, just take a look at his 10 Q’s & A’s, when he almost compares himself to the likes of Obama, Hillary and Nelson Mandela.
The man has no experience, it is as pure and as simple as that. A Law degree or Ph.D. means nothing compared to actual experience. I would not trust someone who wrote a book on rockets to actually drive a space ship out to space and know where to go and what else to do…as much as I would not trust a man with no experience on how government actually works, no matter how many books he wrote on the subject.
Earlier I made the mistake of thinking the older generation was not ready for the Democracy we’ve been given since it is at a young stage. But it seems, the YOUTH too, seem to be just as not ready, in not knowing how to take advantage of true democracy. Because we seem to be pinning all our hopes on someone who wrote a book, gave lectures and attended workshops on rocket ships, to not only be the driver of our ship but to also know where to go in space and THAT’s plain scary.
So with all due respect, to the YOUTH, please do your homework. Why not do some actual grunt work, instead of relying on the words HARVARD and Ph.D.? Some of you claim to have read his works. But really, have you? Cause some of you seem to be mistaking his Middle MIDDLE plan to be disguised in Rangzen. Also, what has he really brought to contemporary Tibet issue besides a Ph.D., some articles and lectures, really, WHAT? Cause in the end, we need DO-ers in the office of KT, not a speaker nor a detailed analysis on the inner-workings of the KT office BUT plain WORK and RESULTS.
I for one am not making such a gamble because this is not about you, me, Tethong, or JN. This is about OUR future and I demand MORE then just a Ph.D. from Harvard and some articles.
And Remember to all the YOUTH, that past performance of an individual does not guarantee for future achievements.
It is not the experiences of the past we should look for, if we do we will remain the same forever.
The potential for better future under a dynamic leader is what we should be looking for.
Daveno, You seem to be blindly making arguments that past experience causes hinderances to future achievements. Can we bring a University fresher like LS to lead us with only a few seminars to his credit and let him destroy all the achievements of our devoted past leaders? Do you want our Kalon Tripa to be a man who takes the seat to gain experience? No way buddy, you better vote an experienced and devoted person than an inexperienced man who will pull the leg of 6 million Tibetans and act like a monkey on top.
Don’t assume and make up something that was not stated in my comments.
The experiences that you refer to does not make up the BROADER whole of the experiences we need in the our leader.
I would not vote for someone just because the individual has past experiences. Ofcourse,i consider his resume if i need to hire a departmental manager.
In any election there are two main aspects that count: Policies and personality
Policies: If you look without any the two candidates one has to say Tenzin Namgyal Tethong is far more progressive than Lobsang Sangay. It really strikes me how Lobsang Sangay evades those issues who needs a clear stand. Just compare his answers concerning the future of Tibet, Tibetan language as medium in the Tibetan schools or influence of religious schools in TGIE, etc. Tenzin Namgyal Tethong – though a bit boring and old-fashioned in his way – is much more outspoken. Lobsang Sangay offers a lot of figures without real substance. It is all a bit academic. Not really practical.
Personality: I agree that experience in TGIE is not decisive. But there should be at least some sort of working experience. Let’s say in a private company, government instiution or whatever. President of RTYC Delhi is just not enough. How can someone say he is a leader without ever having tested his qualities as a leader? Speeches and articles alone are not enough. His only professional experience, as far as I can see, is the one of being a part time research fellow in Harvard. It is also not a big accomplishment getting his Ph.D. at the age of 40. Most students do it between 25 and 30!
There are soft factors like education, way of presenting oneself to the public, etc. where Lobsang Sangay has definetly some advantage compared to Tenzin Namgyal Tethong. But then his English is not as fluent and there are some discrepancies between his spoken and written language.
BTW: Obama had a great amount of work and life experience as social worker, father of two children before becoming senator and running for president.
We are out of line in many respect in deciding who would be perfect at this stage of the time as our Kalon Tripa. (Note: Kalon tripa is just a position that does not have much of a power to decide for future course of action).
We should have healthy discussion on who to select for Chitue.If you are looking for your own taste to represent and who can bring better policies,shake the ground.Chitue is the platform.
