The Fierce Urgency of Now

I’m sick as a dog. I just got back from a Tibetan Youth Association gathering in Switzerland. I have a massive cold. I’m bunged up with constipation, and jet lag is sitting on my eyelids. Perhaps I did have one too many that last night with my friends, but we couldn’t let go of the conversation, and of the moment – this amazing moment in our history that we are all privileged to be part of. I know the antibiotics I’ve taken are further going to upset my digestion – but I feel fantastic.

It’s so wonderful to live in a world where Tibetans are finally finding a way to take charge of their destiny. China is cracking down hard. We don’t know where it will lead, but we are not going to sit back and give into speculations, second-guessing and losing hope. All we can do is what is what we must do. And we must do it now. Right now.

Senator Barack Obama in one of his speeches (quoting Dr. King) speaks of “The Fierce Urgency of Now“. This is absolutely the spirit with which we must deal with our present crisis. Discussions on long-term strategies are vital, but we must think of immediate ways of keeping the Rangzen flames burning. In the coming days, weeks and months, in between other blogs, I would like to throw out ideas on what we can do. If any of them sound stupid, let me know. Lets have some feedback and your ideas as well. When it comes to ideas my head is like a rabbit’s warren but only one in ten of my inspirations have any legs.


6 Replies to “The Fierce Urgency of Now”

  1. JangNor la,

    You are the one who had vast savvy of histrocal fact about tibet in International sphere. and as you have, you are directing the mass in your own writing and i feel to respect much.
    1 how can we inflame Ranzen urge in Tibetan Youth?
    2 What kind of strategy can be enforced, when youth are getting sick with time and fiercely moving ahead with no proper Direction?
    3 After the Dalia lama Tibetan issue may give u- turn and become steadly powerless,since the current world is under the grip of economic power and no Nation is firmly standing for truth in fact.
    3 So long as Dalia lama is there, there is hope and sources of motivation. Unity and Direction. truth and fact. born and death. what after the Dalia Lama?
    Frankyly Tibet issue is in the hand of International community and no matter how truth it is, we living on the sympathy of international community. our stand is bargin-chip of world politic. we losing our voice when economic santion crept in.
    4 In such how can we take the best advantage out of this

    Special attention

    last year you have visit the India and gave many inspiring talk on our cause, and that had printed so much worth in mind of youngster, we shall be happy if you often in India and educate mass more toward the tibetan cause.

  2. There is hope after HH Dalai lama, one thing we havet to make sure is no politics and religion together, this will f***k us all. And no people like Samdong hold any positions, it would hurt our cause and cause problem for direction, clearafication, vision and strength. We need people who encourage us not disencourage. We need leadership not follower, we need hope and inspiration not weak and self promotion. We must stand together with Tibetans inside Tibet and fight for our freedom and our next generations to come!

  3. Politics requires a leader to be willing to get dirty. Religious personalities, specially a good buddhist monk, do not make effective politicians. How can he when he is trained to love all and desire nothing? His Holiness’ esteem will not deminish if he confines himself to religious affair. We need a charismatic, tough and savvy lay leader who is willing to use any and all means to win our freedom and homeland. Leaders like Samdong lead us two steps backward each time we take a step forward. Thinking Tibetans should meet to brainstorm.

  4. Hi Yakmanok

    Be it religious leader or great politiction, ultimate goal is to serve the people in state.It is the different who think in different in different way, and one who had faulty notion about the world always find everthing different in everyway and everytime
    Our first ever elected priminister Scholar Samdhng Rinpoche will remain most effective and influential leader next to HH Dalia lama.
    Since he hold the Power in Khashag, much inovative c hanges has come to the light of public.
    1 Exile Govt, found new hope of Dimension, which base on tranpency and rationality.
    2 He is the only leader who has guts to lead the people with dignity and Direction.
    3 Because of his unchangable sense of honesity and respect for the mass. these days if one has willing and abilitiy, there is an always open door policy of staff recruitment.That is rarest chance for the common people at one time.
    4 S Rinpoche is person with vision of post modern era and never had in history,that he had taken backward steps, although his aspirations are too good for common head and heart.
    this difference come-out utterly due to fragile knowledge of masses including you and me. not to blame for him PM
    5 If One is buddhist and rich noble cultural sense, one must not be get sick with S Rinpoche our honourable PM
    If person has no clear goal of Middle Path and its Policy, dame sure is getting wrong impression and misinterprited, and for the worse, he will create defamtion, reactive world , and sadly bring kind of rifts between the mass and Govt, between tibetan in Tibet and outside.
    S Rinpoche has a govermental stand and It is the choice of the Tibetan People and noble thought of HH Dalai Lama,which purely base on mutual benefits of Tibetan and chinese. One can not be carried away by the the harmful and nefarious social rumour.

    Strangly we Tibetan hardly percieve the service provided in hidden form and intelectually. with and without religion in politic has both Positive and Negative side It is the people who Takes the matter negatively.

    Free Tibet, Tibetan be united, and Repect our Exicle. Govt.

  5. Hack the software.
    Few days ago , i heard that the official website of hte tibetan govt in exile has been hacked.(we don’t need to guess who has done this. it is obvious).
    i think now it’s our turn to hack the software on the computers that will be used during the olympic where on the giant screen it will be a fun to see Free Tibet instead of athletes result.
    can somebody with IT backround start the project from now?

  6. [The comment below appears to be a fake. The email originated from Chennai and the website given is also a fake. We request readers and commenters not to use this discussion forum for such personal and underhand attacks on JN or other commenters.]

    I do not agree with the writer who is just trying fuel young innocent Tibetans without demaging him. It is an irresponsible or wishful thinking that you will now pick up the struggle from the recent happenings. The moment is still skin deep. It has no depth which is an essential to go to a take off stage. Instead itshould be calm down right now to be risen much stronger in the nearest future. Let August foreby and get each one of us get prepared and plan for the next event where each County or Tibetans had the opportunity to rise up againtst the tyrany. NOt now!

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