Tenzin la,I am sorry to say ‘a donkey in a tiger skin’is a phrase from Sakya Lehshad,the most popular proverb of Tibet,not a langauge of the ‘cultural revolution’ It actually referes to someone who speaks big words loudly but act deceptively. Why I used this phrase to describe JN is because he used to act as if he is calling for change in TGIX and supporting the young generation,so on and so forth, but when all the matters touches upon the intersts of himself and his relatives,he could not wait to reveal the actual face of the donkey(personal gratification)which is hidden behind the skin of a tiger(national interest). I hope you will understand this metaphor.
Funny how the above metaphor reminds me of LS.
Most of us admire JN because of his intellectual quality. He never declared his profession to be that of an ombudsman. He is writer and a political activist. He needs to be biased. He has to be biased towards what he thinks is good for the cause he and many of us believe in. If that comes in the form of a Tethong and a relative so what. He writes what he believes in. Instead of decrying his motives, educate yourselves by reading. Read what Lobsang Senge la has written, read what Jamyang Norbu la has written and then use your own mind.
Hello everybody. Do you have any sort of political parties yet? Or is something like different parties slowly evolving in any way?
Cheers in advance.
Yes,Valerie, we are planing to organize a party called STP (Solftsound Treasure Party)in North America and welcome you to join our new party.
I don’t no if jamyang norbu support rangzen why he ignore the candidate who support rangzen like kalsang phuntsok, tenzin tethong namgyal is support middle way look on this article,then why jamyang norbu ignore rangzen supporter and support candidate who support middle way which jamyang norbu always criticize it.
I put wrong article this is true
1234, do you have any inkling of what is Self determination? Poor you…
to Tibetan@Heart
yes I know what mean of Self determination may be you don’t know, Self determination is different from middle way,middle way seek only more autunomy under china rule, but Self determination to make referendum mean the people choose there fate between independence or remain under china rule, like know south sudan make referendum between choose remain independence or under sudan, this quit difference from middle way that only seek more autunomy under china not make people choose there fate, so in the article on sify site added that tenzin tethong support middle way not support self determnation which is quit different.
At this critical movement in the history of our struggle, instead of utilising too much of our energy discussing the policy of the middle way & the Rangzen. We should first search for a Kalon Tripa, who is not only capable of taking the issue of Tibet forward on the global stage, but one who could do something to alleviate the already worsening condition inside Tibet. For us the Tibetans inside Tibet are our real hope and we as a people living in free countries should do more to voice our concern to give them renewed hope and confidence to speak out against the unjust policy of the CCP.
Now is the time to act. Many people will argue that Mr. Tethong lak, failed to bring any change while he was in power a long time back. But I always feel things are different now. We have got a platform in the international arena, where our voices are being heard and the people of the free world do recognize us and admire our just cause due to an unwavering leadership of H.H. the Dalai lama.
On the whole, we need a Katri, who could open the door for change, bring progress within the exile community and satisfy the long awaited desire of the Tibetan people inside Tibet.
I am here on a mission to enlighten the fooled comarades. I Know LS is watching all these writeups and sometimes even answering for us in Fake-names. I have asked him, through this websites, no. of times to tell us how and where he gets this much money to spend on campaign. R U are hedge fund manager/ investor, or senior research fellow?
His Friendship with 3 thieves– pema Delek, Choephel thupthen, and Tashi Wangdi( the younger one) are well known in Shichak. What Proof do you want? its Well known and well documented except the case with Tashi Wangdi (which i said earlier, that i hear from many people that he sold fake lottery while he was in college. FOr this, i have no definite proof, but you can research too.)
The other two thievesves are well known. Why did Choephel thupthen left HHDL’s private office? he was caught stealing money from the office, and from the the people who offer to HHDL. Pema Delek is a disgrace to Chushi Gangdruk and was taiwan phog sakhen, who make a deal with tawain TMAC. BYLAKUPPE DEBATE WAS A SUCCESS FOR HIM because of those theives (who will be our (DOtoe Chithus) soon.
Dr. Sangye,
What do you mean by extreme rhetorics of both sides? explain to us. Also Let us Decide what you have said… pls post the videos. I do believe Jamyang la though because LS glibness was well known.
Now, please tell me Why did you go CHina? How could you go to CHina on IC if not to Nepal?
Explain to us.
Yours Agu.
amyang la,
You omitted many negative points of LoSangye. Perhaps, because you were his friend or you were scare of being viewed as communal. Allow me to ramble here.
first, lets acknowledge that he is a shrewd politician who was planning to run for office way back from 2005/2006. I know him personally so such infos are first hand info. And also, every investigative mind will find that seeking waiver letter from high -level scholarship committee was enough evidence. But, he is not a scholar. You may be a harvard graduate but not necessarily a scholar. Prof. Dawa Norbu was a Scholar, and Tashi Rabgye is hardvard graduate with Phd. and she was a Rode Scholar from Canada.
In contrast LS was on the Fullbright scholarship waitlist- not even in the first 9 students. when he knew that Somebody in the list has not served the community, he let the Dept. education know and thats how he got into the fullbright scholarship.
From the waitlist to the best school- has nothing to do with his academic achievement but everything to do the Nepotism/regionalism of Dr. Tenzin Chodrak of Tibet Fund who has the history of favoring khampas and Markham in particular. besides, we can see from his writings that he is a mediocre student, certainly not the best. Some of the best students had no confirmed admission when they came here, and the only reason was that s/he is not Khampa.
Second, LS had no integrity. He will say one thing and do other. He is also a stubborn guy and not a team player. He had argument with most of the people from NGOs working for Tibet, had hard time finding participants in the conference he organized. It was actually a tit for tat others who never invite him as a Tibetan scholar. He is a spiteful guy thats why, majority of the Boston Tibetan hate him.
I am also concern about his visit to CHina and his meeting with the chinese leaders in China. Although, he said, he sought permission from His Holiness Private office no proof, such as the waver letter was offered. I am concern because there are many who were also invited to China and they refused because of a reason and Chinese intention. WHy did he chose to go there? to sell Tibet for his campaign money? Obiviously, he seems to have more money than Tethong and consequently could travel more than Tethong.
More later,
Yours AGU
Tsering Choedon Lejotsang,
Am I bothering you so much? If not, I remember Jamyang Lak made his points clear to you. Now it’s your time to return the favour.
Instead of sending a private messages to Jamyang lak, I think it’s much better if you share the opinion with others. As an advanced member (you)in this forum, we like to hear your say in the matter.
LS la,
HTGT second my request of your clarification of your china’s visit in Jamyang la’s previous article.
In there HTGT wrote, “Your question of LS’ travel to China on ‘IC’ is valid and justified. Hope LS comes up with an honest and convincing answer.”
Thank you
Yours agu
GETTING DUPED IS ALWAYS PAINFUL. Who is that fake lottery sellers? I remember buying 10tickets = rs100 in 1994 kalachakra Mungod? After waiting for so many days with excitement AND HOPES to win the 4 lac car, I was so furious to learn it was all FUCKING fake, on the annoucing day and I went looking and enquiring who the culprits were, none could give any info who did it, otherwise I would have sliced his head into two pieces WITH THE RUSTIC SWORD I ALWAYS STRAPPED AT MY WAIST and offer them to some mongrels in the streets. Tell me more. I will make them pay ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.
Well, Tenzin Tethong’s position is complicated by the fact that the Tibetan government structure is basically that of a constitutional monarchy with an active head of state — unlike, for example, the UK where the Queen is entirely a figurehead. TGIE’s arrangement is a bit more like the French semi-presidential system, where the head of state coexists with an influential prime minister. In Tibet-in-exile, as in France, the head of state clearly outranks the prime minister, although the latter is still a position with some influence. So, the race for kalön thripa isn’t really a race for the top spot in TGIE. I suspect that Tenzin N. Tethong does feel he would have a responsibility to support the policies of the head of state even while preferring somewhat different policies himself.
Jamyang la, Tashi Deleck! Due to a lack of other means to reach you, I am using this comment section to reach you. My blog will give you my background information. What my blog will not show though is that I am the younger brother of Mr. Tsewang Rigzin, the President of TYC.
I wrote an article (titled, His Holiness’ public commitment: Should it be honored?) about my recent experiences with the Private Office and Katri when I requested scholarship from them. I sent my article to Phayul’s editor, but he/she wouldn’t publish it. It has been two days since I sent my article, but there is neither any word from the editor nor has the editor posted my article on phayul. And so I was wondering if it is possible for you to give a link to my blog on your website/blog because I know that it is widely read.
If you should authenticate this article, please let me know if I should give you my contact number. I will be happy to have a chat with you.
Aku Tonpa, I created you for a purpose few centuris back.Now go back to sleep and don’t bother your grand kids here.
If you read this note with a cool mind, it will help you. If you want to help TN’s candidature, don’t divide the community into us and them. TN as I know doesn’t stand for this.TN is made of different moral fiber and this is one solid quality that is one of the main difference between the two candidates.
You have named three decent people from Bylakuppe. Don’t do that. It is not right. If you have personal issues, don’t tag it to TN and drag them here. You are doing more disservice to TN’s campaign than help, may be unintentional.
In their defense I will say this. Tashi Wangdu is a decent young man and very popular with Tibetan public in both the settlement and has done many good work. Many of us appreciate his service and hope he will return to serve his community. He has people’s trust and is one of the young man who will do great things. It is nothing sarcastic but LS will not be able to do what this young man has calmly done for the settlement.
Chomphel Thupten is also doing good job, helping each and everyone. Same with Pema Delek. I agree they do have past. But we must remember
” Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” In my earlier post, I was not refering to them.
I recall someone telling me in Dhasa that LS has army of 15-cents to challenge JN and others. So JN and others, don’t get surprise at the ferocity of their attack. It is coming out from the playbook of US presidential campaign. Power at all cost don’t inspire us to vote for power hungry. I hope LS’s 15 cent army won’t overplay their games and twist the things too much. They should know that it could backfire on them.
why jamyang norbu is supporting tenzin namgyal tethong rather than a rangzen supporter? he’s very contradictory. he’s for change, but he is for conservative people.
he’s losing his writerly integrity. Tibetans shouldn’t pull down a rising star like LS. That’s our sad culture. when someone is doing something, encourage him, support him.
tethong is cutting a short-cut by sitting idle while LS bear the brunt of travel through heat and dusts of india. tethong has lots of money, but he’s not willing to spend it for the nation, rather than his own personal gains. he lives in fantasy, trying to reap a big reward without toil.
The reason why tethong left kalon post is highly suspicious. Rumours are stife in dharamsala chai shops. We can’t trust someone with murky, dubious background like him. it’s unfair to say he’s subtle charges of corruption which prompted his resignation, but certain there’s something hihgly fishy.
TN is rambling something about Self-determination or soemthing, which is a total contrast of his beliefs. Granted that he has the elder generation vote bank, he pounces on the young to impress them with near-rangzen fever. youngster’s shouldn’t get fooled by his gimmicks. tethong’s dark side is very, very dark.
JN lak,
please don’t get carried by cousinly affection for Tethong. Stay away from nepotism. Avoid moral squalor like a plague. Don’t form class confrontation–don’t line up with aristocratic elites like gyari, or tethong. Tibet is ruined by aristocrats. we need a people’s man.
question: why did you scribble such a novel-length ode to Tethong lak whereas LS was wrapped up in miserly few lines, that too all derogatory? You criticised Melvyn Goldstein’s ” Demise of Lamaist State” for devoting 60 something pages to Rating-Takla conspiracy while ignoring glorious wars faught by tibetans in kham areas. Remember your youtube speech? You’re doing the same here, in reverse order. You’ve ignored numerous achievements of LS while covering up the dark spots of Tethong.
The integrity of your penmanship is in bad winds now. many people are losing trust in you. We suspect there’s a conspiracy ring surrounding people like you, tethong,Seldon( of stanford who glamorised stanford, Tethong’s big credential, through inviting Dalai Lama), VOA to push LS at the sideline. That’s unfair, a collapse of moral value, highly detrimental to the unity of tibetan state.
please think twice, be honest, jamyang lak.
KG&AM, I agree with you…
Everyone including JN is free to have his or her opinion on political matters including who would make the best Katri. Tenzin Tethong being JN’s cousin is just incidetnal. To present a candidate you support in a positive light is not nepotism. Nepotism by definition is for someone in a position of power to favor a relative or a near or dear one in an appointment or promotion process.
Ganchenpa goes back to Sakya Legsheth to justify his metaphor. In the Legsheth, it is WAKYE SENGPAK GYONPA ZHIN. It is a fox in a lion’s clothing. SENG is not TAK. Facts are sacred, opinion is free. Mark Twain said, first get your facts correct and then twist them as much as you wish.
Wangchuk-Norbu la
You are right,Jamyang Norbu la has every right to his opinion and I for one will not accuse Jamyang la that his support for Kasur Tenzing Tethong is based on the candidate being his cousin.
Where many of us will agree is that Jamyang Norbu la has spent the better part of his life as a leading figure without fear in his/ours fight for a Free Tibet.
He is not an appointed leader nor is he paid to fight for Rangzen but his work is there for all to see and it is always brutally honest….for this many like myself have a higher expectation of him.
I just want Jamyang la to be as brutally honest towards all candidates.
As I have been in a mood for quotes and you have used one from Mark Twain….allow me to use one from him too with Jamyang la in mind:
‘It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare’.
so far the most matured debate taking place here. adults are not sleeping any more! great points made on both sides. thanx.
well, until and unless tetong’s supporters make some interesting moves, in at least a few places like bylakupee and mungod, that could galvanize voters’ decision in favor of tetong, lobsang will win for sure. 215 monasteries and nuneries(solid votebanks) are all for him on his dhotoe card. he is so popular among other simple folks. many of them say ”with a few well educated guys like him, even the whole world would be transformed in a couple of years!” and others go ”he will secure us visas to ari! what more can you ask? !”
only 5 qualified for the final and except for lobsang, all are utsangs which, unless a secret deal gets struck with the other 3 utsangs to withdraw, guarantees lobsang’s victory since utsang votes will be divided among the utsang candidates.
now if this hooliganism in shichak is true with lobsang’s supporters, politically it’s a blessing for tetong. it will backfire. it will make utsangs who support the smiley lobsang think twice. i have gud reason to believe most of them are local dhotoe youth encouraged by the likes of pema delek. they had this history from 70’s to 90’s.
gud or bad, regional sentiments are peaking esp with utsangs. dhotoes as always, not mention. this could awaken the naive easy-to-be-exploited utsang folks. 90% of dhomeys will vote for tetong if penpa can be assured of a kalon seat.
give one to gyari dolma so she can rally women and dhotoe votes to tetong.
JN, indisputably the towering intellectual figure of the Tibetan Diaspora does not need the hosannas of someone like me. But by the power of the ethos we all agree upon that everyone is free to have his/her opinions, I disclosed mine.
As far as moral courage is concerned, JN is most probably second to none in literally flaunting this trait. No doubt he has been denigrated, physically manhandled and excoriated for his fixated attachment to his beliefs. He and his tribe have been and are the Cassandras of the Tibetan Diaspora who are cursed by some menevolent spirit to be the object of disbelief by their own people. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in his teachings often quotes Khache Phalu’s famous lines, Khache Phalus Nyingtam Sheth Yoth Do. Nyen Dang Minyan So Soi Doth Pa Reth. Likewise, Cassandras in society tell the truth, but it is up to the general public to listen and heed to their admonitions or not.
As I see, teTong is dragged by sanGAY’s 5 cent army in the Tibetan settlements among the illetrate folks on 4 grounds that he.
1. is an aristocrat
2. pocketed TGIE capital
3. is old
4. deserted TGIE for greener pasture in 1994
If teTONG’s 6 cent army fails to counter attack on the ground among rural folks, it will be teTONG’S PERIL! do not limit yourself to cyber war!
1. is young and inexperienced
2. deserted TYC in 1992 and joined old bad ChushiGangdruk as its general sectary
3. is Lithang Adha’s nephew–the man who sold his soul for Taiwan dollars by causing provincial tension and clashes in our community for 3 decades, the man who brought tears to HH’s eyes and PAIN to HH’s heart for 3 decades.
4. made 2 secret trips to Bejing. A willing pawn of Chinese leaders.
Now can we trust a Chinese spy as our Katri?
I see him as the reincarnation of traiter Bawa Phuntsok!
Stop him before he sells Tibet in his ambition to be the Obama of China!
i seriously believe LS will win a Nobel Peace Prize within 15 years from now if he wins premiership, and reconcile prc and tibetan nation for a com0mon good. Look at the trend, Dalai Lama, obama, recent lui xiabo. there’s 80% chance, seriously.
i think LS is no small, or shallow man, but a deep one with 30 year’s plan ahead of him. it seems he’s all the route maps laid out a decade back.
race for kalon tripa gilded chair:
lobsang sangay== barrack obama ( innovative, change)
tethong namgyal== john mcain ( worldy-wise, calmness)
gyari dolma=== hilary clinton ( administrative experience, forceful)
why criticism on tethong is censored, and slandering on lobsan sangay is allowed free? what’s happening to this blog? what’s going on here?
@ From Tibet: regarding your answer, which I quoted below: HUH???
# From Tibet | October 21st, 2010 | 6:14 pm
Yes,Valerie, we are planing to organize a party called STP (Solftsound Treasure Party)in North America and welcome you to join our new party.
Seriously though, are there any political parties yet? If anybody would take her or his time to tell me, it’d be appreciated a lot.
Great points that needs scrutiny and observation.
For me, I found answers from Tethong.
A. Aristocrat: Tethong family surely is an aristocrat with family connections to the 5th Dalai lama. But amongst all the aristocrats, Tethong family is the only one serving under H.H. Dalai lama and the exile govt. since 1959.
To name a few, 1. Tenzin Geyche Tethong served H.H.DL and and TGIE his whole life.
2. Tenzin Namgyal Tethong sacrificed his family for HHDL and TGIE and served with great accomplishments
3. TC Tethong was amongst the fist leaders to form the southern Shichags and served HHDL and TGIE during the most energetic parts of his life and during the most difficult periods of our exile life.
4. Wangpo Tethong unfurled a free tibet banner on Tinanman square and risked his life for Tibet and continues to fight for Tibet.
5. Lhadon Tethong lead the SFT to a new hight and made us proud
There may be more Tethongs these are all I came to know from my research.
Yes, the father of three senior Tethongs, Topjor Tethong (I hope the name is correct) taught Tibetan to the first refugee school in exile in the early 60s.
So, my point is that Tethongs inspite of being a Kudrak, has done the most to our people and govt. and on top of all, to HHDL.
B. Pocketed TGIE capital: I have heard from Tethong himself and also from other sources that money laundering charges against him was totally baseless and cooked by his adversaries. It was infact a misunderstanding of a term called deficit in Tibetan word. So this charge holds no water at all.
C: Old: No govt. in the world is as successfully run by an inexperienced youngster as by an experienced not so old a person. Tethong is just 60 and at this juncture of our history, I feel we need a person who is ready on day one of siting on the Katri chair than taking years understanding the complex world of our exile politics.
D. Deserted the TGIE for greener pasture: It may not be wise to look only at a person’s weak points. Tethong (from my research) had great family obligations which compelled him. But he started serving HHDL and the TGIE since when he was a 10 year old boy. His accomplishments during his decades in the TGIE has no match. To name a few: Founding of TYC, founding of Sheja magazine, founding of ICT, founding of Tibet Fund, 1000 Tibetan resettlement in the US, fulbright scholarships, VOA and the list goes on and on.
BUT I have no answer to Lobsang Sangay and his poor points. Can some one do it? Especially the 2 trips to Beijing on IC and his unlimited campaign money! I need a good answer to these questions before making him my Katri.
Why are we looking into family tree and past history.
We are not electing someone to do exactly the same thing over, that too was performed at a young age when the energy and creativity is at peak.
Future is at stake ! Elect the right individual for the happiness of your kids and grand kids…Elect Lobsang Sangay.
BTW,Tethong supporter should educate the writer of recent letter to TPR by W.shakapa. HH has said he will be happy to go back with Chinese passport.
Give me break. if you are really looking for the happiness of the younger generation, don’t ever think of electing LS. All he is capable of doing is shout and talk only about his broken PHd and know nothing about the real life experiences of running a govt. Apart from having a law degree, he is not even a practicing lawyer. Compared to him, Phurbu Dorjee is hundred times better. He atleast practiced law and worked for years in the TGIE.
Apart from that, if you like LS so much, why don’t you try to answer questions raised by others 1. Suspicious Trips to Beijing (most probably to sell Tibet), 2. Unlimited Chinese money flowing into his campaign.
3. Irregular green book payments etc etc.
does tetong have a list of atleast 7 rangzen bazookas READY for the post of kalons in his cabinet?
6 men and 1 woman?
My brother in law has a Phd in Quantum Physics and is a porfessor at the age of 29. I dont see any special abilities in him outside of the fact he knows more about physics than me and that he definitely earns more. So people should stop associating a big title with great leadership!! But i definitelz give LS credit for his campaign. Im sad about the breaking up of the love relationship between Lejotsang und JN. It was bound to happen. BTW not many people know LS was actually the candidate for the TGIE backed Chugang. He stayed a few months and moved on to greener pastures when he saw that the new Chugang was doomed.
Sure Tangnyom, Take a fifteen minutes break.
And re-think on your decision.Its not about your and mine happiness at stake, its about future generation who will remember you for making the right decision now.
So Vote for Lobsang Sangay la.
That bit about LS being the TGIE backed candidate is true. The talk through the grapevine (years back) was that he was rewarded that much talked about scholarship for helping set up the New (sorry to say fake) CG group.
Seems everyone uses everyone.
Reading the things on display, the time has come to talk of many things, as a character in Alice in Wonderland says. LS is Lobsang Sangye in English and Lobsang Singhe in Tibetan. Why this problem in transliteration? Sangye and Singhe are completely different Tibetan words. Is the respected Harvard alumni Sangye or Singe? People may say these are minor things, but major things are born from minor ones. A sesame seed is so small as to be invisible to someone with poor vision, but the tree it begets is gigantic.
People all around the world including the Tibetans have a false notion about someone who has been to Harvard or for that matter into any other Ivy League School. It is a great academic achievement to get enrolled into these premier institutions of American education. But being a Ivy League alumni is not everything in life. We have read best-selling books written by Ivy Leaguers on business and law titled, What They Did Not Teach Me At Harvard Business School and What They Did Not Teach Me At Yale Law School.
LS, jokingly or otherwise compares himself to Obama. Sure he knows that Obama after Law School declined lucrative offers from major law firms to spend time in the poor, black and crime-ridden neighborboods of Chicago to improve the lots of the people there. Why can’t LS do something similar before he vies for the top job of the Tibetan Diaspora? Why is he in such a hurry? A young man in a hurry does not portend well for himself nor for the people he is trying to represent and serve. All of us have read the fable of the idealistic monkey king who convinced his horde to pick the reflected moon from the lake.
If the Tibetan integration into the Chinese mainstream approach of LS as imputed in the article is correct, nothing could be more worrying. Such wishy-washy non-sense could only come from impragmatic and idealistic people dwelling in the sylvian domain of Academe.
JN in his unique way opened the political cupboard of LS and the skeletons are there for all of us to see. We Tibetans are a people amored with new things, which in Tibetan is called ASAR. Asar for a new clothe or electrical gadget is not that serious, it may only dent your wallet for a while, but political Asar is not a trifle to play with. It may wreak havoc on the fragile polity HHDL and all of us have labored all these years to build brick by brick and trowel full of cement to match.
I don’t have many things to say about anyone. I strongly agree that Tenzin Tethong has some great achievement in his past. But there is one thing that we just can’t ignore. He was and had the opportunity to serve as Kalon and Kalon Tripa. How can we let someone come back to the same postion when that person has abandoned the responsibility before completing his committed term. Even though he has given a family reason or family issue but do you think that would be a fair reason to leave the office. That position was not like some small responsibility within CTA it was a big and something that everyone looks up for an example. Would that be a good example ? All the candidates are well educated and eligible so what do we need more ….I would say we need “Lhaksam”. If you look at Lobsang Sangye LS, don’t you think he has more lucrative offer than the Kalon Tripa can offer. Both in terms of money and fame, LS has made his name on his own and not in the name as one of CTA staff. I would say LS has both academic/intelligent and Lhaksam that we need for Kalon Tripa position. I think LS has achieved more than anyone at his age and on his own. When someone is in the high position in the TGIE they have the opportunity to do something and it is great if they make use of this opportunity. But someone like LS who creates that opportunity for tibetan cause and make best use of it. We need someone who can do that.
Tenzin Tethong may be good but Lobsang Sangye is the best and most qualified at this time.
I appreciate Tenzin Tethong la’s good work in the past. I am voting for Lobsang Sangye la because he is someone from new generation with new idea and new approach. all the time people talks about giving opportunities to young and new ideas so why dont we apply this ideaolgy practical this time. He is a right candidate and at right age to run for “SI LON”[kalon tripa]. I know experieance is important but without intelligence, experieance alone wont help.I have faith in his intellegence and his education background and overall i see Lhaksam in him…the so called experience??? LS is around 40s so if you wait another 20 years he will be in 60s. So i think now is the time for a change.LS is a change that we all need. please dont degrade our only eligible candidate just because he is a threat to your relative/ favourite. PLease… no dirty ploitice at this critical time atleast.
I have read every single one of the comments written on this blog.I think,it is all very good.I know some of the things myself,and learned many more from all of you,who contributed with lots of information,specially on the top two candidates.I am lot more informed now than ever before.Thanks to you all.
Thank you JN la for energizing all the young as well as old folks with your blogs.
TNT was my first choice before the debates,and all the comments,as well as the articles I have read,and videos I had watched about the candidates.
I am still not too sure who to vote for.As of now Dr.Lobsang Sangey la is closer to my heart.He is a commoner with great education with maturity,deserves a chance.
Side by side comparison:
Just a quick side by side comparison of Lobsang Sangay’s claims to the facts.
Lobsang Sangay Tenzin Tethong
Youngest TYC Centrex member (age 24) Founder of TYC (Age 20)
Research Fellow (Harvard) Distinguished Research Fellow (Stanford)
Have visited TGIE Served TGIE for 40 years
Hosted Tibet/Chinese students Led the TGIE delegation to Tibet
His website claims that he spent seven years interviewing around 100 Tibetans for his PhD work. Did he really take 7 years to complete his PhD? Average time for PhD is around 2-3 years.
Contrary to information that he helps spread, he is not a professor nor does he appear to have any teaching position at Harvard. He appears to be a contract employee at Harvard, paid for by private donors.
For a Research Fellow, isn’t the expectation that they would publish papers. There is hardly any publication by Lobsang Sangay. Isn’t ‘publish or perish’ the mantra within academia. What has he been doing for the last 15 years at Harvard?
The more you learn about Lobsang Sangay, less impressed one becomes of his claims. All flash with very little substance. And the more you learn about Tenzin Tethong, more respect you gain for his contributions and experience.
After long and careful examination, my vote goes to Tenzin Tethong. As for those who feel Lobsang Sangay ‘deserves a chance’, I would like to see him as a member of the Kashag in Tenzin Tethong as the Silon.
Question to ask Lobsang Sangay is if he would be willing to serve the Tibetan government in any capacity other than that of the ‘Kalon Tripa’.
Nit-picking on Tibetan term thinking that name Kalon-Tripa doesn’t sit well with “democracy”. Well, the name “minister” for me sounds like minor servant or clergy from a church. Should I say the term “minister” doesn’t sit well with democracy? Should I nit-pick on this?
Tripa doesnot necessarily mean a throne holder. Therefore Kalon Tripa is more appropraite than silon for our Tibetan Prime minister.
Among all Kalon Tripa candidate, I support Tethong Tenzin Namgyal. He is a very brave, honest and farsighted man who can lead Tibetan people in the right direction. I trust him most.
Losang Sangey has more time to run for Kalon Tripa. Presently, he is not ready with his homework regarding unity, innovation and self sufficiency.
I understand it to be that JNla considers LS a real force to be reckoned with.
His parting words:
“Whatever my disagreements with Lobsang la, I think it is important to recognize that he is a serious and unflagging candidate for the Kalon Tripa elections, and that he has made a great contribution to the evolution of the exile political system.”